Chapter 54 - City Exploration

"Why was Jan born with no ability to use mana and magic? Was he cursed?" I asked Blake.

"Actually, yes. He was born with a curse, it is called 'The Curse of Mana'. The curse came from the God of magic and mana, Manaow." Blake replied.

"Why would a god do that to Jan? Isn't that too cruel?"

"Well, I also don't know but I do know that Jan hates that God. Now, he loathes that God so much that he wants to kill Manaow himself."

"That would take a while for him to accomplish." I replied.

"Anyway kid, don't feel bad that you loss to Jan. Your pretty good to actually stand your ground when facing him. No one in the guild that has the same rank as you has ever lasted more than 5 seconds with Jan. Also considering that everyone of the members in the guild have monster like capabilities." Blake said while smiling at me.

"You should go now Ave and don't worry about finding Jan. I'm sure he'll go to you when he wants a mission to take." Blake continued.

"Alright, and thank you." I said while Blake suddenly disappeared.

"Let's go kid and I'll give your salary for the month." Rose said impatiently.

"So much time was wasted for this useless spar. Hurry up kid and I have a bed waiting for me when we're done." Rose continued while exiting the training grounds.

I nodded and followed Rose quickly. While following Rose, I think about how I will fight Jan next time we'll have a spar. Should I use my full power next time?

'Don't think about using your full capabilities.' Akira commented.

'Your right, Akira. I should still keep some cards up on my sleeve.'

'That's right. Hide some of your powers and only show some of it.'

'Thanks for the reminder, Akira.' I said and ended the conversation.

It took as few minutes to go to the first floor. We went to the front office and Rose took an envelope.

"Here's your salary." Rose said while throwing it towards me. I caught it and looked inside. I can see a purple paper inside making me happy.

"If you don't have anymore questions, I will be getting away now." Rose said while tapping the desk.

"Oh! Can I borrow some money?" I asked quickly fearing of Rose leaving me behind.

"Hmmm... ok kid! But don't do this everyday. How much do you need?"

"How about 2 Purple banknotes?" I asked.

"Alright! Pay me as soon as you have the money." Rose replied while I nodded. She threw me two purple papers and left immediately.

I kept the paper inside my clothes. I didn't use my storage space since I'm afraid there might be eyes looking at me now.

What should I do first from the things I need to do?

'Go to the City Center first and register.' Akira advised.

I nodded to myself and left the Mercenary Guild. I forgot to ask where the City Center is. Since this is the case, I might as well ask some people in the street.

After asking some people in the street, I confirmed that it is also in the center of the kingdom. This makes it easier since Blite will need to take his own Class too. Akira said before that the crystal that gives classes are always at the middle of any settlements. The City Center was close to the castle so it was not hard to find.

I walked for a bit until I saw a building with a sign saying 'City Center' and beside that building is the crystal. I noticed that the crystal is much more bigger compared to the crystal from the village before. It was 3 meters big and 3 meter wide too.

I first entered the City Center since Blite taking his class will be a fast process.

Entering the City Center was amazing. It has a front desk in the middle with four ladies on the counter. There was a line on each personnel. I walked towards the shortest line. I waited for a few minutes until it was my turn.

"How can I serve you sir?" The personnel asked politely.

"Umm, I'm here to register for an ID Card." I replied.

"What is the reason for getting an ID Card?" She asked politely while preparing a paper and pen.

"I lost it so I need a new one." I answered.

The personnel nodded and wrote something on the paper. She then passed me the paper and pen.

"Sir please write your name, sex, and class." The personnel asked politely.

I nodded and wrote on the paper. I then passed the paper back to the lady.

"Please take this number sir and wait for your number to be called. When your number is called please proceed to the right counter besides us." The personnel said while giving me a hard paper with a number of 69 on it.

"Thank you." I said while moving away.

I looked at the next counter and I can see that the current number being assisted is number 48.

Since it will take a bit of time for me to be next, I should get Blite's class first and returned after I finished.

I exited and go towards the crystal. Before I touched the crystal, I talked with Blite.

"Hiss at me Blite when you finished getting your class." I whispered to Blite.

I then touched the crystal and waited for Blite to hiss at me. It took a few minutes before Blite hissed at me.

Afterwards, I went back to the City Center while checking Blite's class. Blite got two classes which made me happy. His two classes are called Dark Chevalier and Shape Shifter.


Dark Chevalier (Level 0/100):

A class that is for the dark beings only. Holds the power to use the Dark Element related skills.

Will help you learn Dark Elemental related skills and level up your Dark Element related skills as the level of the class increases.


It was a decent class but didn't impress me much.


Shape Shifter (Level 0/100):

A special class that only few individual holds. This special class helps the user hold the power to shift his/her appearance to his/her desired look or shape.

Will help you learn shape shifting skills as the level of the class increases.


This class can be helpful. It can maybe let Blite shape shift into a weapon or armor to protect me. Blite can also shape shift into a certain animal that will help me in certain situations like a bird for me to fly on. But for now Blite can't do that. I can only wait for when Blite do learn skills like that.

I returned inside the City Center when I finished checking Blite's classes.

The number moved and I can see that it was number 64 now. I waited for a few minutes until I heard my number being called.

I walked towards the counter and was greeted by a male personnel.

"Hello sir, this is your ID Card you requested. Please check if there are no problems. If your done checking and there are no problems please sign this paper." The personnel said politely.

I nodded while looking at my ID Card. All the information was correct so I took the pen the personnel offered and sign the paper. The paper was just a confirmation of the item being correct and received.

"Please bring this paper sir to the left counter of the front desk. That is the place where you will pay." He said.

"Thank you." I replied while going towards the next counter. I took a line a again and waited for my turn.

After waiting for a few minutes, it was my turn to pay. I passed the paper that was given to me earlier to the personnel in front of me.

The personnel took the paper from my hands and written something on a different paper.

"Sir the total price will be 5 red banknotes." The personnel said while I nodded.

I took a purple banknote from me and passed it towards the personnel. He looked at the paper for a while as if examining if the money was real.

"Here's your change sir and have a good day!" The personnel passed me 95 red banknotes after a few seconds.

"Thank you" I replied while leaving the City Center.

The next stop will be the Accessory Shop. I don't know where that is so I should ask around again. I few asking and I learned where the shop is. They said that it was in the right district. There are two districts in the kingdom which are the left and the right. The right district compose of shops that sell armors, weapons, accessories, and potions while the left district is composed of inns, groceries, churches, guilds, and the library.

I took an hour before I found the Accessory Shop. I went inside and looked around.

The Accessory Shop was full of gems, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, headbands, and I even saw a pocket watch!