Chapter 55 - Accessory Shop

I walked inside and went towards the pocket watch. I really want a watch since I'm a person who wants to know the time every hour or so. This can also help me manage my time so I must buy this watch.

"Hello sir, how may I serve you?" A woman appeared beside me making me startled.

"Oh! Umm... I'm looking for accessories that can disguise a status. Do you have any?" I asked since those accessories are much more important than the watch.

"We do sir. We have some earrings that can disguise your attributes, necklaces that can disguise a skill, bracelets that disguises general informations, and rings that can help disguise your name. What item do you need sir?" The lady said while guiding me towards those items.

"I need the bracelets. Can I look at the bracelets?"

"Yes sir. Here." She said while showing me a variety of bracelets.

There were different sizes and colors of the bracelets. I picked two blue colored bracelets that was a size fitting for Rory and Rai.

"I picked this two. How much will these items cost me?" I asked the lady.

"That will be 60 red banknotes sir." The lady said. They were cheaper than I thought.

"Ok I'll buy this and how much is these pocket watches." I asked the lady while pointing at the pocket watches.

"They have varying prices that ranges from 40 red banknotes to 10 purple banknotes. Which do you want sir?"

I looked at the pocket watches one by one and was having a hard time choosing. I don't really need an expensive one. I want it cheap and sturdy at the same time.

"What is the cheapest and sturdiest one in this pocket watches?" I asked the lady.

"This one is the cheapest and sturdiest pocket watch sir. It is made with wolfram metal so it is priced by 90 red banknotes sir." The lady explained while holding a silver colored watch.

"I'll take it." I said while looking around the shop. I want to see if I can find other items that may be useful for me.

After an hour of looking, I saw an eye glasses. I can still remember in my old world wearing eye glasses before.

Wait! How can I remember myself wearing eye glasses before!? I remember before that I have no memories from my old world pertaining on myself. Does this mean some of my memories are returning?

I looked at the eye glasses again and I feel a mix emotions of happiness and sadness when looking at it. I don't know why but I have the urge to wear one and the urge to destroy it. This makes me feel complicated.

'Ave, are you ok?' Akira asked worriedly.

'I... don't know?' I answered.

'Why do I have a memory of me wearing eye glasses before and why do I feel this mix emotions of happiness and sadness when looking at it?' I continued.

'I don't know... but maybe some of your memories from the past resurfaced when you saw this particular object. Don't think of it for now and think something else.' Akira advised.

'Your... your right. Thank you, Akira.'

'Your welcome and how about buying that eye glasses. It might also help you regain some of your memories.'

'Ok.' I replied and ended the conversation.

"How much is this pair of glasses?" I asked the lady while pointing at the black eye glasses.

"It is priced for 1 purple banknote sir. It has a high price since it has the skill 'Clear Eye Sight' sir. The skill will help your eyes have a clear eye sight when you wear it no matter how bad your eye sight is. Also the eye glasses won't go off your head if you pour mana on it, making it not fall off even in the middle of a battle." She explained.

"I'll take it and lastly do you have an item that can help with communication no matter how far the distance is?" I asked.

I wanted this item since it will help me call Rory and Rai if I need help. This can also help them if they need me for something.

"We have sir but the item can only let you talk with the other person within the continent. Outside of the continent will not be available." The lady explained.

"Here are the items sir. This items comes with pairs and priced for 20 red banknotes." The lady said while holding two pink pouches.

"I'll take it. How much are all the items?" I asked.

"This way sir and I'll compute the total bill for you." She then guided me towards the counter. Then she wrote something on the paper while I waited.

"The total is 2 purple banknotes and 70 red banknotes sir." She said after she finished writing on the paper. She passed me the paper. The items was listed on the paper and prices beside the items. At the bottom of the paper is the total fee.

I still have 2 purple banknotes and 95 red banknotes. I passed her the exact amount of the fee.

"Thank you sir, please wait as I put the items inside a bag." She said while putting all the items inside a paper bag. When she was done, she passed it to me.

"Thank you." I said and then exited the shop.

As I was walking on the street. I took out the eye glasses on the paper bag. I wore it and felt a nostalgic feeling. I felt that the eye glasses was the missing part of my body. I can feel that my eye sight really did improve. I can see a bit more clearly now compared to before.

I walked on the street while thinking of a thing that I should do next.

'How about going outside the kingdom and letting Rory and Rai start there adventure?' Akira suggested.

'Okay.' I said.

While walking, I looked at the sky and saw that it is still early. I then checked the time. The small stick is pointing at a symbol that means the number 2 while the big stick is pointing at the number 9. So it is 2:45 now.

Thinking about the time made me curious how many months do this world have.

'Akira how many months do this world have?' I asked.

'There are 12 months per year. The months is then divided by the four basic elements which are the wind, fire, earth, and water. This elements represent the weather that we face each month or in your world it is called seasons. So the year starts with the wind season which are the Aeoliny, Freyery, Mariach months. Next is the fire season and the months included are called Alishnil, Maiy, and Jehe. Then the earth season which are the Jasmy, Azealt, and Sethuner month. And lastly, the water season which are the Oceaner, Nerer, and Delter months.' Akira explained while I continued walking towards the gate.

'So which day is it today?' I asked.

'I don't know but the weather is currently normal so maybe it is the earth season. You should ask someone in the streets when you have the opportunity to.' Akira said.

'Last question, how many days do a month have?'

'Each month is composed of 30 days.' Akira answered.

So 30 days per month, and if I multiplied that by 12 it will result to 360 days per year.

After a bit of walking, I asked some people on the street what was the date today. They answered that it was Jasmy 12, 4567. I was a bit surprised by the year but didn't think about it too much. Akira was right that it was the earth season today.

I walked for a bit until I can see the familiar gate from before. I walked towards the gate until a guard went towards me.

"Good afternoon sir, please show your ID Card and you may proceed to exit." The guard said. I took out my ID Card and passed it to the guard.

He then wrote something on a paper and passed my ID Card back.

"Have a safe journey sir!" The guard said while I walked out the gate.

When I was outside the gate, I saw some guards in front the big gate. Since I don't know where a forest reside, I might as well ask them to fasten the process.

"Good afternoon sir, can I ask which forest is closest to the kingdom?" I asked the guard.

"Just go towards the south east of this direction sir you will see the forest within 30 minutes." The guard said.

"Thank you!" After saying my thanks, I walked towards the direction the guard said.

While I was walking, I talked with Akira. I can see the trees when 25 minutes of walking passed.

I entered the forest immediately and tried to find a secluded place for me to summon Rory and Rai.

It took me a few minutes to find a secured place. I then checked again the place to be sure. After making sure that it was safe, I summoned Rory and Rai.