Chapter 58 - Library and Training

I woke up and made myself ready. I took a shower and then wore my armor and gauntlets.

When I was wearing my gauntlets, I saw Blite. This made me curious if the little snake is hungry since I haven't fed it with anything yet.

"Blite are you hungry?" I asked the little snake. It hissed at me and swayed his head by left and right. It was as if saying he wasn't hungry.

'Hey Akira, is something wrong with Blite? He hasn't eaten since I took him with me. Won't he starve to death if this continues?' I asked Akira.

'Don't worry about that because he won't. You should remember that you have a shared status with Blite. Since you share a status, when you eat food; it's like Blite is also eating food.' Akira explained.

'This makes sense now. I thought I would have killed Blite unintentionally.' I said while letting a breath out.

I looked at Blite and stroked him. Now that this question is answered, I should go out and eat breakfast. I looked at the time and it says 5:30. I slept early last night so it is only natural that I woke up early.

I went outside and walked towards the canteen. A few minutes passed, and I have arrived at the canteen. I looked around and I can see a few people eating there own breakfast. There was about 6 people eating in the canteen. I don't know them so I didn't bother to share with a table.

I took a seat on an empty table and rang the bell. Soon a lady came while serving me a toast bread, scrambled eggs, fruits, and a cupcake on the side. She then placed a milk, coffee, and water at table. After giving me a plate and utensils did she left.

I ate the food while savoring the flavors invading my mouth. Until I was disturbed by a person.

He sat at my table without even asking for my permission. It was Jan and he was also served with food by the lady. He didn't spoke so I did the same.

I continued eating my food while Jan did the same. It was kind of awkward facing this situation. We didn't talk until we finished eating. I was about to stand up when Jan spoke.

"We'll meet at the Guild's first floor after 15 days. 6:00 in the morning. Don't be late." Jan said and left afterwards.

I was stunned for awhile and then left after recovering. I exited the Guild and went towards the forest to start with my training.

I arrived at the forest after a few minutes of walking. I looked at my time and it says 7:00. I still have plenty of time to practice.

I first looked at my status before starting my practice. I can see that I leveled up by 2 levels since then. Rory and Rai must have started there own adventure now.

I then summoned Nixie to start my training.

"Good morning Nixie." I said while smiling at Nixie.

"Hello Ave!" Nixie said while flying around me.

"I want you to help me Nixie with my training. Can you do that?" I asked.

"Of course!" Nixie replied.

"Thank you. I want you to use Water Magic while attacking me while Blite will do the same by attacking me with Dark Magic." I said.

"Hmmm alright!" Nixie replied.

"Blite please cooperate and attack me with Dark Magic." I said to Blite. It hissed at me and did what I said. It removed itself from my finger and enlarged by a size of a meter stick.

I took a sit on the ground and said:


They then started to attack me with spells. I took the damage head on, and when my HP got into a dangerous number they'll stop attacking. We'll then wait for my HP to recover before attacking again. We did this the whole afternoon.

The whole training helped me evolve my HP Regeneration to HP Recovery. My HP Recovery is level 1 now. My MP Regeneration also leveled up by 3 levels since Blite and Nixie was using my mana the whole time of the training.

The other good news is my Pain Resistance leveling up by 2 points and eventually evolving it into Pain Immunity. The Pain Immunity let's me not feel any kinds of pain. This was good and bad since when I use Pain Immunity I won't feel any pain from the attacks of my enemy no matter how painful it is. The downside is with no feeling of pain, I wouldn't know if I'm receiving damage if I'm attack by something I can't see like for example, poison. Thankfully, I can turn this skill on and off whenever I want.

My Water and Dark Magic also leveled up by 1 level with the help of Nixie and Blite.

"This will be the end of our training for today. Thank you Nixie and Blite." I said to the both of them while standing up from the ground.

I can see that many of my blood is on the ground but didn't mind. I felt hungrier this time compared to yesterday. This might be the effect of using HP Recovery a couple of times.

"Nixie we'll continue this tommorow. You can return now to the Mana Galaxy to rest." I said to Nixie.

Nixie nodded while returning inside of me. I looked at Blite and said:

"You can change back to being a ring now Blite."

Blite hissed and turned back into a ring size. It then curled itself on my finger. Afterwards, I left the forest and went back to the guild.

It took me a few minutes to go back into the guild since I was so hungry. I went to the canteen with big strides.

When I arrived, I quickly tried to find an empty table to eat on. I found one after a few seconds, I run to it and took a sit while ringing the bell.

Then a man came out while serving me a chicken curry with rice. He also served me an ice tea and water for me to drink on.

When he left, I immediately took a bite. The food was gone after 2 minutes but I was still hungry so I rang the bell for another serving.

The same man came out and gave me the same kind of food. After I finished eating the food I was served, I rang the bell again since I still felt the hunger.

This kind of cycle happened for 2 more times before I felt my hunger subsiding. I burped when I finished eating while rubbing my belly. The effect of abusing the use of HP Regeneration is actually scary if one doesn't have food. Now, I know what the HP Regeneration needs to be constantly used. Thankfully I don't have to worry about this kind of training because I have the guild providing me with free unlimited food.

I rested at the canteen for a while before standing up and going to the library. I looked at the time while walking at the hallway. It was 6:00 now but I plan to read until 9:00 before going to sleep.

I arrived at the library after a few minutes. The shelves are arranged in a circle. Since I don't have a clue where to start, I might as well do a clockwise rotation of reading. I went towards the right side and picked a random book to read on.

It took me 3 hours to finish a single book. The book was all about the current discovered elemental magic in the world and it's uses. I learned that the world has 4 basic elements which are the Fire, Water, Wind, and Earth. These 4 elements are the normal elements a person can be born with.

Next are the 4 pillars of elements which are the Light, Dark, Space, and Time. The 4 pillars of elements are rare elements that only a selective people can be born with.

The next kind of elements are called the advance elements. This elements have no exact number since many are being discovered as time pass by. The current elements listed on the book are: Lightning, Ice, Crystal, Wood, Poison, Lava, Psychic, Metal, Blood, and Sound elements. They said that these advance elements came from the combined elements of the 4 basic elements and 4 pillars of elements. One example of this is the Ice Element, it is a combined element of water and wind.

The last kind of elements are called the dimensional elements. This elements are the Aether, and Nether Elements. Aether element is the pure form of mana and aura. Aura is the energy that knights use when they reach enlightenment. Aether is also considered the mana that the Gods' use. While the Nether element has the power to control life and death. They are mostly associated with the use of necromancy. This two elements are special that it was only seen used by a few people in the world.

The book was mostly covered with that subject. After I finished the book, I went to my room and took a shower.

When I was done with my shower, I laid in my bed and slept.