Chapter 62 - First Mission 3

I stood there for a whole minute until I managed to calm down. I felt exhausted and wanted to finish this mission early so I just ordered my ice minions to go to the last hallway and kill everyone there.

My ice minions followed my order and went into the hallway on the back of the stairs. I followed from behind while I watch them kill everyone on the hallway.

The hallway leads to the kitchen. Chefs and maids are the only people inside the kitchen. The ice minions then proceeded to do there job by killing all the people inside.

After five minutes, I was the only person breathing in the room. Since I was done killing everyone in the room, I went outside and waited for Jan to return.

"You're done?" Nixie asked when she saw me getting out of the mansion.

I didn't gave a reply and only nodded. I was not in the mood to talk right now so I just made an ice chair and sat on it.

Nixie didn't ask anymore questions and just let me be. I then unsummoned my ice minions since I want to hide this skill from Jan.

I let the ice golem stay with Nixie controlling it. We waited for 30 minutes until we saw a person crushing down on the ground from the mansion.

It was Jan and he was full of wounds. A sinister laugh can be heard from the mansion. The whole mansion crumbled and a golem made out of rocks emerged.

It was 7 meters high making my ice golem look like a child. On top of the golem is a man with a sword wound on his chest.

"Since everyone from my family is dead, I'll bring you both assassins with them!" The man said while laughing hysterically.

He must have gone crazy when all his family members died. The Baron was busy laughing so I took that chance to look at Jan's condition.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked Jan while helping him stand up.

"I'm fine. These wounds we'll heal after a few minutes. Can you distract the Baron and give me sometime to heal?" Jan asked.

I nodded and sat at my own golem's shoulder.

"Nixie control the golem and try to distract the Baron. I'll be the one to attack while you focus on our defense." I said to Nixie.

"Leave it to me!" Nixie replied while controlling the ice golem to attack the other golem.

I forgotten to turn off my Ice Domain but I didn't mind since our opponent is harder to kill. I then compressed a large amount of ice element into a ball and then threw it to the golem. It was an ice beam but it only managed to turn the golem's arm into ice for a second.

"What a puny attack! Let me show you how it's done." The Baron said while throwing large boulders at us.

I then made an giant ice wall to defend from the attack. It cost plenty of mana since it was pretty big.

The wall was destroyed when the 7th boulder hit the wall. The wall crumbled into smaller pieces, I then took that chance to melt the ice and turn it into water.

I then made huge water whips to disable the golem. I then made 20 ice spears and used that spears to attack the Baron.

With the golem being disabled from moving, the Baron flicked his arm and made a dome made of rocks.

The ice spears managed to penetrate it but I didn't hear the Baron scream. It seems that the ice spears didn't reach him.

I frowned while Nixie attacked the opposing golem using the ice golem. The rock golem of the Baron was harder to destroy since it was made of rocks and I can even see cracks forming in my ice golem's weapon.

I mended it by using ice magic and while I did that, the Baron removed the earth dome and looked at me with angry eyes.

"You almost killed me there kid but thankfully you're weaker than me." The Baron said while flicking his fingers.

Suddenly the ground shook beneath us and a tentacle like structure came out disabling my ice golem.

Nixie controlled the ice golem to remove the tentacles restraining it but the ground shook again and this time a big spike made of earth came out.

"Get out of the ice golem, Nixie!" I shouted at Nixie while jumping down. Nixie nodded and grabbed on my clothes. She then sat at my shoulder while we land on the ground.

The ice golem was destroyed by that attack leaving us with a difficult situation.

"Hahahahahaha! See how puny your ice golem is. One attack from me and it was destroyed!" The old man said. I didn't reply but instead made an ice wing for us to fly with.

I never did this before but it was worth a shot. Staying in the ground is dangerous since the Baron can borrow the earth for his attacks.

I made an ice wing that looks like a dragon's wing. I made it to be one meter wide. It was big enough for my size. I then tried flapping it and hoped that it will succeed.

My hope didn't fail and we did manage to fly in the sky but I was still not able to control it perfectly. This kind of magic is draining my mana by 1% per minute but I can still manage since I can overlap the usage of mana by my MP Recovery.

The Baron saw this but didn't gave me chance to master my control on flying. He then threw different kinds of attack like a boulder, a barrage of small stones from the ground and even the tentacles that was made of earth was trying to make me fall to the ground.

The Baron even used his golem to catch me. At first I was having a hard time and he even put a hole on one of my wings but I was able to mend it quickly before we're attack again.

Nixie was helpful in blocking some of the Baron's attack by making ice shields around us. Right now, I didn't have my shadow clones so I have a perfect control over my body, surroundings, and even the ice wings thanks to Parallel Thinking and Thought Acceleration.

This kind of cycle lasted for 3 more minutes until I heard Jan's voice.

"I'll help you now! Thanks for giving me enough time to heal!" Jan said while running towards the golem.

"You little pest again!?" The Baron said and even turned his focus on Jan.

Seeing that the Baron was distracted, I took that chance to summon water tentacles on the golem and then freezing it to make it harder to remove.

The Baron saw this and then attacked me again with small rocks that look like bullets. I just smiled since he actually strayed his focus on Jan. I fended his attack by making an ice dome and then covered it with a water dome.

I can't see a thing since I was covered by a dome and just waited until I heard no sounds of the small rocks hitting my ice dome. When I don't hear anymore sounds, I removed the water and ice domes.

I can see that Jan is now having a close combat fight with the Baron. The golem was now motionless cause the Baron has no chance in controlling the golem with Jan distracting him so took that chance and made a huge ice hand. I then used the giant ice hand to destroy the golem. That giant ice hand used up 60% of my mana but my goal succeeded.

The golem crumbled, and now Jan and the Baron are both falling towards the ground. I then made ice spikes all over the ground while I flew towards Jan.

I caught Jan while the Baron tried copying me by making wings made of rocks. He succeeded in making one but was unable to control it leading him towards the ground.

He fell down and was pierced by the ice spikes. I was about to ready my next spell but I saw that the Baron's head was impaled by an ice spike.

I then landed on a safe ground. This kind of battle was exhausting. I don't think, I'd take another mission for this month.

"We need to run now! Let's go back to the Kingdom immediately cause I'm sure that reinforcements will come here. That huge golem that you and the Baron made has surely attracted some attentions from the outside." Jan said while I nodded.

"Alright, I'll use my wings and fly towards the Kingdom." I said to Jan.

"I'd like that too but we shouldn't. We'll be going on foot. We'll not take the main road and instead take a different route." Jan said.

"Where?" I asked.

"We'll go towards the forest and need to pass by a mountain. Remember the mountain we saw earlier in our journey towards here? We'll be crossing that to arrive to the Kingdom." Jan explained.

"Now hurry up!" Jan said while running out of the Baron's mansion.