Chapter 61 - First Mission 2

After I was done summoning the Ice Minions, I looked around the right wing. I can that there are five door here. Two doors on each side and one door on my front.

I can already hear the footsteps of the soldiers coming to my direction. Since Nixie was destroying the right wing also, she must have destroyed the right most part of the mansion.

I went to the door in front of me and I can see that the wall did collapse. I can see Nixie and the soldiers fighting outside. The soldiers was throwing different magics at the ice golem.

I then ordered the 8 ice minions to help Nixie out. They followed my order and went to Nixie, this shocked the other soldiers and looked at my direction.

Suddenly, a stone flew pass me.

"You'll pay for attacking our family, you vermin!" A woman's voice came at my left side.

I didn't notice that someone was in the room this whole time. I was focused on the ice golem that I have forgotten to check the room if there are survivors.

I didn't talk back with the woman, and just appraised her. She was level 143 but I was not impress. I then summoned a rain of ice needles on top of the woman.

She blocked it by making an earth dome. I then covered that earth dome with an ice dome. I then made 10 big ice spears and impaled it into the ice dome.

I can then hear cries coming out of the ice dome. I didn't mind it and just continued attacking the ice dome with ice spears until I can't hear the cries anymore.

Soon 10 guards was coming in my direction.

"How dare you kill our young miss!?" A man said that has a different attire compared to the others. He wore a full body armor and has a cape at his back. He also has a shield and sword.

I didn't replied to him but instead jumped outside to team up with Nixie.

"Nixie, I'll pass you the control of the Ice Minions! Do your best to control the situation! Leave the attacking to me! Also, summon more ice minions when you can see that I have more than 20% of my total mana." I said to Nixie when I got to her side.

"Got it!" She replied while controlling the ice minions to be beside the ice golem

I then controlled my shadow clones to attack sneakily at the enemies. Right now, we are facing 30 soldiers, and 5 personal knights with different weapons. One woman was holding a bow, two men was holding a spear, another woman was holding a staff, and lastly was the man from before.

The soldiers was only using spears and have a bit of armor around there body. I and my shadow clones made an attack by raining down ice needles to all the enemies.

They can't dodge the attack since they are being hit by the ice golem while the ice minions was trying to attack them.

I then remembered that I forgotten to use my Ice Domain. I then turned on the use of Ice Domain, and suddenly snowflakes started to rain down at the area. My Ice Domain looks like this now:


Ice Domain (Level 3):

You can have a ice domain that reaches 15 meters around you. Can create a snow field inside the ice domain. You will be able to control the ice inside freely without using mana. Using this skill does not consume mana.


A snow field was starting to form around me and this made us have an environment advantage.

"Where did this snow come from!?" One of 5 personal knights shouted.

"Wait! This is a Domain skill! Only powerful existence have this kind of power!" The woman holding a staff said.

While they were distracted, I appraised them. The soldiers was easy prey since they are only leveled between 110 to 145. The real threat is from the 5 knights. The weakest from them is level 158 while the strongest is level 186.

This will be a hard fight than I imagined. I should first kill all the soldiers before going towards the five.

This time my mana has recovered by a bit so Nixie used that time to summon 5 more ice minions. Now we have 13 ice minions.

"Nixie, try to kill all the weak soldiers first while I distract the 5 knights. Please to make it fast since I needed a back up after." I went towards Nixie and whispered my order.

Nixie nodded and I then made different ice weapons to attack the 5 knights. This gain the attention of the 5 knights. This might be dangerous but I can't let them help out the soldiers. Right now, we have a disadvantage with numbers so we can only slowly make more ice minions as time pass by.

The shield and sword wielder then dashed towards me while the two spear wielding knights followed. I was not afraid with a close combat battle since I saw that they only have Intermediate Arts. The Guild really has many little monsters inside to have many members achieving Advance Arts, and that was only the lowest rank holders in the Guild.

I didn't run away but faced them head on. Why should I be afraid when I have 8 shadow clones beside me that has more than 50% of my total stats.

While I was fighting the three men an arrow was going to my head but I anticipated it already so I blocked it with an ice shield.

Then something sharp passed by my arm leaving me with a small wound. I already know that the one holding the staff is an Adept Wind Mage. It was a bit hard to notice her attack since wind magic is made up of air.

I was having a hard time keeping up with 5 enemies, I can only hope that Nixie kills all the soldiers faster.

10 minutes passed, and my body has some wounds now but thankfully I have HP Recovery. Three of my shadow clones was destroyed now making it harder to fend the five off.

Nixie has already summoned 12 more ice minions and I can see that she was almost done killing the soldiers.

"You despicable killer. You distracted us so you can kill our soldiers!" The sword and shield wielder shouted at me.

I didn't mind him and instead attacked him to get his attention on me.

"I'll kill you!" He shouted and started to madly slash at me. I can easily block or dodge his attack but with the other 4 supporting him, it was making it harder to find an opportunity to attack, dodge, and block.

Five minutes passed again until all the soldiers died. Nixie then came towards me with 27 Ice Minions following her. I smiled at the five when I saw this.

They have grave expression now and this time the tables have turned. It took us 10 minutes to kill the five knights.

By now my Ice Minion is 30 plus. This battle leveled me up by 3 levels making me happy. Blite leveled up the most by 6 levels.

"Nixie, stay here and wait for me. Attack anyone who comes out. Don't leave a single being alive." I said while I went inside the mansion again with the 30 plus ice minions.

Nixie nodded while watching me go inside. I went inside and started to kill everyone inside the first floor. No one was particularly strong inside the ground floor. I killed everyone on the right wing and went towards the left wing next.

The right wing was full of women and men that was age between 40 to 50.

I went towards the left wing, and saw some teenagers cowering in fear. I was having a hard time to kill them since they're still young and innocent. I looked at them with my hands trembling.

'Just kill them, Ave. This is unlike your peaceful world. You're not there right now and this kinds of things is normal to experience in this world. Kill them and steel your heart.' Akira said.

'But won't I be the same as my brother? What you're making me is the same as my brother, a monster! I don't want to be a mindless killer.' I replied.

'You know for the minute you stepped in the Mercenary Guild that you will have to do these kinds of job! Steel your heart and just kill them!' Akira ordered me.

'I... I can't do it. The first time I came here, I was still able to bare seeing corpses and then killing humans that was old but children... I can't kill the innocent. They don't know a thing!' I retorted.

'Do you know that if you let them live they will only seek revenge towards you? You letting them live is much crueller than killing them. When they survived this, no one will support them and they can turn into slaves. The Wuchowsen Kingdom might be peaceful but the other Kingdoms are not!'

'I... I can't. I'll let my ice minions do it.' I said while I attempted to leave the room.

"Please if you'll kill us. Can you let my baby sister alive? She's innocent! Please let her live!" A 13 year old boy shouted while holding a baby.

'Don't you dare take the baby! A baby will only be a burden on our upcoming fights. You can't possibly take it. Just kill it!' Akira advised.

'But... the kid was right. The baby is innocent. I can't possibly kill it, right?' I said.

'Ughh, just kill it or I'll kill you! I was like you before Ave but a soft heart only led me to my demise. I won't let that happen to you!' Akira said.

Suddenly, I can't control my body as if someone is controlling it now.

'Leave your body to me for now. I'll show you how it's done!' Akira said.

He then summoned many ice spears letting it impale all the children inside the room. He killed all the children inside while I can't do anything and just watched this happen. I tried regaining control of my body but only failed from each attempt I tried.

Akira then killed all the people on the left wing. When he was sure that no one was alive in the left wing, he returned my body's control.

I stood at the same spot for a whole 10 minutes while a tear came out of me.

'I thought you died since you're just standing there for like 10 minutes. Almost all the mana I saved was gone thanks to you!' Akira said.

'You... you killed them all!' I madly shouted at Akira.

'Hmph, I did you a favor and you should be thanking me. I'll rest for now, and don't forget the hallway behind the stairs.' Akira said leaving me with the guilt I felt.