Chapter 69 - Evolution 3

Once I was done with my evolution, I summoned my shadow clones and let them hunt again.

But before I let my shadow clones go I named the little bird 'Ice' and let it join them. I want it to gain experience points also. If it die then it dies, I can summon another one anyway.

"Should we go out?" I asked Nixie and Blite.

"I don't think it's a good idea to go out yet. It's only been 2 days since we got here. I'm afraid that the knights are still close to us." Nixie replied.

"Alright. Let's train instead then." I said to the both of them.

This happened for a week until I felt confident enough that the knights are gone. I was about to go out now and go down the mountain.

Before that I checked my status.


Name: Ave

Race: Evil Ice Emperor Humanoid Cat (Adolescent)

Realm: Earth

Tier: 5


• Adept Ice Mage (Level 7/100)

• Adept Monk (Level 7/100)

• Shadow Overlord (Level 7/100)

• Sinful Confanonier (Level 7/100)


• Sin of Gluttony [Baron] (Level MAX)

• Sin of Envy [Baron] (Level MAX)

• Ice Emperor (Level MAX)

• Soul Link (Level 1)

Level: 210

Experience (EXP): 4670/ 8440


Health points (HP): 12260 / 12260

Mana points (MP): 12260 / 12260

Strength (STR): 844 [+422]

Vitality (VIT): 844 [+422]

Dexterity (DEX): 844 [+422]

Intelligence (INT): 844 [+422]

Wisdom (WIS): 844 [+253]


Active Skills:

• Extreme Slash (Level 1)

• Snow Magic (Level 15)

• Demonic Water Magic (Level 9)

• Space Magic (Level 5)

• Abyssal Dark Magic (Level 5)

• High Stealth (Level 2)

• Frost Minion Summon (Level 3)

• Frost Heal (Level 3)

• Spirit Summon (Level 1)

• Servant Slot (Level MAX)

• Ice Creature Creation (Level 2)

• Snow Illusion (Level 2)

Passive Skills:

• Poison Body (Level 4)

• Snow Resistance (Level 15)

• Demonic Water Resistance (Level 9)

• Snow Manipulation (Level 1)

• Demonic Water Manipulation (Level 9)

• Abyssal Dark Resistance (Level 5)

• HP Recovery (Level 7)

• Advance Gauntlet Arts (Level 11)

• Ice Domain (Level 4)

• Pain Immunity (Level MAX)

• MP Recovery (Level 4)

• Presence Detection (Level 3)

Perception Skills:

• Appraisal (Level MAX)

• Language Comprehension (All)

• Improved Dark Vision (Level 2)

• Thought Acceleration (Level 5)

• Parallel Thinking (Level 5)

• Disguise Status (Level MAX)

Unique Skills:

• Consume (Level MAX)

• Shadow Copy (Level 2)

• Change Form (Level MAX)

• Five Lives (Level MAX)

• Demonic Transformation (Level 2)

• Overconsumption (Level MAX)

• Envy's Eye (Level MAX)


My level increased, and it even let my classes evolve to there next Grade. It was fun watching it evolved but nothing particularly happened.

The only thing that evolved on my skill is my Frost Manipulation evolving to Snow Manipulation.

I was now able to use a grade 2 ice magic without using mana but it was only in tier 1.

I almost forgotten that my 'Four Lives' has also evolved into 'Five Lives'. Now I have 5 lives that can save me. I mean 4 lives since I already used the other one.

Next, Blite leveled up to 215 but his skills didn't evolve yet.

After I finished checking my skills, I heard a loud chirp coming from the outside of the cave. I went outside with Nixie and Blite to only see an eagle.

It was Ice and he was now a tier 3 monster and leveled up to 75. It flew around me and landed on my shoulder. I patted it while Blite pushed the big bird away.

"My big brother!" Blite was better in speaking now. It trained hard with Nixie being his teacher.

The bird flew and pecked Blite's head. Blite tried to retaliate but the bird went behind me. Nixie was looking at us while laughing.

"I'm jealous that those two are both trying to get your attention, and here I am always taking care of them but not being there favorite person. Hmph!" Nixie said playfully.

"Enough with the playing you two." I scolded both Blite and Ice. They both stopped but glared at each other.

"It's time for us to leave this cave and return to the Kingdom." I said while looking at the cave we stayed for almost two weeks.

I wonder how Jan is doing. I can't shake the feeling of worry for Jan. I wish I'm strong now to have the strength to face the knights and save Jan from this disaster.

Before leaving the cave, I melted all the ice and ordered my ice minions to come in this place.

I then summoned my shadow clones to help us to our journey. Right now, I have 6 shadow clones that can help me in battle.

"Let's go." I said to the others when I finished with my preparation.

"Nixie you'll be in charge of the ice minions while I'm in charge of the shadow clones. Blite please turn into a snake and return to my finger. I need your mana for the incoming battles. Ice go above us but be only 5 meters above the ground, I don't want you being killed by other flying monsters. Chirp when you see an enemy." I gave my orders to the three and they immediately followed.

I and Nixie were in the middle of the the formation while above me is Ice. Surrounding us is my 6 shadow clones and surrounding the shadow clones are 10 ice minions.

With this formation, the ice minion will help us be alerted when a monster attacks. Even if the monster kills the ice minions, we will be prepared to counter attack.

"Nixie, I want your suggestion on my plan." I said to Nixie before moving.

"Okay so what's the plan?" Nixie asked.

"I'm contemplating between going down the mountain or continuing to go up. If we go down, there might be knights waiting for us but if we go up, strong monsters are what awaits us. So should we go up or down the mountain?" I asked.

"Hmmm... I think we should go up. I mean if we do face the knights and manage to kill them, it won't help since other knights from the kingdom will know that you're still alive or they will think that there is a third assassin in the mountain. I also remember that you have that pouch thing that helps communicate with others in this continent. If you have that then the knights will have that too so they can call for reinforcements. We should go up because even if monsters up there are strong it doesn't mean we'll stay weak. We can level up and be strong enough to face them." Nixie explained.

"That's what I was thinking too so it's decided then. We'll go up the mountain." I said.

We then went up the mountain while facing some monsters along the way. It was hard to kill them since they are higher levels than us but we can still manage because of our numbers.

When we're facing monsters that go in groups we'll try to retreat and go around them to avoid confronting them but if we do have no choice but to fight them, we'll leave our ice minions while me and the others run away.

It was better to sacrifice my ice minions than sustaining greater damage on the group. This happened a couple of times and we mostly encountered a group of homogoblins.

"Don't you think that there are so many homogoblins in this mountain?" I asked Nixie.

"I also noticed that. I think there is a lair here." Nixie replied.

"We should avoid that place then. Since we faced so many homogoblins, I can only guess that there number is many. We can't possibly face that many numbers." I said.

"That's the only thing we can do. Facing homogoblins that are leveled between 250 to 350 are hard. Some of the homogoblins even floats in the sky." Nixie said.

We did face some homogoblins that floats on the sky and they can manage to go up to 5 meters above the ground. I was jealous to see that but I didn't use my copying skill yet.

Akira explained that I will learn how to fly when I reach the Sky Realm. Akira said that reaching level 300 will be the requirement for me to pass the Sky Realm.

"We should hurry up and find a resting place for the night." I said to Nixie while looking at the time on my pocket watch.

It was already 4:30 in the afternoon so we should find a place to rest before continuing to go up.

An hour passed and we found an open space that was beside a cliff. I used my ice magic and summoned an ice wall to cover us.

"Nixie order the ice minions to guard the place." I said while Nixie nodded.

I then ordered my shadow clones to also guard us while hiding in the darkness. I also turned on my Ice Domain.

I then made a small house made of ice. I then covered the whole place with an ice dome that has holes all over it.

While I was doing that, Nixie was summoning tons of ice minions until I was only left with 20% of my total mana.

"You rest first Nixie, and then I'll wake you up later when it's your turn to guard the place." I said to Nixie.

"Thanks." Nixie said while going to the small house.

I then made an ice chair and sat on it. I looked at the sky while thinking about the future plans I need to do.