Chapter 73 - Down

Clematis then turned into a small little flower that was a size of a thumb. It was similar to what happened to Nixie when we made a contract. The small flower then went to my forehead.

The sad thing is, the other purple flowers on the mountain are starting to die. It must be because Clematis is the one providing energy to those flowers or maybe those flowers are part of Clematis.


Your Spirit Summon leveled up!


You learned Mystical Flora Magic (Level 2)!


You learned Mystical Flora Resistance (Level 2)!


You learned Mystical Flora Manipulation (Level 2)!

I heard several notifications, and the crazy thing is, my Spirit Summon leveled up by 5 times. It made me curious why did that happen.

'It is because of how high Clematis' level is compared to you. Her Wood Magic is even in the 5th Grade Magic while your Ice Magic is currently in the 3rd Grade. It makes sense that your Spirit Summon skill will level up multiple of times.' Akira explained.

'You're saying that if I make a contract with other powerful elemental spirits, my Spirit Summon skill will level up by multiple of times?'

'Kind of like that but with your current situation you will need a much more powerful elemental spirit compared to Clematis to level up your Spirit Summon skill by a lot.' Akira replied.

'Alright.' I said, and then end the conversation.

I checked my Spirit Summon skill and apparently I can now summon 2 elemental spirits. I can also revive them when they die after 6 days.

I then summoned Clematis, and soon a flower came out. It was still the purple flower. It was floating at the ground, and it turned into a fist size flower.

"Hello, Ave." Clematis greeted.

"Hi, Clematis. Will you stay like a flower from now on?" I asked since I don't know where to put her.

"Yes, I'm very comfortable in this form already. " It said.

"Are you a girl or a boy, Clematis?" I asked curiously.

"I don't have any gender even your other elemental spirit has no gender." It answered.

I then remembered that I haven't introduced Nixie yet to Clematis.

"Clematis this is Nixie a dual elemental spirit. She has the power of water and ice elements." I said while Nixie smiled towards Clematis.

"Hi, Clematis!" Nixie cheerfully said.

"Hello, I'm Clematis. I'm a wood elemental spirit. Nice to meet you Nixie." It said while a vine came out from it's body. It must be intending to have a hand shake with Nixie.

Nixie took it while shaking that vine.

"Should I just call you sister?" Nixie said to Clematis with beaming eyes.

"Sure." Clematis said while Nixie jumped as if she gained a treasure.

She must have been longing to meet another elemental spirit like her. I understand her, I was like her before when I wanted to go find other humans.

"Would you just continue floating Clematis while we go down the mountain?" I asked.

"Could I just attach myself to your body?" She asked. I'm gonna start thinking it's a girl since Nixie is starting to call Clematis 'sister'.

"Of course." I said while Clematis started to make vines that surrounded my stomach, chest, and back. She made an X-shape in my body while the purple flower was at the center between my stomach and chest.

It looked amazing but the vines has thorns though but surprisingly I don't feel any kind of pain. Nixie then sat at my right shoulder while I walked down.

"We should hurry before the homogoblins catches up." I said while running towards the other side of the mountain.

"Homogoblins?" Clematis asked.

"Yeah the homogoblins. They are trying to catch me and marry some daughter of the king of homogoblins." I said while continuing to go down.

"Don't be afraid of them. Just show me to them, and I'm sure that they'll stop following you." Clematis said.

"Why would they do that?" I asked.

"Because I'm the strongest being in this mountain. They'll fear to approach you when they see me." Clematis answered.

"That's great!" I said while going down with my shadow clones.

After an hour of going down, I can feel a tremor again going towards me. I think those are the homogoblins again.

"Clematis, I think those are the homogoblins trying to get me." I said.

"Don't worry, let me handle the situation." She said while suddenly purple flowers started to appear on the ground.

It was like I was standing in the center of a flower bed. It was an amazing site to see but it didn't last long. The purple flower started to grow, and made multiple vines with thorns around me.

The homogoblins arrived and I can see horror in there eyes. They tried to run away but was then entangled by the vines while I can see the purple flowers producing some spores that are then inhaled by the homogoblins.

I then saw the homogoblins starting to go unconscious. I looked at the flowers around me worriedly, I'm afraid of inhaling the spores that they produced.

"Don't worry, the flowers won't harm you." Clematis whispered.

The human looking homogoblin was the only one remaining awake while the others are unconscious.

"Why did you attack my guest, weak pest?" Clematis asked the homogoblin softly.

"I-I... I'm sorry M-Mistress Purple. I d-didn't know that the c-child was your guest." The homogoblin said with fear.

So Clematis was called Purple before. Well the monsters called her that so I should've expected that the name won't be great.

"You know that you'll need to give compensation for this act, right?" Clematis said while the homogoblin shivered.

"Y-yes Mistress! I-I'll give you the lives of the o-others here but just let me l-live!" The homogoblin said. Such a jerk for sacrificing others for your life.

But I can't say that since I'm the same. I have sacrificed Jan before for me to live. I even sacrificed Rory before in the cave to also let me run with my life.

"That's already a given but you have to give me something else." Clematis said.

"I'll g-give you t-this item. P-please spare me." The homogoblin took out a red necklace.

"What can this necklace do?" Clematis asked.

"I-It is a n-necklace that the a-ancestors gave us. I d-don't know w-what it does M-Mistress." The homogoblin said.

I then appraised the red necklace to see what it can do.


Necklace of Khul:

A necklace of the Demi-God Khul. Khul is the God of the homogoblins, and goblins.

Drop a single blood and this necklace will be soul bound to you.


I don't want to take that necklace since I already have a ring that was from a God. I don't want to attract many gods towards me.

'That's a wise decision to make but take it and instead give it to Rory when you reunite with him.' Akira suggested.

'Alright.' I replied.

"Take the necklace, Clematis." I whispered.

"Are you sure? I don't see any benefits in getting that necklace." She replied.

"I'm sure." I answered.

"Okay." She whispered.

"We accept your necklace. Now, hand it over." Clematis said softly to the homogoblin.

"Y-Yes M-Mistress." The coward homogoblin said while giving it to one of the vines. Clematis then controlled the vine and gave it to me.

I stored it to my storage space to not lose it.

"You may go now." Clematis said while releasing the vines on the homogoblin.

"T-Thank you, M-Mistress!" The homogoblin said while running quickly.

Clematis then killed the remaining homogoblins and boar by letting them inhale a different spore. All there mouths started to make white foams while there bodies started to shake.

It was creepy to look at but was a clean kill method to use. I leveled up by a ton with this homogoblins dying. I looked at my status, and was amazed to see that I only have 5% of my total mana remaining.

Clematis has powerful attacks but I can see that it has a huge mana consumption.

'It's normal to have huge mana consumption since it's a Grade 5 Magic.' Akira commented.

I talked with Akira while I used my Consume skill on the dead bodies. Once I was done I continued going down the mountain.

"Clematis, I have a question." I said while walking down.


"How can you make flowers when you don't have seeds to do so?" I asked.

"I don't have seeds but I make one when I need it. Making a seed consumes mana also but if we have seeds that we can use, it will half the consumption rate of the mana I used." She explained. This explains why Emerald threw seeds when I had a battle with them.

"Since you consume too much mana Clematis, you should leave the attacking to me and Nixie while I want you to disable the enemies." I said while walking down.

"That's right sister. You should also leave some action to us." Nixie said.

"Alright." Clematis replied.