Chapter 74 - Peace

It's been a couple of days, and I have noticed how calm Clematis is when we fight with monsters. We're almost down the mountain, and I think the next day we would be done going down the mountain.

"I noticed how calm you are when we fight with monsters, Clematis." I praised Clematis.

"If you experienced to be alone for a hundred of years you'll learn how to be patient and calm." Clematis replied softly.

I can't imagine how Clematis must have felt being alone on the mountain for a hundred of years. No one shares the burden she has.

I didn't notice how lucky I was to have Rory, Rai, Nixie, Blite, and Akira with this life. I even have Clematis now. I can only pray that time, and our presence can heal Clematis from the loneliness she felt.

"Don't feel guilty for what I had experienced." Clematis said.

"How did you know?" I was a shocked for being exposed.

"I learned to somehow know what others are thinking based on there expressions." Clematis explained.

"..." I was speechless, and felt amazed by how great Clematis was. Her experience for the hundred of years living in the world is more valuable than the skills and attributes that I have earned.

"You're amazing sister Clematis!" Nixie praised while hovering around the purple flower.

"Thank you Nixie but you're amazing too." Clematis praised back. Nixie pouted while looking at Clematis.

"You didn't call me sister, sister Clematis. Hmph!" Nixie pouted and turned her head around but we all know that she was just teasing Clematis.

"Sorry, sister Nixie." Clematis softly said.

It was warm and sweet looking at them. I'm curious how Rory and Rai are doing. I missed them but only a month has passed since I last saw them.

We had fun talking with each other but I was also being vigilant all the time. I made my shadow clones scatter around me by 5 meters so that I can notice if there are monsters coming towards us.

It was almost night time so I started to try find a sleeping place before continuing our journey tomorrow.

A couple of minutes passed until we found an open space. I walked towards it but suddenly tremors started to occur.

I looked at my surroundings but there was no monsters around. I can only guess that it is coming from below us since the sky can't be a possible source of tremors.

I jumped out of my position while Nixie and Clematis got ready for the monster that might occur from the ground. I ordered my shadow clones to surround me while focusing on the defense.

It took a few seconds before a mole came out. I tried appraising it, and felt relief seeing it was only level 267. We're almost at the foot of the mountain so it makes sense that the monsters here are weaker.

The mole has brown skin while it has giant claws that looked extremely large. Clematis moved fast and disabled the mole by making vines while Nixie also made ice chains to restrict it.

I then created tons of ice needles. The mole tried to break the vines and the ice chains but was pointless since it was being replaced each time it breaks.

While they are restricting the mole, I continued raining down ice needles with the help of my shadow clones. It only took a few seconds until the mole died.

It was unfair but I can't be fair in fighting at this mountain. Monsters here have a higher level compared to me. I can only beat the monsters here with numbers.

After I was done killing the mole, I went beside it and used my Consume at it. It turned to dust leaving the hole leading to the underground it came from.

I don't know what's down there but I don't think I should go inside the hole.

"Ave, should we go inside the hole?" Nixie asked while looking at the hole interestingly.

"We should rest first and not bother that hole." I replied since I'm really worried for Jan and wanted to report to the Guild what happened.

"Really?" Nixie said with a disappointed look.

"Why do you want to go down?" I asked.

"I just felt a cold mana down the hole. Don't you feel it?"

"I don't but I'll try to feel it." I answered while doing my best to notice the cold mana that Nixie felt.

'Concentrate on how ice feels like, and you'll surely feel the cold mana.' Akira advices.

I mentally nodded to Akira while doing what he said. A few moments later, and I really did felt what Nixie said. It was cold but not as cold as my ice magic.

'Do you think we should go down there, Akira?' I asked.

Now, I'm also curious what is down there.

'You should, there might be something down there that might help you level up your Ice related skills.' Akira said.

'I don't know. It might be dangerous down there.'

'A great prize always comes with great risk. You might regret not going down the hole after you leave the mountain.'

'I... fine!' I replied.

"We'll go down tommorow morning but for now I want to rest. I'll be on guard duty for now. Both of you rest first." I said while I made an ice wall around us.

I then ordered my shadow clones to survey around us. Clematis removed herself from me and made a small purple flower garden around her to sleep in.

Nixie made an ice house beside Clematis' garden.

"Goodnight, Ave. Wake me up first before sister Clematis to do the night watch duty." Nixie said while going inside the ice house.

"Goodnight." Clematis said softly, and then laying beneath the flower garden.

I nodded, and made an ice chair for me to seat in. Blite came out of my middle finger and transformed to his original look.

"Hello, brother Ave." Blite said while hissing at the end.

"Hello, Blite." I replied while messing his hair.

"Play with me brother Ave." Blite said while making a ball made of ice.

The ball has the size of a fist. He wanted to play catch with me. We always did this when I was on guard duty, and it seems like he wanted playing this game.

"Alright." I said while I chuckled.

I moved back, and made sure that both Clematis and Nixie won't be disturbed by us playing.

"I'm ready, Blite." I said.

Blite went into position, and then threw it with his strongest strength but his Strength attribute was not high so I easily caught the ball.

"Throw it back to me, brother!" Blite said playfully.

I was about to throw the ball when suddenly my head felt pain.

"Ugh!" I involuntary moaned and suddenly I lost sight.


"Throw it back to me, brother!" A kid said while jumping at the ground. The kid looks a bit like me but has black hair instead of blue. He looks like a 7 year old boy, and I felt this sense of wanting to protect him.

"Sure. Catch it alright!" I replied.

"Of course!" The kid said confidently.

I threw it while the kid laughed and caught the ball.

"See, I told you I can catch it brother!" The kid shouted while running towards me.

I opened my arms while trying to catch the kid. The kid jumped at my arms while I hugged him tightly.

"I love you, brother!" The kid said.

"I love you too!" I replied.


"Brother Ave! Wake up!" Someone said waking me up from my dream.

I looked around me to only see Blite waking me up worriedly.

"What happened?" I said while holding my head from the constant pain I feel.

"You suddenly fell to the ground, brother Ave." Blite explained.

I didn't speak and tried to calm down my nerves. I looked around me and felt relieved seeing that not much time has passed. Nixie and Clematis were both still sleeping.

"Are you ok now brother?" Blite asked worriedly after a couple of minutes of me sitting at the ground.

"Yes." I said while smiling and then standing up.

I don't know what's that dream I had but I think those are my past memories. If I think about it deeply, I can say that the kid was my brother who betrayed me.

I can't imagine how a cute, and innocent looking kid betray me. I have conflicting emotions right now. The first time I came to this world, I only felt deep hatred for my brother but now...

I don't know anymore. Remembering that lovely scene I dreamed about makes me confused with how I feel with my brother.

I don't know if I can kill my brother if I confront him in the future.

'Don't think about your brother for now.' Akira interrupted.

'I don't know. Even if I don't want to think about it now, I always come back thinking about it after a few seconds.' I replied.

'Then focus on the current things you have for now. Like Blite, play with him for now. I'm sure it will help clear your mind.' Akira said.


'Good.' Akira was about it leave but I stopped him.



'Thank you.' I said truthfully.

I end it there and called Blite to play again.