Chapter 75 - Underground

I played with Blite the whole night, and only stopped when my night watch duty was over.

Blite pouted but followed me inside the ice house to wake Nixie up. Blite woke him up by jumping at Nixie's body.

Nixie groaned and smacked Blite's head with a little force. Blite screamed and fell on the ground.

I chuckled and told Nixie that it's her turn to guard the place. She nodded while pulling Blite with her. Blite wanted to sleep with me but Nixie clearly didn't want that.

I slept through the night while trying my best not think about the dream I had earlier.


I woke up, and saw vines shaking my body.

"Wake up, Ave." Clematis said softly. It didn't look like she wanted me to wake up but instead make me return to sleep because of her voice.

"Don't sleep and wake up." Clematis said softly. I only nodded but continued laying at the bed.

I dozed off but was woken again by someone smacking my head. I opened my eyes and saw Nixie with a mad face.

"Wake up, Ave!" She shouted at my ear making me completely awake.

I stood up and stretched quickly. I also prepared a bucket of cold water to help me feel refreshed. I washed my faced with that water, and felt cool minded after.

"Move faster, Ave!" Nixie said excitedly. She must be excited to go down the hole from where the mole came from.

"Yeah, yeah." I said feeling sleepy. She took my hand and pulled me outside of the house.

I saw Clematis floating at the air while playing with Blite. She was sprinkling petals down on Blite. The litte kid was running around trying to catch the petals.

"Good morning, Clematis and Blite." Blite turned around and stopped playing with Clematis.

Blite ran towards me while I opened my arms to catch him.

"Good morning, brother!" Blite said cheerfully when he was in my arms.

I nodded and started to explain the plan for today while still carrying Blite.

"We'll be going down the hole for today and try to finish early. First, Nixie make some ice minions to guard the place before we go down. I'll be first calling out my shadow clones before we start to go down." I said.

Nixie nodded and started to do what I told her. I also ordered my shadow clones to come back.

When the preparations are done, I assembled our formation before going down. Clematis attached herself to my body again while Blite turned into a snake and returned to my finger. Lastly, Nixie changed into a small size and sat at my shoulder.

I can see the little snake closing his eyes. He must be sleeping now, he didn't slept the whole night but instead played with each one of us. What a naughty kid. I caressed him while thinking of this.

"We'll go down now but we'll return to the surface when I think it's dangerous to proceed or the ice minions are being attacked. Nixie alert me when the ice minions are being attacked." I said while going down.

Half of my shadow clones first went down before I followed while the other remaining half went down after me.

The hole went straight down so we fell down like we're going on a sky diving lesson. After 5 seconds, I landed with my shadow clones assisting my descent.

I thought that it will be dark down here but was surprisingly bright. It has blue crystals lighting up the place.

I felt the cold mana around here more intensely compared from above.

"Such a high density of cold mana!" Nixie exclaimed happily.

I nodded while looking around to see where we should go. The place only has one path so we don't have a choice but to go there.

I continued walking with my shadow clones surrounding me. I held my guard up, and tried to look around to be prepared from any incoming enemies.

Soon, something came out from the walls. It were big earth worms but I felt a dense cold mana from them. They were white in color and was a bit chubby.

I appraised them and was relieved to see that they have low levels. The only hard thing about this incoming battle is the number of the worms.

There's around 20 worms in the place. Nixie won't be much of a help since they have Snow Body which only absorbs ice related attacks and heals them.

I attacked the worms with Water Magic which Nixie also followed. Clematis was great and made the whole place with vines. My shadow clones went into close combat while I and Nixie attacked from behind.

Clematis was busy restraining and disabling the worms while me, Nixie, and my shadow clones finished them off.

After finishing the worms and using my Consume skill on the corpses, we continued going deeper but was being stopped by the earth worms occasionally.

As we go deeper, I noticed how the number of the earthworms increases. It was easy to kill them but my mana won't be able to keep up if this continues. The good news was my Demonic Water Magic finally evolved into Demonic Oceana Magic.

The water became easier to control while it also raised the penetration power and defense capabilities.

I noticed how the water turned a shade darker than before. I also noticed how Nixie's hair color changed, she now has the same color of the water from the Demonic Oceana Magic.

I also practiced using my Thread Creation and added poison on my threads. The threads actually comes out from my wrist. This leveled up my Poison Body to 3 levels while also leveling my Thread Creation by 2 levels.

A few hours passed until I can see a big room, The room has giant worm inside. It has the length of two houses if I would estimate it.

I can feel cold mana from the worm. I looked around the room and was disappointed to see that there was no items that looked like a treasure.

"I don't see any kind of treasure or valuable item inside this room. We should turn back and returned to the surface." I said and was about to turn back when Nixie pulled my ear.

"Wait, Ave." Nixie said while pointing at the giant worm.

"Look at the head of the worm. Can you see the small crystal on it's forehead?" Nixie whispered.

I looked at the worm and she was right. I can see a small blue crystal on the worms forehead.

'Get that crystal and let the Nixie have it.' Akira said.

'What's that crystal? What does it do?' I asked.

'It's called an Elemental Gem by us humans. You should take it, and it will help Nixie have an upgrade on her Ice Element. It might evolve your current Ice Element Grade or she might learn a new ice skill that can help you.'

'Such a great item. Shouldn't I just take it then?' I asked.

'You can but I think it's more useful to use it on an Elemental Spirit than a monster.' Akira said.

'You're right. I shouldn't be greedy and let some of my companions have some rewards.' I replied.

I then appraised the big worm and felt a bit of worried. It was level 357.


Name: ----------

Race: Mutated Blizzard King Earthworm

Realm: Sky

Tier: 5

Class: ---------

Level: 357


Health points (HP): 20600 / 20600

Mana points (MP): 19600 / 19600

Strength (STR): 1860

Vitality (VIT): 2060

Dexterity (DEX): 1085

Intelligence (INT): 1960

Wisdom (WIS): 1960


• Giant's Swallow

• Snow Magic

• Snow Body

• Snow Manipulation

• HP Recovery

• MP Recovery

• Presence Detection

• Low Flight

• Change Form

• Pain Immunity

• -------------

• -------------

• P-i-i-n Resistance

• -------------


This can be hard. It also has Change Form skill. It might have a humanoid form too. I first need to think of a plan before attacking.

I moved back off the room so that we can plan for our attack later on.

"We need a plan to help us beat that giant worm. Do guys have any suggestions?" I asked them since they might also have any idea.

"I can't use my ice related skills since it will be ineffective on the worm. This only leaves us with my water magic. We can fill the whole room with water but that would consume most of our mana." Nixie said while trying hard to think of a plan.

"I also think that my Poison won't help in this fight. I think that the giant worm has a Poison Resistance skill." I said.

"Do we need to kill the giant worm?" Clematis asked.

"Not really, we just need to get that blue crystal." I said.

"Then, why don't I just use some of my sleep inducing spores to make the worm sleep while we steal the crystal after." Clematis suggested.

"That's great but we need another plan if the worm suddenly wakes up." I said.

"Don't worry, I'm confident that the worm won't wake up when it inhales my sleeping spores." Clematis said.

'I also think that the sleeping spores of Clematis is effective on the giant worm. Remember that she has 5th Grade Magic.' Akira reminded.

I mentally nodded and said:

"Alright, we'll go with your plan Clematis." I replied.