Chapter 76 - Down the Mountain

We went back into the room where the giant earthworm resides. Clematis removed herself from me and sneakily grew vines all over the room.

Soon after, she summoned tons of purple flower while the purple flowers was releasing spores around the room.

The earthworm moved and looked at the surroundings only to lay back on the ground. I looked at it again and I was happy to see that the sleeping spores are effective.

"Is it safe to go inside, Clematis?" I asked.

"Don't worry you already have Mystical Flora Resistance so you'll be fine even if you inhaled the sleeping spores." Clematis answered.

"Alright, thanks." I replied, and was about to go in with Nixie.

"You stay here Nixie, you don't have the resistance towards the sleeping spores." Clematis said.

Nixie pouted but stayed back out of the room.

"Be careful, Ave." Nixie said worriedly.

"I'll be fine, don't worry." I replied and went inside.

Clematis was still busy making sleeping spores around the room. It was effective but the mana cost was high. I can't keep this up, I need to get the Elemental Gem fast before my mana runs out.

I sneakily went on top of the earthworm's head, and then slowly took the blue crystal off the earthworm's head. It was easy to do, and the earthworm was not even disturbed by my movements.

Once I was done, I went down from the earthworm's body and went back to where Nixie is standing.

"Let's go." I whispered to Nixie when I returned.

Nixie nodded and sat at my shoulder while looking at the Elemental Gem longingly. Clematis flew over while still using her sleeping spores on the giant earthworm.

When she returned to us, she attached herself again on my body.

"How long will the sleeping spores be effective on the giant earthworm?" I asked.

"I think the giant earthworm will wake up after 30 minutes." Clematis said.

"Will it wake up if we attack it?" I asked.

"Unfortunately, it will wake it up if we do that." Clematis answered.

"Let's go back to the surface then. It's better to avoid fighting when we have the chance." I replied while running towards from where we came from.

I ran but was stopped by some earthworms on the way. I tried killing those earthworms fast. I can't delay any further or I might fight the giant earthworm here.

If I fight with the giant earthworm here, it will clearly be my disadvantage since this is it's home ground.

30 minutes passed, and I narrowly got out of the hole. Once, I was outside I ran towards the foot of the mountain while leaving the ice minions that Nixie summoned earlier.

I ran but immediately felt a small tremor coming towards me. I jumped and something big came out.

It was the giant earthworm, and it's clearly mad at us.

"Clematis, try to restrain the worm at your best capabilities. Nixie, help Clematis when you see her having a hard time but focus more on attacking." I ordered while making a big drill that was made of water with the help of my shadow clones.

Clematis saw this, and made vines that helped in restraining the giant earthworm. It was easily restrained which surprised me but I then remembered how Clematis restrained a level 486 homogoblin.

I should have more faith with the capabilities of my companions. The earthworm tried it's best to remove the vines but the vines only got tighter as it tried to move.

Seeing this, Nixie helped me instead in making my attack than helping Clematis. When I was sure that the size was enough, I controlled the water by using my Demonic Oceana Manipulation to spin faster. Blite was awake this time and added some Dark elements on the water.

This made the attack have a huge penetration power. I then threw the big drill towards the head of the earthworm. It cried but I continued to control the water by making it spin faster.

The flesh of the earthworm was being torn apart and thrown on the ground. It was a gruesome sight to see but I held my disgust and continued with my attack.

This continued for 5 minutes, and only stopped when I heard the notification that I have gained EXP.

"Why didn't you say that you can completely restrain the giant worm?" I asked Clematis while walking towards the giant earthworm.

"I thought you have already known that since you've already saw me restraining someone stronger." She said making me realize that I also have a part to be at fault.

"Please do remind me if you have the capacity to do something like this. I'm not perfect, and can sometimes make mistakes." I replied.

"Alright." Clematis simply said while I used my Consume skill on the giant earthworm.

"You're really amazing sister Clematis!" Nixie said while cheerfully waving one of Clematis' vines.

"You're also amazing sister." Clematis praised back.

Nixie was happy but then looked at me as if wanting to ask something.

"Umm.. Ave." She said while looking at my hand.

I realized that she was looking at the Elemental Gem that I was holding. She must be very attracted to the crystal.

"Do you want this Elemental Gem?" I asked while showing her the crystal.

"What's an Elemental Gem? She asked curiously.

"It's a gem that can help boost your elements or can even let you learn a skill related to your element." Clematis explained.

She surprisingly knows what an Elemental Gem was. Well I should expect this since she might have encountered one from the past.

"Then shouldn't you take this sister Clematis? I mean you already have a great control and power of the Wood Element so if you use this doesn't that mean you'll gain a huge upgrade using it compared to me." Nixie said.

"I can't use that since the Elemental Gem that Ave has, only holds the element of ice. Even if I use that it will only be waste." Clematis said.

"That's right. You should use this Nixie." I butted in.

"Are you both sure?" Nixie said with shyness written all over her face.

"I'm sure." I replied.

"Thank you." Nixie said.

I don't know what will happen when Nixie uses the Elemental Gem so I should ask Akira about this.

'What will happen if Nixie uses the Elemental Gem?' I asked.

'She will need to swallow the gem, and then let her rest for an hour. She will go into a meditation state that should not be disturbed for that hour.' Akira answered.

'That's all?' I asked for the second time to be sure.

'I'm sure.' Akira replied with confidence.

I mentally nodded and said my thanks.

"You'll be taking this Elemental Gem for now, and will give it to you after we find a safe place, Nixie." I said while keeping the Elemental Gem again.

"Okay!" Nixie loudly said, she was clearly excited in taking the Elemental Gem.

I looked at the sky and saw that it was still bright. I should move now, and maybe before the day ends I can get out of this terrible mountain.

I ran with my fastest speed while trying to avoid fighting some monsters. A few hours passed, and I have arrived at the foot of the mountain.

The sky was turning black when we arrived so we should rest for the day before going back to the kingdom.

"We'll rest here for the day before going back to the Wuchowsen Kingdom." I said.

"Okay!" Nixie said, and then created a small house made of ice.

Clematis removed herself and made a flower bed for her to rest on. Blite then came out of my finger, and transformed back to his original size.

"Let's play brother!" Blite said.

I nodded and made a ball of ice. I threw it to him and Blite happily caught it. While I was playing with Blite, I checked my status to see how much I have progressed so far.


Name: Ave

Race: Evil Ice Emperor Humanoid Cat (Adolescent)

Realm: Earth

Tier: 5


• Adept Ice Mage (Level 37/100)

• Adept Monk (Level 37/100)

• Shadow Overlord (Level 37/100)

• Sinful Confanonier (Level 37/100)


• Sin of Gluttony [Baron] (Level MAX)

• Sin of Envy [Baron] (Level MAX)

• Ice King (Level MAX)

• Soul Link (Level 1)

Level: 240

Experience (EXP): 6730/ 10000


Health points (HP): 14460 / 14460

Mana points (MP): 14460 / 14460

Strength (STR): 964 [+482]

Vitality (VIT): 964 [+482]

Dexterity (DEX): 964 [+482]

Intelligence (INT): 964 [+482]

Wisdom (WIS): 964 [+289]


Active Skills:

• Extreme Slash (Level 5)

• Snow Magic (Level 21)

• Demonic Oceana Magic (Level 3)

• Space Magic (Level 5)

• Abyssal Dark Magic (Level 9)

• High Stealth (Level 6)

• Frost Minion Summon (Level 6)

• Frost Heal (Level 6)

• Spirit Summon (Level 6)

• Servant Slot (Level MAX)

• Ice Creature Creation (Level 5)

• Snow Illusion (Level 5)

• Mystical Flora Magic (Level 2)

Passive Skills:

• Poison Body (Level 9)

• Snow Resistance (Level 21)

• Demonic Oceana Resistance (Level 3)

• Snow Manipulation (Level 4)

• Demonic Oceana Manipulation (Level 3)

• Abyssal Dark Resistance (Level 9)

• HP Recovery (Level 9)

• Advance Gauntlet Arts (Level 16)

• Ice Domain (Level 4)

• Pain Immunity (Level MAX)

• MP Recovery (Level 7)

• Presence Sensory (Level 3)

• Mystical Flora Manipulation (Level 2)

• Mystical Flora Resistance (Level 2)

Perception Skills:

• Appraisal (Level MAX)

• Language Comprehension (All)

• Improved Dark Vision (Level 5)

• Thought Acceleration (Level 6)

• Parallel Thinking (Level 6)

• Disguise Status (Level MAX)

Unique Skills:

• Consume (Level MAX)

• Shadow Copy (Level 5)

• Change Form (Level MAX)

• Five Lives (Level MAX)

• Demonic Transformation (Level 2)

• Overconsumption (Level MAX)

• Envy's Eye (Level MAX)

• Thread Creation (Level 9)


All of my skills have leveled up but sadly none has evolved yet. My Poison Body and Thread Creation are both level 9 now so I only need a bit of push to evolve those two skills.