Chapter 78 - Elemental Gem

I woke up and looked at my pocket watch. It was 7:00 already so I stretched my arms, and started to prepare for the day.

I took a quick shower, and then looked at the mirror to see if I'm completely prepared. Afterwards, I went to the canteen to take a simple breakfast.

The canteen served me a simple scrambled egg, ham, cheese, and bread. I was also served with black coffee. I made a sandwich and ate it.

When I was done eating, I went outside of the guild. I walked straight out of the Kingdom, and went towards a secluded forest. I wanted to use this time to let Nixie take the Elemental Gem.

I arrived at the forest that looked safe after a few minutes. I then summoned Nixie and Clematis. I also summoned my shadow clones to help me guard the place.

"Hello, Ave!" Nixie said while flying around me.

"Good morning, Ave." Clematis softly said after Nixie was done speaking.

I nodded at the both of them and then said:

"Nixie, I'll be giving you the Elemental Gem now. You'll start using it today while me and the others will protect."

"Yes!" Nixie replied with clear excitement on her voice.

"Clematis, I want you to make flowers around the area to let us survey the place." I said.

"Alright." Clematis replied.

I nodded, and then ordered my shadow clones to be on a look out. I can't let others see the Elemental Gem. Humans can be nice but can turn into greedy monsters once they see a treasure in front of them.

I won't say I'm not like that since I'm also a person who is sometimes succumbed with the sin of greed. One example of this is when I stole the giant earthworm's Elemental Gem.

"Here's the Elemental Gem, Nixie." I said, and then passed her the blue crystal.

"How do I use this?" Nixie asked curiously.

"You'll have to swallow it and just go into a meditation state to use it." I answered.

"Okay!" Nixie said, and then sat at the ground.

She then placed the Elemental Gem to her mouth, and then swallowed it. Soon a fog of cold mist was leaving from her body.

I then summoned Ice since I want the little guy to hunt and gain some levels while I waited. It chirped when it was out and flew to my shoulder. The bird then caressed it's head to my body.

"Go hunt in the forest while we're busy. I'll call you when it's time to return." I said.

It nodded it's head, and then flew in the sky. It chirped at me happily before leaving. I then made an ice chair while looking at Nixie.

"I want to ask a question, Ave. Can I?" Clematis asked.

"Of course."

"I'm just curious why didn't you made a kingdom. I can see you have many skills that can summon beings to be your people. You have ice minions, ice creature creation, and even shadow clones. With that kind of force, you'll be able to fight off the Mercenary Guild and even the churches." Clematis said.

"Even if I want to do that, there are people out in the world that can easily destroy me and my summons. I can maybe do that when I'm stronger, and have power to fend off the powerful existences from the world. But personally, I want to only move with a small number of people. Numbers are great but I want quality more than numbers." I explained.

"That's great. I've chosen a right Retainer." Clematis replied.

"Wait, were you just testing me?"

"Yes." Clematis said while I heard a small giggle from her

"I've also chosen what path you took right now. In the past, I didn't controlled the monsters in the mountain to make my own kingdom because of the same reason you've mentioned earlier. The monsters might be strong compared to others but when faced with the Kingdom's knight, they'll be just vegetables that can be easily cut." Clematis continued.

I nodded remembering how strong the Kingdom's knights were. The Royal Knights are strong and remembering how strong Loyce was when I first met her was still frightening. She was also even ranked as 67. I can't imagine how strong the others will be.

"Can I also ask a question, Clematis?" I asked.

"Yes." She answered.

"I want to ask who was the person who cursed you. I need to know so that we can be prepared when the time comes." I said.

"It's a man who did this but he looked more like a girl than a man. He has beautiful pink hair that was long and smooth looking. He has the same height as you but I felt that he was older than he looks from the way he talks and moves. He said that he was from the Adventurer's Guild, and that his one of the peak adventurers from there. He cursed me since he wanted me to make a contract with him but I didn't want to. He wanted me to submit but I held on for a long time. He will leave the mountain after asking me if I want to make a contract with him and will then leave me when I didn't want to. He returns every other 10 years. He just visited so he won't know I left until 10 years after." Clematis explained.

"From which Kingdom does he resides from?" I asked.

"He said his from the Caladrius Kingdom."

If I remember correctly, the Caladrius Kingdom resides at the east side of the continent.

"It's far away from here so we'll think about this problem when the time comes." I said while smiling.

Me and Clematis talked for an hour, and only stopped when we both noticed something different from Nixie.

The cold mist that was coming out of Nixie's body was starting to return to her body again. Her whole body then let a blue light out that blinded me and Nixie for a bit.

The blue light subsided, and soon Nixie came out from that light. She looked different now. Her blue skin has changed and turned into a snow white color.


Your Snow Resistance evolved into Snow Body!

It was a simple evolution of skill but Snow Body is much more useful compared to Snow Resistance.

My ice related skills have all leveled up by 1. It was an amazing gain, and I was surprised that even my Ice Domain leveled up.

Nixie opened her eyes and she looked more closer to a human compared to before but you will feel mesmerized when looking at her beauty.

"How do you feel, Nixie?" I asked.

"I feel great, Ave!" Nixie said while hovering around me. She looks extremely happy compared to before.

"You look more beautiful sister Nixie." Clematis praised.

"You're also beautiful sister." Nixie said while blushing.

"Oh by the way, I'm sorry Ave for not learning any new skills." Nixie sadly said.

"Don't worry about that. I'm already thankful for what I received." I said trying to cheer Nixie up.


"Yes." I answered making Nixie's mood brighten again.

"Anyway, since we have extra time for now. How about we train our skills?" I asked.

"Okay." Clematis replied while Nixie nodded.

"We'll do the same training we had before. Clematis and Nixie, I want both of you to attack me with your magic. Nixie focus on water magic since my ice magic is already high leveled, and besides ice won't damage me anymore but will instead heal me." I explained.

"Blite please also join them, and hit me with your dark magic. The three of you will be hitting me at my back. I want to train my Thread Creation while you're doing that." I continued.

"Okay." Clematis replied while Nixie nodded.

Blite came out of my hand and transformed back into his original form.

"Hello brother!" Blite said while hugging me. I patted him in the head, and then told him what he needed to do again.

The three positioned themselves while I sat at the ground.

"Start." I simply said while activating my Pain Immunity skill. I didn't feel any pain anymore, and only felt like I was being softly poked at the back.

I also started my training by using my Thread Creation. I need to train hard and level my skills up to be able to complete the promises that I had made.

I have already promised Akira to take vengeance for him, and now I have Clematis to protect. The more stronger I get, the more problems start to pop up.

We trained for the whole morning, and only stopped when it was 2:00 in the afternoon. I stopped early since I still have an incoming match with the twin sisters.

"I'll be unsummoning both of you now because I'm going back to the kingdom." I said to both Clematis and Nixie.

"Alright, see you tomorrow Ave!" Nixie said.

"See you tommorow." Clematis simply said before I unsummoned both of them.

"Blite return to my finger." I said while patting his head.

"Yes brother!" Blite lovingly said before turning into a ring, and going back to my finger.