Chapter 79 - Rematch

I walked towards the kingdom while checking the gains I got from the training. Sadly, none of my skills leveled up. The higher the skill grade and level is, the harder it levels up.

Maybe after a few days my skill will level up, and hopefully my skills Thread Creation, and Poison Body will evolve.

After thinking about this things, I have arrived at the gate. The same procedure happened before I was let in the Kingdom.

Once I was inside, I quickly ran to the Guild so that I can have a quick meal before I start my spar with the twins.

After a few minutes of running, I have arrived at the Guild. I rang the bell for my lunch. Immediately, someone came out and served me a delicious meal of grilled chicken, and vegetable salad. My drink was a cup of tea, and water.

I looked at the time, and it was already 2:45. Since I have a lot of time, I ate slowly and tried to savor the flavors that the food gives me.

I finished at 3:25, and rested for about 15 minutes before going to the training grounds. I walked slowly while checking every skills I can use for the fight. I did this until I arrived at the training grounds.

Once I was inside, I looked around and tried to find the twins. After a minute of looking, someone shouted my name.

"Ave! Here!" I looked at the direction from where it came from, and saw the twin sisters. They were at an empty spot that looked likes we'll be using for our incoming spar.

I walked towards there while waving my hand at them. While I was walking, I used that time to look at there status.


Name: Ruby / Emerald

Race: Human

Realm: Earth


• Master Dagger Dancer (Level 60/100)

• Master Chakram Dancer (Level 60/100)

• Master Fire Mage (Level 60/100)

• Master Wood Mage (Level 60/100)

Level: 260


Health points (HP): 10600 / 10600

Mana points (MP): 18100/18100

Aura points (AP): 100 / 100

Strength (STR): 1060

Vitality (VIT): 1060

Dexterity (DEX): 2060

Intelligence (INT): 1810

Wisdom (WIS): 1810


• HP Recovery

• MP Recovery

• Master Chakram Arts

• Master Dagger Arts

• Parallel Thinking

• Thought Acceleration

• Prediction

• Presence Detection

• Chakram Dance

• Dagger Dance

• Pain Immunity

• Extreme Slash

• Slash and Dance

• Dancing Dagger

• Inferno Body

• Inferno Magic

• Inferno Manipulation

• Flaming Vine Magic

• Flaming Vine Body

• Flaming Vine Manipulation

• ????

• ????

• ????


They both only have the same status shown when I appraise either of them. It must be because of the blessing they received or more like a curse by the twin gods.

They also have there Dagger Arts and Chakram Arts at the Master grade. This match will be harder than before.

After I was done looking at there status, I arrived in front of the twins.

"Ready to get your ass kicked by us." Ruby said while winking at me.

"As if." I replied.

"Let's get this over then." She said while pulling her sister to position themselves.

I also positioned myself before the match starts.

"Ready?" Ruby asked.

"Yes." I answered.

"At the count of three we'll start the match." She said.




When the number 3 was said, I have already prepared my spells. I made 5 ice shields rotating around me while also making a water sphere to cover my body.

Ruby and Emerald dashed towards me while Ruby threw fireballs at me. I moved side ways trying to dodge the fireballs. The scary thing about the fireballs is when they hit the ground, they explode. This never happened before.

"Surprised? My Fire Magic has evolved into a third grade magic and can now explode when they hit something." Ruby said while laughing and running towards me.

I didn't reply but focused on dodging the fireballs. I then made ice wings for me to fly around.

"Hey, that's unfair!" Ruby shouted but I only replied with a rain of ice needles.

Emerald moved, and threw seedlings around them. The seedlings then grew into red vines. The vines that she has before has now turned into red colors. The vines then grew and made a dome around them. This helped them block my attack

I smiled expecting them to do that, I then made ice weapons around them. When they opened up the vines, I threw the ice weapons that I have made at them.

They drew there weapons but I can see a red and green fumes coming out of there body. When the ice weapons are about to hit them, they suddenly moved and danced while also breaking every ice weapons I made. They both must have used the power of Aura. I felt jealousy consuming me so I intensified my attacks by making more ice weapons without concerning myself of mana consumption.

The twins dancing and slashing was a fantastic view but I continued my attack. This will be a battle of attrition, who will lose first? My mana points or their aura points?

Clearly, it's their aura points. I have higher mana points compared to there aura points. I continued my attacks until I can see that both of them are already sustaining wounds from my attack.

"Given up yet?" I asked since they both continued to destroy the ice weapons they have.

"No!" Ruby stubbornly said.

I only nodded while I also made an ice spike underneath them. It was hard to do since I was not at the ground but managed to that with the help of Nixie teaching me when we train.

Before when I used ice spikes to attack an enemy, I need to step on the ground, and make my mana travel underground to go to the enemy. Now, I learned to make my mana travel from air, and then going underground to make an ice spike. It has huge mana consumption but it can surprise the enemies.

This also helped since the twin sisters was surprised, and jumped to dodge it but this only led to their deaths. They forgotten that I have ice weapons in the air. I surrounded them with ice weapons while also making ice chains that came at the ground that restrained them from moving.

"Does both of you give up now?" I asked.

"Hmph. Fine." Ruby said.

I flew down, and melted every ice around the training grounds.

"I didn't know that you can fly now. That kind of magic must have costed you huge amounts of mana." Ruby said.

"Yup, these ice wings cost huge amounts of mana to sustain." I replied.

"I also noticed that you managed to learn to make an magic attack from the underground while flying in the air. It looked easy but it was hard since my sister already tried doing that." Ruby said while Emerald nodded.

"Can you teach us, Ave? Please." Ruby continued before I can even reply. She was making a cute face but I wasn't affected by it. Other guys might be saying yes since she's pretty but I'm not like that. I believe in the saying that 'beauty attracts the eye but personality captures the heart.'

"Hmm, alright but you'll also have to help me in training my Gauntlet Arts." I said after considering that I still have a lot of time, and besides Ruby and Emerald are nice people. They also had helped me in my training before I went on a mission with Jan.

"Yay! Thank you!" Ruby said while jumping.

"What time do you want to train starting tommorow?" I asked to make a schedule.

"Hmmm, how about 2 in the afternoon?" She replied.

"Alright, don't be late. I'll be going to the canteen for now to eat my dinner. Do both of you want to join?" I asked after I looked at my pocket watch. It was apparently 5:30. To think that the match lasted for 1 and half hour long. It must be tiring for the twin sisters since they parried every one of my attacks while dancing that whole time. On the other hand, I was just watching while making ice weapons.

"Gladly, I'm very starved after sparing with you. My muscles on my arms even aches because of that spar." Ruby said while massaging her arms.

"Let's go then." I replied while walking to the exit with the twin sisters with both of my sides.

"Oh yeah, Ave. I and my sister have a plan on going inside a dungeon. Do you want to join us?" Ruby asked while we're walking

"When do you plan on doing that?" I replied.

"About 3 days from now. We're hoping on going to a level 300 to 350 dungeon." Ruby said.

"Isn't that too high leveled?" I asked.

"It is but taking risk have high returns, right? Besides me and my sister always take dungeons that are 100 levels higher than our current level." Ruby answered.

"Fine but we must take a dungeon that has an element that we have an advantage on." I said.

"Of course." Ruby replied.

We then arrived at the canteen while planning for our upcoming dungeon diving.