Chapter 82 - Gauntlets

I arrived at the canteen, and ate my lunch before going to the training grounds for my training session with the twins.

When I arrived at the training grounds, I saw the twins at the same place were we fought before. I can already see Ruby waving her arms at me.

I walked towards them, and arrived after a few minutes.

"So should we start the training then?" Ruby asked while Emerald nodded.

"Alright, then what should I teach first?" I asked.

"How about teaching us what you did when you were flying, and then making an ice spike at the ground? Should we do that first sister?" She asked. Emerald nodded, and I can notice how much she really wanted to learn that technique.

"Okay, we'll be starting with that then." I said.

I then started to explain how the technique works, and even demonstrated it by a few times before they started to practice on their own. Since they can't fly yet, they did it by jumping and then trying to do the technique while in middle of the air.

Ruby was doing it by summoning a fire column that is 2 meters away from her. She did it at the first try but the fire column didn't looked like a fire column but instead looked like a fireball that is attached on the ground.

While Emerald did it by first putting seeds on the ground, and then jumping on that exact ground. Before when she was attacking using Wood Magic, she will first imbue mana on the seeds so that it can immediately grow but now we're trying to not imbue mana on the seeds first but she will imbue mana on it while at the air.

Emerald was also doing a great job but the vines that she can grow was small. The vines only has a size of a ballpen so it was still not helpful in battles.

We practiced this kind of routine until it was 6 in the evening. We only stopped when I told them the time, and also Ruby's tummy suddenly grumbled making me laugh while Ruby madly dashed at me. I ran but was caught after a few minutes of running, and she then smacked my back after I was caught.

"Let's go to the canteen, and have some dinner. We'll continue our training for tommorow." I said after Ruby stopped hitting my back.

"Sounds good!" Ruby said, and then took the lead to go towards the canteen. I and Emerald followed behind her.

A few minutes passed, and we arrived at the canteen. We ate our dinner, and then said goodbyes to each other. I ate three servings of food tonight since I remembered my skill 'Overconsumption' is helpful in buffing my HP and MP.

I didn't exceed that number because there might be some people noticing how abnormal I eat. Besides, this title is not unique but a title that can be acquired by anyone. There might be a guild member here that also has this title so I should be careful on my actions.

But thanks to the 3 servings of food, my HP and MP was boosted by 1% which will only last for a day. It's a small amount but I didn't complain because I have already expected this result.

If I will do the computation, my limit in buffing my HP and MP is 30%, and having a 1% boost takes 3 meals to have so 30 multiplied by 3 is 90. So I will need to eat 90 meals to use the Overconsumption skill to it's full potential.

The question though is, how long will the boost effect last if I eat 90 meals? I wish it will last longer than the boost effect I have right now. Maybe I can also use the Energy Tablets since a single tablet is equivalent to 3 meals so I'll just need to eat 30 energy tablets to make use of the Overconsumption skill. Anyways, I'll only know the answer after eating 90 meals. I'll just wait for that opportunity to come.

The crazy thing though is that Ruby also ate 3 servings of food tonight even without this title. It's kind of amazing, I even thought that she might have the same title. Well if she does have that title, I won't kill her since I consider her as a companion already.

After we finished eating, we said our goodbyes, and moved to each of our own rooms. I arrived at my own room after a couple of minutes, and then took a quick shower before going to sleep.

Tommorow, I'll be equipping the gauntlets I have bought earlier.


I woke up, and looked at my pocket watch. It was already 6 in the morning. I first took a shower to start my day, and then went to the canteen to eat.

When I finished eating my breakfast, I walked towards the Kingdom's gate. I exited the Kingdom, and then went towards a forest where I can equip the gauntlets.

I didn't want to equip the gauntlets inside the Guild because the gauntlet might make a ruckus. It was better to be safe than sorry.

'You should first summon Nixie and Clematis first before equipping the gauntlets to prepare for unforeseen events.' Akira suggested.

'I was about to.' I said, and then started to summon the two.

"Good morning, Ave!" Nixie greeted while waving her hand when she was summoned.

"Good morning." Clematis plainly said while immediately attaching herself on my body.

"Good morning to you both too. I'm here to ask for a favor, can you protect me while I try to wear this gauntlets?" I asked them while showing them the black gauntlets.

"Sure but wearing a gauntlet should be easy, right? Why the need for the protection then?" Nixie asked curiously.

"Yes but this pair of gauntlets is cursed so I might need extra protection." I said while Nixie nodded.

"I'll be starting." I said, and then wore the gauntlets slowly.

When I wore the first pair, nothing happened but when I wore the other one, something happened. A black smoke suddenly came out from the gauntlets while I felt heat from my hands.

The heat must be coming from the gauntlets but I beared with it. Nixie immediately moved by making small pieces of ice around my arm to let me relieve some of the heat. This happened for a whole minute until I felt the gauntlets shrinking making my arms feel incredible pain.

I groaned because of the pain but I held on. Soon, I smelled blood and the black smoke coming out of the gauntlets was then replaced by a red smoke.

I smelled the red smoke, and it smelled like blood. I can feel my arms inside the gauntlets being submerged by a some kind of fluid. The fluid must be my own blood, and is then turned into smoke because of the heat. Well this is only my theory, I'm not sure what is happening.

I can see Nixie being worried, and was now using Frost Heal around my arms again. I looked at my HP, and I only have 80% HP remaining.

This happened for a total of 5 minutes before something strange happened. The smoke that was accumulating in front of me, was being sucked by something I don't know.

A few minutes passed until a humanoid form emerged. It was a woman who looks like she was in her mid 20s but she has two red horns in her head. Her hair is colored black which is tied into two ponytails. She has a dark skin while her ears was pointy on the ends while her eyes was colored red.

She was wearing something like a night gown which was completely white. Lastly, her whole body was a bit transparent while being surrounded by some red and black smokes.

"Who dares awaken me from my slumber!?" She said while looking around.

"I am." I answered.

"How can you a lowly human dare wear my possession!?" She madly said while flying towards me. Her arm suddenly expanded, and her fingers turned into something like a knife.

Nixie was busy healing my arm so Clematis moved, and made vines to restrain the woman. Thankfully, Clematis was successful in restraining the woman.

While the woman was shouting and trying her best to remove the vines, I appraised her. I was a little surprised to see that she was only a level 1 demon specter.

So she's a ghost that was a demon before. How can a demon's gauntlet come here? The Horn Continent should be far from this place. Well, I'll think about this thing later. I should first focus on how to subdue this demon.

'Akira, how do I equip this gauntlet?' I asked since I still didn't receive a raise in attributes.

'You just need to know the name of that demon, and I'm sure that you'll be able to equip it.' Akira explained.


I walked closer to the lady while Clematis tied the vines around her tighter. She moaned while I stood in front of her.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"I'll never tell you!" She replied.

Hmm, this might take a while.