Chapter 83 - Pitiful Soul

"I won't tell you my name no matter what you do!? I won't give my trust to a human again!" The woman shouted while I try talking to her.

"You can't trust a human? Then how about trusting a monster?" I said while transforming into my original form.

She stared at me with her mouth wide open. My human ears was gone now so my eyeglasses was falling off. I removed it and put it inside my space storage to keep it safe.

"So would you tell me your name?" I asked.

"I..." She said.

"Why don't we just torture her until she says her name, Ave?" Clematis suggested while saying it softly.

"We could do that but I want to do a different method before doing that." I answered.

I can't control her even if I summon her in the future so it's better to treat her with care. If I can gain her trust then she could be a valuable companion in the future.

"I'll give you an hour to decide." I said while sitting at the ground, and playing with my ice magic.

"What will you do to me if I don't say my name?" She asked after a couple of minutes.

"Hmm, maybe I'll just throw the gauntlets into a river or something since you won't be useful." I said.

"How cruel of you but at least your honest." She said while smiling.

"Can I ask a question?" She asked again after a few minutes.

"Yes." I answered.

"Would you give me the freedom to kill when I say my name to you?" She asked.

"It depends on the situation but I will if you want." I replied.

"That's great!" She said.

"Since you're asking questions, how about you also let me ask questions about you?" I asked.

"Fair enough." She answered.

"How did you turn into something like this?" I asked.

"Hehehe... I turned into this because of my supposed lover. I... I was betrayed by him because of money, and lust! I loved him so much that I become blind about his wrong actions. He was beating me every day and night but I... I didn't complained because I loved him. I was so in loved with him that when he took my pair of horns I didn't complain. Our horns is a sign of honor and power in my country, and for the humans it was priceless because it holds a huge amount of mana that can help strengthen there bodies.

Eventually, he went crazy with his human lover, and they both stabbed me with a knife while laughing. He left me with his mistress who he calls his 'true love' after I was full of wounds but thankfully my hobby was forging. I was making a pair of gauntlets for him since he was an adventurer, and since I wasn't able to give it to him, I did a dark ritual of binding my soul with the weapon. Since then, I was passed around with different humans which I killed because of my thirst of revenge. The humans called us demons just because we have a dark skin and horns but they are the true demons! They betray, and hurt the people around them just because of selfishness." She said while tears was running out of her eyes.

"Here." Clematis said while passing her a leaf. It might be an alternative for a napkin. The demon took it, and then cleaned her face full of tears.

"Thank you." She said after a couple of minutes of crying.

"It has been a while since I cried. I felt lighter than usual." She said after calming down.

I noticed that Nixie was silent the whole time so I looked at her. She was in the corner, and I can see that she already has summoned many ice walls around us. She's very efficient making me smile at her actions.

Her actions makes me remember of how loyal, and useful Rory was when he was with me. I miss Rory and Rai, and I can't wait to see them.

One minute was the only remaining time before the lady decides if she wants to say her name or not.

"So have you decided to tell me your name?" I asked after a minute passed.

"I've decided to tell you but promise me that you'll always summon me outside." She said.

'Can I let her do that, Akira?' I questioned before saying 'yes' to her.

'She'll be seen if you let her do that, and besides she'll go crazy if she sees a unfaithful person.' Akira answered.

'Then, I should I just reject her?' I said since having her will be much of a hindrance than help.

'Don't do that but instead I have a better idea.' Akira replied.

'And that is?' I asked.

'That is to control her. It's been awhile since I've used this but if the curse gauntlets binds itself on you then she'll be binding herself to you too. If that happens, I can then control her since I'm inside your body.' Akira said.

'Wait, if you can do that then why didn't you did that earlier?' I asked.

'Don't be mad stupid cat! I didn't want to use this type of method since it'll consume mana by controlling her. This also means that passing my skills to you will be much harder than before!' Akira explained.

'Alright but are you sure you'll be able to control her completely?' I asked.

'Of course! I'll make her my puppet, and with her being my puppet, I can help you in fights.' Akira answered confidently.

'Alright.' I replied.

"I promise to let you outside." I answered after talking with Akira.

"Thank you, and can you please remove the vines around me?" She asked.

"Clematis please remove the vines." I said.

"Are you sure? She might run away if I do that." Clematis asked.

"I'm sure." I said but I looked at Nixie, signaling her to prepare a back up plan.

Nixie nodded at me, and I can feel my mana being drained. She must have prepared something already.

Clematis removed the vines, and surprisingly the woman didn't run away but instead went in front of me.

"My name is Carna. Please treat me well from now own, Owner." She said.

I then felt another type of extreme pain. My arms felt like burning and the pair of gauntlets continue to tighten around my arm. I can feel my bones and fingers being crushed.

I turned on my Pain Immunity skill to not feel the pain. I almost went unconscious because of the pain. My health was going down again so Nixie run towards me, and started to use Frost Heal on my arm.

Blood was coming out of my hand, and thankfully I can't feel the pain. I can't feel my hands anymore. The next minute, I can't move my fingers.

"What did you do to, Ave!?" Nixie shouted while summoning ice spears around Carna.

"This is part of the process in wearing my gauntlets. Just hold on, and the pain will go away after a couple of minutes." Carna explained.

"You must be lying to us!" Nixie said while readying to attack.

"Stop sister. Calm down, I'm sure Ave is alright." Clematis calmly said.

"Clematis is right, Nixie. I'm alright, don't worry." I said to calm Nixie down.

"Fine!" Nixie said but still looked at Carna furiously. She then continued healing my arms.

30 minutes of pain passed until I can't see the gauntlets in my arm anymore. Instead my arms turned black with white cracks like what the gauntlets look like. It looks like my arm and the gauntlets merged together.

"It's done, Owner. I'm completely yours now. This process is not like what my previous owners experienced. I didn't want myself to be removed from you so I bound us together by merging your arms with my gauntlets. Now your arms will be indestructible to some extent." Carna explained.

"That's great but how can I level up this gauntlet?" I asked.

"You can level me up by letting me consume other gauntlets. It's easy just place your arm on a gauntlet, and then I'll consume it. By leveling the gauntlets, I'll also level up." She answered.

"Great, I still have my previous gauntlets with me. Let's use it." I said, and then I took out the 'Bear and Wolf Gauntlets'.

I touched the gauntlets, and soon Carna came towards it. She then ate the gauntlets whole. I looked at my gauntlets status, and I saw that it leveled up by 20 levels.

The 'Bear and Wolf Gauntlets' was a level 150 gauntlet but it only managed to level this cursed gauntlet up by 20 levels.

How much money will I need to waste to let me level this gauntlet to my current level?

'Hey, Ave. Should I control the demon now?' Akira asked interrupting my thoughts.

'I don't have any questions for her now so do it.' I answered.

'Tsk, I told you to ask me first before asking others.' Akira grumbled before I can hear Carna scream.