Chapter 1 : Welcome

What is this? Why am I in the water? I can't breathe! Luna try her best to swim but her body feel weak she already swallowed a lot of water and her nose feel sting as water had suffocated her. She almost lost her conscious when suddenly she feel a big hand pull her out from the water. Desperately she want to breath but she can't, there is too much water in her. Luna open her eyes and saw a bear in front of her suddenly turn back into human. A naked boy.

"Bina! Bina!" A woman voice come shout her name and she feel someone pick her up. "Bina, my baby!" A woman cry looking at Luna, her face full of panic and blame.

Cough! Cough! Cough! she wanted to tell the woman don't cry but she can't. Slowly she close her eyes and lost conscious.

"Luna… Luna dear, wake up." Luna wrinkled her eyebrows, a light suddenly appear in the room.

"You never sleep this long before. Are you ok dear?" A soft woman voice approach her bed and a cold hand touch her forehead.

"I'm ok mummy. I just had some weird dream." Luna open her eyes and saw a neat brown hair and blue eyes in front of her, she had some wrinkled that shows she already aged. Luna sit up and hug her mum and kiss her cheek.

Her mum giggle and kiss her cheek back, then she push Luna. "Go wash up. Your father and brother will back any minutes now."

Quickly Luna jump out the bed and go wash herself. Humming with happy tone, she is excited now. It almost 3 months her father and brother went into mission. She miss them so much! Wearing green soft dress and comb her long wavy hair, she clip a ribbon on her head that match color with her dress. Looking at a mirror. She saw a small innocent face with milk color skin. Her hair is brown and her eyes is blue exactly like her mother. She took a pink lipstick and put it on then she smile on the mirror.

"Perfect!" Satisfied with her look she run out from her room to the kitchen.

"Mummy! Are they back yet?" Her mum busily serve a food on the table.

"Your brother said they almost here."

"Mummy! Luna! I'm back!" A shout from their living room come calling them. Luna smile widely and run towards their living room.

"Brother!" Luna hug her brother with a sting in her nose, holding her tears.

"Give me some hug too." Another voice come in front her. She let her brother go and hug him.

"Daddy. I miss you." Her father laugh and hug her back. "We miss you too, dear."

Her mother was hugging her brother tightly with some tears. Her brother had been in a mission for 8 months now and her father had been helping her brother mission 3 months ago.

In the dining room, all of them busy keep up some news and eating happily. However after finish their meal, her father start to talk in serious tone.

"Our country will be in war. I want both of you return to grandfather house. It the safest place that I can think for now." Her father state with worried in his face.

"Why? Why they wanted the war? Our world had been peaceful for many years!" Luna can't believe at what had happen.

"It can't be help. This world full of greed people." Her father give a big sigh.

"I want to volunteer myself on the experiment father." Suddenly her brother said with serious and determine tone.

"Edgar… We had discussed this before. You do not need to do that."

"What experiment?" Her mother face turns worried and look at her son.

Her father pinch his eyebrows with frustrated. "Dr. William had proposed to the government on a project of secret weapon. He succeeds make a robot with intelligence before but now he wants to combine the robot and human in one body. He state that it will be powerful weapon for this country."

"Uncle William?" Luna remember Dr. William is best friend of her father. He is genius scientist and very good to her family. "Had he tried it before? Combine the robot and the human? Is it success?" Luna asked curiously.

"Yes. He do. He had already succeed making 3 of it. They are very strong and handful. It helps a lot in the war." Her brother said.

"Edgar! No. Don't ever offer yourself on this experiment!" Her father yell. It was first time her family had serious conversation like this. Luna knows it can harm her brother with her father strong disapproval, he look at her brother.

"Brother… Listen to daddy…"

Her brother closed his eyes and nod once.

At night, Luna and her brother was watching a movie in their television room. They were laughing together watching a comedy movie when the movie finished and her brother ask her to go to sleep, Luna pull her brother hand to sit beside her.

"Tell me what happen brother…" Luna sense that her brother was laughing but he didn't laugh whole heart. His mind was disturb and she can feel a sadness and madness on his face.

Her brother look into her eyes and she pat her head. For a long time, after hesitate to talk or not he said, "I lost some friends in the war." Her brother hold his tears.

Luna eyes turn red. One drop of tears fall, slowly she hug her brother. "I'm sorry brother… You suffer so much."

"I don't want lost more people that I love…" Her brother said again.

"That's why you want to volunteer yourself to be on the experiment?"

"Yes. I want to be strong so that I can protect everyone I love, including you." Her brother voice seems a little bit hoarse, holding his determination, anger and sadness.

"But I heard father said if you become one with the robot, your memory will gone and you might not be human again. I don't want your memory gone brother. I don't want you become a robot." Luna persuade her brother.

He smile. "I don't want sacrifice myself as a loser, who can't protect our small family. I am willing sacrifice myself as to protect you and all our country."

"What are you saying about sacrifice!? Don't die! You must fight till the end!" Luna angry at how her brother thinking.

He smile wider. "I know sister." He pat again her head gently. "You are big now huh. When you will introduce your boyfriend to me?"

"What boyfriend? I don't need boyfriend!" Luna throw a small pillow to his brother. Her brother laugh out loud.

"How can my beauty sister don't have a boyfriend? Do you always bully other people in the office?" Her brother tease her again.

"Stop it!" Luna push her brother and stomp her feet to her bedroom. Her brother still laugh.

The next day, as usual, Luna wear an office attire with black blazer and skirt. Her long hair had been tied bun make her look more matured with her small body. Today she submit an application for vacation as her father had ask her to stay for a while in her grandfather house. The whole country knows that the country had some hardship on fighting with another country but no one knows a serious war will come and attack their country at any time.

"Luna… Why you took long vacation? My life will be boring without you!" Her friend said with pout.

"Hahaha. Its been so long I haven't visit my grandfather."

"Hey. Look. I think Jones wanted to confess to you today." Her friend give a signal to look at her side. She look at it and saw a man, tall wearing smart office attire not far from her was looking at her. He wear spectacles shows his serious and handsome face.

"I heard yesterday, the boys were coaxing him to make him confess today. Good luck!" Smile playfully, her friend push her and walk away from them.

Luna was shocked. Confess? Why suddenly confess? Wait wasn't this manager from our department? "Hello Sir, good afternoon." Luna cover her nervous and greet him like normal.

"Afternoon… Luna. Lets have a lunch together today." He said with serious voice but at the same time Luna saw his hand was curl into fist, trying to hold his nervous.

Damn! Is this really gonna be a confession!?

In the cafe of her company, they both sit nearby the window. There were not much people in there but she saw many eyes were eyeing at them. It makes her more nervous. She look at the man in front of her, he was eating slowly without saying any words. After she already eat her meal, she turn blushed after seeing her manager was looking at her with different kind of eyes. He always look serious, but somehow he look different.

"Luna." He said her name gently.

"Yes, sir." Luna look away from his eyes and try to calm herself by drinking a water.

"I will not bit around the bush, I want to have a date with you. Will you be my girlfriend?" Jonas said with gentle voice again with anticipation eyes.

Shoot! He really confess! Is this a prank that my brother make? Or is it game truth or dare? Luna eyes turn wide with unbelievable face look.

"Sir.. I…" Seeing her complicated face and he knows Luna had been reject many man before because she wanted to focus on her career. Now she had been climb enough rank to be an important position in this office, Jonas though its time for him to make a move before others.

"I am really serious. I had been watching over you for this 3 year. At first, I only admire the way you handle your work professionally but then I can't stop my feeling from jealous after seeing many man wanted to approach you. I am really in love with you, Luna." He said again with more determination.

Luna gulped, her mind went blank.