Chapter 2 : War!


Suddenly they heard a loud explosion and the ground shaken badly that makes many people fall. Luna who was sitting before already stand but fall down too because the impact of the shaken ground. Luna look at outside, people were chaos running away from the explosion.

"Luna! Are you ok?" Jonas who also had fall down quickly stand up and support Luna to stand up.

It's the war that her father and brother talk yesterday. Never had they thought the enemy will take an action this fast. Before her mind was back to clear, Jonas already pull her and bring her to the center of the building. The safest place to be safe from explosion is stay in a concrete building.

"Its war?" Luna finally manage to said a few words. She worried about her family, quickly she search her pocket and find her phone. There were a lot of miscall and message. Her father and her brother try to contact her one hour before. They must had known what had happened. A flash with 'Love Bro' name appear in her phone, quickly she pick it up.


"Luna! How are you? Are you ok?" His voice was full with worried and panic.

"Yes brother. How's mummy?"

There were a silent a while from her brother but quickly he ask. "Luna, Are you still in the office building?"


"Get out from there. Hide inside school building that nearest from you, it a safest place. Stay safe Luna. Love you." Her brother end the call. Luna scan everyone near her.

"Are you ok Luna?" Jonas who was still holding Luna ask her with worried expression.

"Yes. We need to move to school nearby. It the safest place for us." Luna said with low voice. She still in panic mood. Never had she imagine that she got to face something like this.

Jonas nod and he shout. "Dieba!" Dieba is Luna office friend. Her face and her hair was a bit of sloppy, she came toward them with panic and worried face. "Dieba, Luna, both of you go hide on the school behind our company." Jonas said with serious voice.

Luna widen her eyes. "You too follow us."

"I need to handle our employee. You both go first." Jonas said without any hesitation. Looking at Luna worried face, he smile and his hand squeeze her hand tightly and whispered to her. "Be safe I will come and find you for your answer." Then he let go and walk through the crowd.

Luna saw he shout for everyone to calm down and told everyone to search a place to hide. Dieba pocking her shoulder and they both run towards the back of their company.


Another explosion come but far from them. Luna and Dieba fasten their run towards the school nearby. It was a school holiday, there were only a teacher in the school. No body stop them from entering the school. After entering the school, Dieba and Luna sit down at nearby bench and rest there. She saw everyone was watching something in their phone and she look at Dieba also looking at the phone.

It was a news and live video that shows some places that had been explode. Luna heart shrink and her body trembled after looking at the place that had been attack with explosion. It was military house, her house was there too. She remember how her brother didn't said about her mother. With shaking hand he call her mother but the line had been cut. She was very panic. She call her brother but he didn't answer the phone then she call her father and didn't answer her phone too.

"Luna calm down. Your mother will be ok. Your father must had take away your mom." Dieba saw Luna panic and worried face so she try calm her down.

Luna inhale deeply try to calm down. However they heard a gunshot coming from their office building. The soldier enemy already enter their city! Luna can heard screaming and shooting non stop from the building. Her brother knows the company building is where important people were working. There were ministers of the country, they must want to kidnapped them or kill them first to conquer their city.

"Luna. We must hide inside!" They both run and found a lab room. They stay inside the room and hiding under the table. The soldier might not enter the school but to be safest, they should hide.

Hours had past until the sun come down and night come out. Luna and Dieba was mentally tired and they had sleep after didn't heard any screaming and explosion anymore. Luna wake up with feeling hunger. She ate a little when Jason had confessed to her before, she remember Jason, her manager, never she thought he had feeling for her. He always serious in works. I hope he is safe in there. Shaking her head as she remember the soldier were shooting fiercely to innocent people.

She look into her phone. There were no miscall or any messages. She already message them before asking their whereabout but they didn't reply. She feel discomfort in her heart. She only can pray for them. She fall back to sleep until the next day. Her phone buzz waking her up.

"Brother!" She answer a phone quickly.

"Where are you now?"

"Inside the school."

"Good. Come out. I waiting for you at outside of the school."

Luna wake Dieba up and they both go out and saw a grey van and her brother was leaning the door car with normal cloths on him. Without any words and looking around cautiously, her brother pull her and let both of them enter the van.

"Brother, how is mother and father?" Luna was still worried about her mother.

Her brother sitting beside her, there were others driving and sitting in front of them. She think it must be her brother comrade. Her brother hug her tightly with shaken body.

"Brother?" Suddenly she feel stung in her nose and her heart.

"They had gone." Her brother tightly holding her head and hug her shoulder.

Luna eyes full with tears. She wanted to push her brother and look into his eyes but her brother hug her tightly. "W… What do you mean?" Her voice seem chocked with tears.

"They never had a chance get out from the house. The enemy had explode all the house there." Her brother slowly explain to her while still hugging her.

Luna crying madly and hug her brother tightly on his chest. They were just having dinner yesterday happily but suddenly they had gone. She don't know how many hours that she had cry and her brother never let her go until the van had stop. Luna also stop crying but her heart had been squeeze painfully. The van had stop at oil station, there were no people or car on the street. Seems like all people had hide in their house and afraid to get out.

"Luna…" Dieba who sit at back of her holding Luna hand tightly. She try to console her.

Luna give her a bit smile. Her brother and the driver already get out from van, take some food and fill the fuel. One of her brother comrades was still the car.

"Hello. My name is James. I heard a lot about you from your brother." A brown hair with green eyes look at Luna with friendly smile. He had a little bit messy beard and mustache but it didn't hide his handsomeness.

Luna smile to him and shake his hand. Dieba also lift her hand and shake her hand.

"My name is Dieba." Dieba is taller than Luna. She has a body curve that make woman jealous and make man crazy. She has blonde long straight hair and pretty face. She wore a thick makeup that shows her maturity and professional. She had once asked Luna her brother phone number because she like soldier, she thinks soldier is strong and handsome. Now she meet another handsome soldier, she don't want to miss this opportunity.

James shake her hand with charming smile.

"Here, eat this Luna." Her brother come and bring a lot of bread and snacks.

Suddenly her stomach growl. Its been a long day, she just realize she didn't eat anything from yesterday. Dieba also take the bread and eat without any noise. They continue their journey. Her brother wanted to bring her to his camp. It the safest place for them now. However, this journey may be danger for them. After few hours, Luna had been sleeping suddenly the van stop and she heard screaming voice outside the van.

"What happened?" Luna ask.

"Shit! They had block the road!" Her brother cursed. "Luna, move to the back sit with Dieba."

Luna saw James had a gun at his hand and her brother take out a gun too at below his sit. Luna heart beating fast. She heard a shooting and screaming sound from outside the van.

"Stay low." Her brother push her head to hide them from the window.

Bang! Bang! James had scroll the window and shoot some people outside and now the enemy turn to them and shoot them back. The driver step the pedal and the van dash hit people in front of them and the van shake violently as it hit a block in front of them.

"Damn! I got hit!" James hiss his voice. He take a white cloths and tightly wrap his wound.

"Brother! Are you alright?" Luna saw her brother wrinkle his face with pale face. She jump back to her sit and look at her brother.

"Its ok. Its just a small wound."

Luna saw some long wound on his face it must be a miss of bullets and his shoulder had been hit! The blood gushing from his shoulder. Quickly she take a white cloths that she saw James had take and wrap her shoulder tightly.

"How many hours we will arrived?" Luna ask.

"It will take two more hours. Don't worry, your brother has strong body, he can manage it."

"Damn! They had follow us behind!" The driver shout with panic.

"Keep driving!" Her brother said.

James scroll his window and shot to the enemy. However there were a lot of car and their car was fast keeping up to chase after them.