Chapter 3 : Sacrifice

"Bina… Please open your eyes. I only have you my baby." A gentle woman voice wake her up but she can't open her eyes.

"Its been 2 years you had laid down like this. Please wake up. I miss you." She can feel a warm kiss fall into her forehead but she can't move her body.

Finally Luna can open her eyes but they were no one around her. She in a cabin where her brother camp was located before. She had been stayed here for 5 months. She was still alive but her heart is empty. She look at her near table where there were a black dress. Her parents died in explosion her brother had been tortured and killed in front of her eyes and her best friend, Dieba had died being rape and tortured painfully, she heard her scream while being tortured but she was too weak to help her before. She had cried one whole month and now she can't cry anymore. There are no more tears and her heart feel empty.

She walk to her small bathroom and look her face in the mirror. Her face had an ugly long scar from her nose cross to her cheek it already turn to black scab. She also had many ugly scar on her body but had hidden with her dress. They were captured and she almost had been rape, 3 months ago, she had tried to escaped and help her brother that where she get a lot of wound in her body.

Knock! Knock!

"Luna… Have you wake up?" James voice come out from the cabin door. James the one who manage escaped and help her 3 months ago. James try to act as her brother but she didn't feel anything.

Luna open her door. "I just wake up. Wait another 10 minutes." Luna closed back the door and quickly change to black dress. She look again in the mirror and she took a small knife from her table. She hold her pony tail long hair and she cut it with her knife. Without any emotion, she throw her long hair into a dustbin than she get out from the cabin.

James who was wearing a soldier uniform was smoking not far from her cabin, after seeing Luna open the door and saw her short hair. James sigh and throw his cigarette and step it.

"Lets go." James walk side by side with her and enter a hall not far from her cabin.

Many people wore black and many men wore soldier uniform in the hall. There were a lot frame with picture along the hall. James bring her to the front hall and there, she saw her family frame. Her father, her mother and her brother. Everyone was sobbing and crying while looking at their family frame. Luna look at it without any emotion.

James already been serve 10 years as a soldier, he had experience many killing and torture before. He also had many friend that die from war, it didn't make him used by it but he still has sad and anger feeling for all the loss. He knows what he can do is moving forward and protect many people as he can.

"James." Luna suddenly call his name. "I want to meet Dr. William."

In an office, Dr. William watching Luna with clenched jaws. He knows Luna is his best friend daughter, he remembers she was a small pretty lady and full of innocent laugh before. Now her face was no trace of it. Luna offer herself to be his subject secret weapon he don't know what to do anymore. He remember his best friend warned him to not letting his son turns to it, now his daughter ask for it. What he should do?

"Luna… You like my daughter for me. I can't let you turn to a robot." Dr. William said.

"Dr. William. I don't know how to live anymore. I'm a weak person. I had no way to help this war. I don't have feeling anymore. I lost everything. I can only do this to have new purpose and revenge my family. Please accept me, Dr. William." Luna bow at him.

Dr. William pinch his eyebrows and give a sigh. "Meet me tomorrow morning, we will check your body whether you are compatible with the robot or not."

Then the next day, she have a check up and her body result shockingly had 100% compatible with his A.I program. He had never found such compatibility. After a week, Luna is ready to be turn into new subject.

"Luna. Your memory had to be wipe out after emerge the A.I system to your body. You will not know any feelings and only follow our rules system. Are you ready?"

Luna closed her eyes and take a deep breath. She saw her mother and father hugging lovingly to each other and her brother who is laughing at her playfully. She remember her brother said…

"I don't want sacrifice myself as a loser, who can't protect our small family. I am willing sacrifice myself as to protect you and all our country."

Brother… Your sacrifice will not in vein. I will protect the country so that no one had to get through as what I had.

"I'm ready." Luna said without any hesitation.


She feel pain through all her body. Her head feel like been smash with stone. She try open her eyes and move her hand but she can't. She doesn't understand why she feel something like this. Am I broken? She thought to herself. After few minutes of struggle she manage move her hand and touch her eyes. Slowly her eyes open. It was dark. Oh. I really broken. My eyes doesn't function anymore.

She lay like that for several hours but suddenly she felt something on her stomach. Its growling. What is that? Her hand touch her stomach. Why its growling? She move her body and sit slowly. She still feel heavy. There were no noise and no movement near her. She stay like that but her stomach growl even louder. She feel something complicated but she doesn't understand. Her system didn't react like before, usually when she wonder, a system voice will appear to her or shows her in her eyes but there were non of it.

Suddenly she heard a movement and saw a glimpsed of light not far from her. She heard a sound of something running towards her, the light become nearer and Luna saw a cheetah in front of her. The cheetah was holding a fire wood on its mouth, its eyes was full with emotion while looking at her. Suddenly the cheetah drop the fire wood and it turns into naked woman jump into Luna body.

"Baby! You finally wake up! My baby, Bina! You wake up!" A joy but sadness voice come from her mouth. She hug her tightly for a while and then she look carefully at Luna face her face full with tears and had many emotion in her face. Luna was confused at what had happen but she understand that the person in front of her is not dangerous.

"My baby…" She kiss her face and her forehead, Luna feel a warm come from her face to her heart. She don't understand what she had been felt but she let the naked woman kiss her and hug her. Then she heard her stomach growling again and it make the woman stop hugging her and smile happily.

"Are you hungry? Wait for a while, I collect our meat and food today." She kiss her forehead and wore a brown hide to her body. Cover her chest and her bottom till her knees. Then she left.

With the light on the fire wood, Luna can see clearly inside the place. She in the cave? She saw her body wearing a hide like a long dress but sleeveless then she saw many sack that made from hide nearby her and a lot of sharp stone hanging on the cave wall. She also saw many types of horns.

"Bina… I bring the food." She put the meat to another room and bring a bowl that makes from woods to Bina.

Luna can smell something from the bowl it makes her stomach growl even louder she don't understand what had happen to her body but the smell make her mouth drooling.

The woman chuckled a little when she saw Luna drooling. She wipe her drool and slowly bring a peace of meat to her mouth. "Eat. You need to eat a lot to be stronger."

When the meat touch her lips, her hand automatically grab it, bite it and swallow greedily. She can't think anything, her body is not in her control anymore. I am really broken, she said to herself again. After she finish all the meat and gulp all the water that the woman give her body now feel much better. She feel satisfied somehow but she don't understand it.

"Good girl." The woman kiss her forehead with a drop of tears. "Mother now happy seeing you like this. You had been sleep for 5 years and now you had woke up. I promise you no body will bully you anymore. You only have to eat and live happily."