Chapter 4 : Feel Pain

Luna eyes was scanning through all the walls. Beside her, a messy white hair with bad eyebags had command her to run from the military based with him. He looks very tired as he had been running and escaping from soldier one whole day. Luna is the best creation and most successful weapon he had create. With her, the war finally over.

However, the ministries of their country had become more greed after winning the war. They know with Luna they can take over other countries. Dr. William reject the idea but they are much powerful than him, he don't have any choice. Luna is his best friend daughter, she was once an innocent girl with a lot of smile in her face but after she lost everything, she chose to be one of his experiment. He proud of her, proud to be his most successful weapon but he remember the last request that she wanted to just have a revenge for her family and make their country peaceful.

"Dr. William we had arrived at abandoned school, there are computer lab over there." Luna blue eyes which was full of happiness before now look dulled. She was now a robot without any emotion. Luna walking ahead from him.

Every time he looked into her eyes, he feel guilty, will his best friend blame him? Even though he was proud with her every success mission and many people were praising of him, his heart shrink day by day. The guilt become thicker as day passed and he had dreamt everyday how his friend looking at him with sadness and madness.

In the lab computer, he sit on the chair, resting. Luna scanning his body and with her hand near his wound on his arms, he feel a heat over the wound through his body. It tickles a little but then his wound is completely heal. When he create the program never did he though Luna will have this ability. She can heal people even people were almost near death! He had save a program for her for not helping people who is possible to live so that no one knows her ability, the world full with greed people, he don't want Luna being used again and again.

"Luna come here." Dr. William stand up and open his arm, Luna obediently come near him and he hug her with tears in his eyes.

"Are you feeling discomfort Dr. William?" Luna let him hug her. She had small body, even though Dr. William is not big like other people, Luna still small in his arms.

This small body is the greatest weapon but somehow in the future it will become dangerous. Dr. William had been sleepless thinking what to do and finally he only can think one solution.

Dr. William hold her shoulder and look into her eyes. "Luna, you are my proudest creation that I had made even though I am also one of them who full with greed to create more like you but I think it must end now."

"It's you who create me. I will always obey you, Dr. William." Luna said.

Its hurt so much seeing her eyes and her face without emotional. Dr. William nod and sit at nearby computer. His hand was fast typing a coding. Luna scanning outside guarding and make sure no one around them. They were in the middle of abandon school, the school is still in progress reconstruct from previous war. After an hour, Dr. William had finish his program and let Luna sit beside him. He look at her with many emotion, it takes half an hour finally he said with gentle eyes.

"Luna you were once a human that full with happiness. You have a father, mother and a brother who love you so much." Dr. William shows a hologram picture from his watch. Luna saw a picture a little girl blowing a candle while a mature man and woman smiling at her and a young man blow a blowout whistle in his mouth.

"A family." Luna state from seeing the picture.

"Yes. A family, its your family."

Luna look the picture without any words and expression. There were a silent moment in a while suddenly Luna glance at the back of Dr. William.

"An intruder 5km from us." Luna eyes saw five black SUV car and she saw they wore a soldier attire with a gun in their hands.

Dr. William nod and sit back looking at the computer typing something then he turns his head to Luna and call her.

"Luna… I am very sorry. I don't want them used you for their greed. Listen to me Luna. You already take a revenge for your family and you had protected the country well. I know deep inside you, your soul is there. Remember who you are and I hope your soul will be peaceful…" His shaking hand push 'Enter' on his keyboard and Luna saw his eyes welling with tears. "Rest in peace Luna… Rest in peace."

Luna heard a voice in her head.

System Subject 2.8 will be terminated in any second now.

Prepare to be shutting down in 3… 2… 1.



"NO!" Bina who was laying on the straw that had been cover by hide suddenly sit up and panting. Her heart was beating loudly her body full with sweat.

"Bina. Are you ok?" Her mother in this new world patting her head after woke up, they had been sleeping side by side. She hug her daughter and tears fall from her eyes. Her daughter had been slept for 5 years after having an accident fall into a deep lake. Now, it almost 6 months her daughter had woken but she didn't talk a lot and she look like she don't remember everything. The most thing that she was worried is her daughter will always scream and cry in the middle of night. She doesn't understand but patiently she will hug her till she fall asleep back.

"Bina... I had bake some meat for you. I have to go hunt today."

Bina rub her eyes sleepily and come towards her mother. In front of the cave door, her mother will hug her and kiss her forehead. She had been used by this, at first her mother will always do it but now she will personally come towards her mother and let her hug and kiss her. She likes being hug and kiss it make her heart warm and it makes her lips turn up, smiling.

Her mother smile warmly at her daughter cute smile. She has small dimple in her cheek it makes her daughter face look cuter. "Remember. Don't go outside. Stay in the house. Don't forget to eat."

Bina nod and watch her mother went outside from the cave. She had been used being command in her previous life before so, she never left from the house. Her mother is very protective, maybe because of last 5 years incident, her mother didn't dare to let her daughter playing around.

She look around the big cave, there were a lot human wearing hide. There were group chatting to each other, some are arguing with their group and children laughing and playing happily. When she saw this environment for the first time, her mind told her this is what they call peaceful. She remembers in her dream, Dr. William, Jonas, and other subordinate always pray for peaceful.

"In your command, I will live peacefully everyone." Bina whispered in her heart.

Suddenly she feel something sting on her head.

"Look! The evil spirit had woken up!" A little boy throw rock towards her.

"My mom said she had died but her mother let her body taken by evil spirit! She should be killed!" Another boy throw rocks towards her.

Bina lift her arm and protect her head.

"Hey kid! Stop doing that!" A young lady shout at the naughty kid. Quickly they run from them.

Bina look at the voice. There were 3 young ladies standing not far from her, the one who safe her was tall and has very pretty face. Her body is tightly wrap with hide, showing her perfect figure. "Are you alright?" She asked.

Bina nod and bow a little to say thanks.

"Mia. No need to concern about her. She is just a weakling human here. If not of her mother was warrior, she is just a trash." Another pretty lady said looking at Bina with disgust face.

Mia who had help Bina before look at Bina with pity face and walk away.

"Mia you will get married another 2 months. Everyone was jealous, you are very lucky!"

"Could you let me have his child before both of you get married?" Another lady asked Mia.

"Hey! He had never given himself to others girl! How dare you asking something stupid things from Mia!"

Mia laugh looking at her friend. "Stop both of you. We are gonna be late for work!"

Bina look at them until they had gone from her side. She enter her house and look at her wound. She can feel sting at her little scratch from the rock before. She close her eyes and inhale deeply, the scratch on her face and arms had gone. It didn't have any trace of wound anymore. After living in this body, she can feel pain, she don't like to feel pain. So she try using her healing power where she once have in her previous life before and never had she thought that she still can used it.

Her mother always returned from hunt with many wounds, as she now understand meaning of pain, she will heal her mother every night. She remember Dr. William asked her to keep secret about her healing power because normal human can't do it so, she makes sure to do it secretly. However, maybe she in a human body, she will feel weak after using her healing power.