Chapter 6 : Lost Family Again

A week had past, the white flower has been wilted, Bina feel something heavy in her heart. When her mother give it to her, the flower was very beautiful. It has soft texture that makes her afraid to hold it. Bina had been staring at the wilt flower for a long time. Then she lift her hand towards the flower, she inhale deeply and closed her eyes. When she open her eyes again, her face turn bright with a smile.


In the forest, there were a fierce fight among the beast animal, there were a group of Celia and 2 more groups from their tribe fighting with others tribe. There were a group of lions, hyena and warthog. Two grey wolves had carried a cheetah that was badly injured. A bear was fighting fiercely with a group of hyenas. A big tiger, Dhor, notice that his tribe will lose and he knows what to do next. A hyena had jump towards him but before it can touch him, he fiercely smack the hyena down and Dhor roar loudly makes every other animal stop fighting. A big lion comes towards the tiger. The tiger changed into human form, his body full with claws wound but he maintain his face.

"We give up. Take everything you want." Dhor said disheartening.

The lion change to his form. He had same size like Dhor, a big buffy body but he has messy beard and an arrogant face. He give a signal to his comrade and took every prey that Dhor tribe had hunt. After they left, every injured human and animal slowly return with disheartening face. It was not their first time to be ambushed like this, but they can't help it that they were weak tribe.

"Uncle Dhor! Look! Aunty Celia!" Will said with panic voice.

Dhor and Leon run towards them and saw a naked woman who had big claws wound on her face and her stomach had deep wound, her body colored was red, full with blood that gushing out from her stomach. Dhor took a big leaf near him and cover her body and Leon quickly pick her up and run towards their cave.

Leon bring her to their priest. In here, the priest can heal and has a knowledge about life and death. The priest is the most respectable in this tribe. When Leon lay Celia in front of the priest. He lift his hand to her nose and hold her wrist. Then the priest shakes his head with closed eyes.

All her group was in the house, Will eyes full with tears and his brother had red eyes. Dhor closed his eyes with sadness and Leon look fierce but his eyes were red.

"I bring her daughter here." There were many people at outside surround the priest house as there were others injured people want to be treated. Leon walk with heavy and quick step to Celia house. His forehead furrowed with hard face.

He arrived in front of her house, before he could call her name, a petite little girl open the wood of door looking at him. She don't have any expression that makes Leon voice stuck at his throat. After a while, the girl tilted her head a little with wonder face.

"Your mother…" Leon stuck again but not too long he continue, "Your mother in the priest house. Follow me." Leon turn back and walk towards the priest house.

When they arrived at the crowd place, Leon look at his back, the little girl was far from him but still obediently walk with her short leg towards him. Leon look at her small body and feel a slight of regret, Bina was very rare to go out, she can lost if she can't keep up with him. After she was near him, He saw her face was serious. She had heard about attackers from passerby and soon when she saw many injured people, she start to feel something pang in her heart.

Before she could think more, she feel her wrist were wrap tightly with cold hands. Leon hold her wrist and help her to get through the crowd and finally arrived in the house. Leon pull her towards her mother. Bina saw a familiar face lay in front of her. She looks like sleeping but somehow the wound and the pale face make Bina heart torn into pieces. It was her mother.

Slowly she sit and hold her mother hands. Its cold and she can feel there were no more energy in the body. Hours had pass, she still sit, hold her mother hand and staring at her with no emotion in her face.

Everyone who saw this, pity her so much. Mostly they never know Bina exist in this tribe but they know Celia has a weak daughter. They thought Bina doesn't understand what had happen to her mother but after the priest had finish a mantra for dead, slowly Bina bend down and kiss her mother forehead. The twins who saw this cry for her, Celia is their partner hunt, even though she didn't talk much but they know Celia is good person and love her only daughter.

"What will happen to her after her mother gone?" One of the people wonder.

"She had to move out from her house. She can't work." A woman voice whispered.

"It's a waste to keep such a daughter." Another person whispered.

Before the cloud cover the sun, they bury her in the grave that not far from the cave. Each of the grave have a big stone stacking above it. Bina had been given a stone to be stack onto it. She didn't said any words but followed their instruction. After done, many people had gone back left the group of Dhor, Leon and the twins.

"Pity her…" Will said with red eyes.

"She had been living with hardship waiting for her daughter to wake up. When her daughter wake up, she left her." Dhor said with low voice.

West the older twins asked, "Is she really have to move out from the house? Aunty Celia had work hard to make her daughter live comfortably."

Leon who was silent while watching at Bina speak. "We can try teach her to work."

"She has small body! How can she hunt?" Will said.

"I can asked my wife to teach her." Dhor said.

Leon nod. "Lets go back before dark. I bring her home."

Bina was sitting near the grave. She was like a living robot in a pause, she had lost a controller. Celia, her mother, is the first person she saw when she awakes in here. She had been kept in her mind that Celia was like her captain, Jason and her creator, Dr. William. She will obey every of their command. Now she has a complicated feeling in her heart that she don't know what to do. She don't have anyone to tell her what happened to her. While she was fighting with her feelings, she remember every warm that she feel from her mother hug and kiss. Even her gentle voice will warm her bodies and she likes it. But she can't feel it again now. She had failed to protect someone important in this life!

"Bina…" A low deep voice call her from behind.

Bina didn't move or answer him. Then she feel a big hand touch her head and stroking it gently. The hand was very gentle.

"You can cry Bina." He said again.

Bina turn to look at Leon. Their different of height was too obvious, as Leon had to look down at Bina. He still stroking her head gently. "I know you feel sad. You can cry. No one can see you now."

The warm of his hand and his gentle voice make her heart clenched and she can feel her nose was sting and somehow she had a blurred vision and a warm water flowing to her cheeks. Seeing she finally shows some emotion, Leon burry her face to his chest and let her cry. When she feel more warm heat from Leon she can't control anymore her emotion and she wail loudly like a child. It was dark when finally Bina stop crying but she turn limp, fainted from heavy emotion.

When she fainted, Leon was panic but noticed that she was just tired, he pick her up like a bride style and send back to her home.


"Daddy, please back home as soon as you can. I will miss you and it makes me sad!" Luna said with pout.

Her father hug her gently. "I will miss you too."

"Promise me you will come back fast!" She lift her pinky finger to her father and he chuckled and intertwined their pinky finger.

"I promise."


"Is it still hurt?" her mother gently apply an ointment on her cut wound knees.

"It still hurt, mummyyy!" Luna sobbing loudly.

"Is this ok now?" Slowly her mother blow her cuts and it warms her wound.

"Do that again. It feel much better!" Her sob quietly now.


"Let go of my brother! Let go of him! STOP!!!" Luna hand and legs had been tide on the chair. She tried to break away from the ropes but it didn't loose a bit.

In front of her she saw her brother had been stab many time with a knife. His handsome face had swollen but there never a hint of scared or sad on it. His forehead creased so much but he still didn't let out a gasped of pain.

"Please let him go! Pleaseeee Stop!" Luna was crying and begging nonstop.

"Bring the girl! Let see if he can still stay quiet like this." One of the enemy said.

"What you gonna do???" Luna panic but then she feel a slight pain on her body. One of the soldier had cut her blouse with a knife. They tear her cloths showing her body that had cut from the knife.

"STOP!!!! Don't touch me!" Luna scream desperately wanted to escaped.

Before they can tear her skirt, her brother who was badly injured with a lot of stab knife hit them with his combat skill. He madly attacked them to protect her sister. However, they were holding a knife and a gun, her brother had been cruelly slash and shot until he can't attack them anymore. It was the most traumatic experience that she have. She wail and shout her brother name loudly but her brother didn't move again.


"Bina… Bina… Wake up." A woman voice wake her up.

She was panting heavily, her body full with sweat. Bina reflexive hug the woman tightly however she quickly let go after she feel its not her mother body which was fatter than her mother.

"Oh! You pour little girl!" The woman has gentle face but loud voice, she wipe Bina tears on her cheeks with a sloppy strength on it.

"Who are you?" Bina ask with low voice.

"Don't be scared. I am your mother friend." She looks in forties. She pull her upp. "Come have your breakfast."

Bina hesitate a little bit because she didn't know the woman and she was a little confused. She was with her mother at the grave, how can she wake up in the house?

"Bina, I know you are very sad with your mother death. I can help you but you need to be independent to continue your life. Do you understand?"

Bina didn't reply her.

She hit Bina back with frustration. "Your mother was stupid to keep you alive. When people told her you were dead, she never give up on you. She can throw you away and mate with other male to have another child but do you understand why your mother work hard everyday to get a nourished herbs and food for you?"

Bina still looking at her without any emotion.

Again she was frustrated looking at her blank face, she hold Bina shoulder and shake it. "It is because she love you the most. She rather sacrifices herself than let you suffer. So Bina, do you want your mother sacrifice be in vain?"

When she heard of 'sacrifice' word her mind flash back at her brother in her dream, then Jason, her captain in the war and her creator, Dr. William. All of them had sacrifice for her but what she had done for their sacrifice? What she must do? How can she repay them?

Bina shake her head with a creased on her forehead.

Seeing Bina expression, the woman feel a little bit relieved. "You must move on your life. Even though she is not here with us anymore, she can still saw you. So, work hard and be happy. Show your mother that her sacrifice is worth it."