Chapter 7 : Delicious

A week has passed, Bina was walking around in the hill that was nearby the cave. She was digging a soil and found a lot of potato in the soil. She pick it up and put it into her basket. Then her eyes shining as she saw a ginger, onion and garlic around her. She pick it all. After her basket was full and heavy, she slowly walk return to her base to submit her plants.

"Look! The trash had come again." There were a group of girls with a basket on their hand approach her.

"What do you get today?" A thin girl with little cloths cover her private parts snatch her basket.

"What is this? This is just a grass! Pfft! Look at this rubbish thinks that she found." Another girls who had plump body with tight hide check her basket and mess it up.

"She find some herbs! Its mine!" The thin took all the herbs, potato and fruit to her basket.

"Hey! Not fair! I want it too." The plump girls said.

Bina look at them with no emotion. She had been bullied like this everyday but she never feel angry. It is because she don't know that she is being bullied. She thought that they wanted it so she just let them. She can search it again.

"That fruit… I want it." Mia who is in the group never stop or interfere them but today she saw her favorite fruit in Bina basket. She wants it. Seeing Bina didn't respond, she took it and transfer it too her basket but then she push two girls to stop messing the basket.

"Lola, Eva lets stop and go back." Mia give back her basket that had become lighter than they left Bina there.

Bina look at her basket that only left some green plants, onion, garlics and ginger. She look around and found immature potato, carrots and herbs nearby. She crouch down and with her hand touching it, the plant become matured than she dig it out. Just a few minutes her basket was full again. Then she pick up her green look like a grass that had been throw away before and put into her basket. The grass look normal but Bina can sense that it has a lot of energy vibe around it.

Then she return back to her base to submit it. There were a leader of plant seeker and aunty that had help her to work in the plant seeker. She check her basket and take out all the herbs and vegetables.

"Look at your potato. It was very big." The chubby aunty said with proud face. "You always pick unnecessary things, it may be a poison you know! All this has weird taste and stop eating grass. Your mother had save a lot of meat in your storage, you still can eat it for a month." She said again.

Bina only nodded at her blabbering. She had been used to heard her loud voice but she knows the aunty was only teach her and give her a lot of advice.

"Aunty Tyra will give you more potato and banana today. Good job. Remember come again for tomorrow." The chubby woman said.

"Thank you, aunty Tyra." Bina said and left the base with her basket.

Today Bina had finished her work earlier, she plan to go to nearby stream. In this week, she had walking around the place, she saw many things that she want to do and get. Her mother will bring her to the stream twice a week to wash herself but never did her mother catch a fish to her. Her mother told her the fish is smelly and it will not full her stomach. But she remember in her pass that she like to eat fish. Her curiosity and obsess to eat delicious food had control her mind.

When she arrived at the stream she saw a big bear was rummage around the stream and scope every fish out from the stream. Bina eyes shined looking at the fly fish everywhere around her. She sense from a heavy aura come from the bear but feel amaze at how the big bear can scope many fish out from the stream. Suddenly the bear turn back as he sense someone were watching him. He saw Bina and quickly change to human form and wear his hide.

Bina remember him. He was the one bring her to the priest house and teach her to cry before. He look at Bina with awkward but than he come towards Bina. Bina look around at the fish lay and jumping nearby the shore. Thanks to him, she can pick many fish without any of her effort.

"You want fish?" Leon asked her when he saw Bina eyes had desire to take some fish.

Bina look back at him and nod.

"Fish aren't good." Leon said with a sigh. "Is your meat had finish?"

"I like fish." Bina said.

Leon blink his eyes after he heard Bina voice. Bina soft voice make his body tingling and his chaos heart calm. It was his first time to heard her voice. Then she saw Bina looking around again at the fish. Leon shake his head and pick 3 fish making sure it was biggest and then he throw back other fish into the stream.

"I help you bring the fish. Let's go back." Leon walk away and Bina follow him. At first he walk with bigger and fast step but he slow down after sense Bina was quite far from him.

As they arrive at her house, Bina let Leon walk in to put the fish inside. Leon eyes looking around in the house, the house was fully equipped with important things. Leon saw Bina lit a firewood and took a knife and scrape the fish. At first he wanted to go back to his house but he stopped.

Leon creased his forehead, he remember when he hold her hand before, her hand was very small and soft. The small knife even look bigger in her hand! He crouched down beside Bina and stop her. "Let me do it." Leon take away the knife from her hand and Bina look confused at Leon action.

"You want me to scrape like this?"

Bina nod and let he do it then she make a gesture on how she want the fish to be cut. While Leon do the same to others fish, Bina busy herself setting up ingredient, and heat a flat rock onto the firewood. Bina took one of the fish and smear a salt, garlic, parsley, black pepper and a lime that she found two days ago in the forest. People here don't like it because it has strong and sour taste. Then she wrap the fish with banana leaf and put into the hot flat rock.

Leon watch her with many question in his head but he didn't said any words. When Leon help her to take out the inner fish, Leon had hard time to breath. They had animal form so, they were very sensitive with a smell that's why they don't like eating fish. Now, when he saw Bina smear many things to the fish, the smell become pleasant. Leon eyes never left from the grill fish that give a very fragrant smell it makes his stomach growl. He don't know since when Bina had bring a big of meat and smear the same ingredient to the meat then she lift the meat to Leon to hold it.

Leon understand and hold the meat to the fire. He bakes it into the firewood. After some time, the meat give a sweet smell that makes Leon stomach fighting fiercely. The fish was had soft meat so it had cooked easily and quickly.

Bina pick up the fish with a stick like a spoon into a clean banana leaf then she open up the leaf that cover the fish. The smell make Bina feel nostalgic, she had remember her human memory from her previous life. But she still have a hard time to understand complex feeling as her mind as a robot is stronger than human instinct.

She sense Leon looking at the fish with danger eyes. He wanted to taste it. Bina naturally used a stick look like a folks and poke the fish, she pick it up and slowly lift her hand to Leon mouth. Leon blink hard at Bina action. Bina didn't think her gesture is weird because her mother always do this to her. She didn't move until Leon open his mouth hesitantly and eat it. The weird feeling that he feel vanished at the taste of the fish. It has soft texture with indescribable appetizing taste! His eyes widen with a spark but quickly turns dark after he had swallow the fish.

Bina feel tingly in her heart at Leon reaction, she quickly poke another meat fish and feed him. When he had finish one whole fish, Leon awake from his possess, He feel ashamed that he had finish her fish while being feed!

"Stop feeding me. Eat other fish." Leon said with low voice.

Bina look at his meat on his hand. "Eat the meat." The meat had perfect brown color shows it has perfectly cook.

"This is your meat. You eat yourself. Your body is too small. You need to eat a lot." Leon put the meat at her banana leaf.

"For thanks." Bina point at the fish.

Leon chuckled a little and didn't reject it. He pick it up and eat it. Again, his eyes bulging while chewing a tender meat in his mouth. It was very savory and it has a hint of sweetness in it. It was his first time to taste a delicious meat ever. He never knows delicious food exist in his life. He always eat for his stamina never care about the taste of meat. He didn't know, this taste will change his life forever!