Chapter 8 : Living Together

Leon POV's

The next day, Leon wake up with feeling energized. He had been feeling lost for this past 2 weeks after Mia, his ex-fiancé, asked for a breakup. He had almost sleeping all day and turn rampaged when he saw Mia with her new partner. Bina had caught his rampage yesterday, luckily he noticed her presence and stopped before he throw a stone and hurt her.

He had eat some of Bina meat then he remember the delicious food yesterday. He look at his stomach that suddenly growling he laugh and prepare his meat and eat it with a disappointment. He planned to hunt some meat for Bina after this he also will meet the priest to inform about his wedding ceremony. He had make a decision to cancel it. The wedding in this tribe is very rare. It only held once a year.

When he get out from his house, he saw Bina from a far walking slowly to outside. She was holding a basket, he feel relief that Bina can work for herself. Then he walk opposite of Bina direction towards the priest house. In the priest house, Leon saw Dhor talking with a priest. He was holding a little girl in his hand. When the little girl saw Leon he smile widely.

"Brother Leon!" She called.

Leon smile looking at the chubby girl and has a big eyes that looks cuter. "Hey little Layla." Then he greet the priest and look at Dhor, his partner hunt. "Uncle Dhor, what are you doing here?"

Dhor had big smile when Leon asked him. "My little girl just change yesterday. I just come here to ask a blessed from the priest." Every person in this era had an ability to change their form to an animal. Layla is 5 years old, it depends on a person ability to trigger the change. The earlier they can change, the stronger they are. Leon was just 3 years old when he can change. It's was very rare.

"Congratulation." Leon pat the girls head.

"Brother Leon! I have same form like my father! I will become big and strong like father." She said excitedly.

Leon smile even wider. "You will be strong soon."

"So, what can I help you, Leon?" The priest asked Leon.

"Priest, I will cancel my wedding this year." Leon said with a bitter smile.

The priest nod as he already know about Leon and Mia had breakup but then he said. "This year is very magical year, it such a loss to cancel the wedding. It will took another 10 years to have this magical year."

Dhor pat at Leon shoulder. "Leon, you are handsome and strong. Girls are fighting over you after heard the news of your break up. There are more beautiful and nicer girl out there. You can choose and marry her."

Leon heart feel heavy. He had been engaged since little boy! He never thought other girls as his partner before. Mia however choose someone else. "I don't think I will find someone else…"

"I can ask my wife to find someone suitable for you." Dhor said strongly. Dhor and his wife, Tyra is a married couple. They had a son before but when his son turn 12 years old, he died because of chronic cold. Now they only had a daughter.

"Brother Leon can marry me!" Layla shout. Then everyone in the house laugh at her cute statement.

Leon didn't agree and reject Dhor ideas but his heart is confident that he may not married anyone else now. He don't know any other girls other than Mia, so he can't imagine how his life could be with other girl. Mia is a spoil girl, she always get what she want. He already imagines, when they get married, he will give her a lot of meat without afraid to get hungry and he will give everything she wants. He already decorates his house like she wants. He had asked the hide maker to make a bedsheet with feather, its was the rarest request as to make a feather bedsheet will consume many energy. She also wants a lot of hide and he also had dig more rooms and make a bigger space on their living room. It takes him a year to complete it by himself. All of it for Mia.

Leon sigh. He was walking heavily with 3 mousedeer in his hand. His heart clenched hard after thought all that he did for Mia before. He sit by at near trees and space out. His heart become calm now, in front of him is a flat lawn with a lot of flower. There were a lot of different kind of flowers but only one flower catch his attention. A white big flower that Celia had give it to Bina before. The flower really resembles her, pure and innocent. Somehow his heart turns warm.

A wind blow heavily and Leon nose twitch make him he sniff again and again, a familiar scent. A faint of sweet and floral come from other side, it was not from the flower, he look up and saw white legs hanging on top of it. Quickly he stand up and look up.

"Bina? What are you doing there?" How can this girl climb up the tree! Its too tall!

Bina look at him with hesitation.

"Quick. Jump. I catch you." Before Leon can ready himself to catch her. Bina jump without any hesitation. Leon panic but somehow manage to catch Bina. She was very light! He remember he had hold her before when she was fainted at her mother funeral. Afraid that his strength will crush her body, quickly he put her on feet.

Leon look at Bina arms. In her arms, there were 4 eggs. Leon creased his eyebrows. "Do you climb the tree for this egg?"

Bina nod.

"What do you want to do with the eggs?"


Eating egg? He never heard it before. "You had danger yourself to eat something small like this? What happen to you if I didn't rest here? You will jump like that on the ground???" Leon said frustrated.

Bina look down. She looks like a kid who just being scold.

"Promise me you will not do this again." Leon said with strict voice.

"Eggs delicious and good for health." Bina said looking in his eyes. She looks determine. It was her new expression and it also shocked Leon.

Leon give a sigh. "Next time asked me if you want more eggs. I will pick it up for you. Understand?"

Bina smile and nod. It was his first-time seeing Bina smile for him. The dimple makes her looks cuter and her eyes shine shows her innocent and pure personality. Thump! Thump! Leon heartbeat thumping loudly. Leon froze. What is that?

"Leon?" Leon was watching Bina without realize minutes had passed by.

Suddenly he feel hot on his head. He turns away from Bina and pick up the mousedeer. "You go home first. I will clean this meat then give it to you."

"Thank you." Bina bow a little and left him behind.

Leon hand slowly touch his chest. What is that? His face was red, he had an urge to pull Bina in his arms and hug her tightly when he saw her smile. He also had a thought to kiss her dimple. Remember that Bina was not a kid anymore, he feel ashamed to himself. Why I have that thought???

It almost dark when Leon arrived at her house. He can smell a unique smell from her house. His stomach growl without ashamed. However, he quickly enter her house.

"Bina. I keep your mousedeer on your storage." Leon quickly hang the meat in her storage. Leon saw there are still a lot of preserve meat that must have been save by her mother. Leon feel heavy in his heart, he take one mousedeer and determined to make sure Bina eat this whole meat today. She is too small and weak!

"Bina, lets cook this one mousedeer today."

Bina nodded. She was focusing mincing a meat with a big knife.

Leon creased again his forehead. Her hand is too small and soft. Why she like to do dangerous thing?! "What are you doing? Stop. Let me do it."

Bina didn't argue and let Leon minced the meat and she focus finished up her beef soup. In the soup, there are a potato and carrot on it. Today, she found some herbs that suitable to make the soup more fragrant and delicious. When Leon had finished minced the meat, Bina used her hand to mix all of it with onion, mashed potato and green onion. She rolled the meat and dip it on egg, then she put it into her rock look like a pan.

The rock already covered with an oil fat so it make a pleasant sound and also tempting smell. Looking at Leon almost drooling face, she serve a bowl of beef soup to Leon. Leon didn't reject and drink the soup without any hesitation. His face shine brightly as the soup make him warm every part of his body. The soup was sweet and it has strong taste come from the meat. It his first time to have a soup with strong taste! He will never get used again to eat ordinary food!

After Leon had finished his soup, Bina give him a leaf that full with a small meatball on it. greedily Leon pick it up with his hand without afraid of heat, he pop in his mouth. It was mind blowing! The meat taste juicy! The herbs was perfectly combine with the meat. It was too small and with a blink, the meatball was all gone into his stomach. Then he realize, did Bina had eat that meatball?

"Bina, stop giving me food." Leon feel guilty. "You eat too."

Bina smile, her eyebrows a creased little like she was thinking than she said. "I like to see you eat. It makes me happy."

Thump! Thump! What the heck? What happen to my heart??? Leon feel his head hot again. He had turn red.

Bina didn't saw his red face, she focus on baking a mousedeer where Leon didn't even realize when had Bina grilled the meat. Leon sigh, he had been possessed with Bina food.

"Let me do that. You should eat now."

Bina nod and let him handle the meat. Bina had kept some part of meatball for herself, she eat slowly with a fork. She looks happy for every bite of meatball. Leon look at Bina little gesture and many question pop on his mind.

"Where do you learn to cook like this?"

Bina seems lost a little bit and said. "I want to eat delicious food. I learn it by myself."

"You found the herbs by yourself while you were working?"

Bina nod.

She had never went outside for her entire life, it must be her curiosity trigger her to try combine food and herbs. Leon nod at his thought. Since she can't change, maybe this is part of her ability. Leon satisfied with his conclusion.

After he had made sure Bina eat a lot of meat, he went back to his house. Before going to sleep, he carve a piece of wood mindlessly. Its one of his hobby. When he was younger, he always carved a lot of shape to be a pendant. He had once give it to Mia, but Mia don't like it so he stop craving a wood. After an hour, he was shock to see his carved. On his hand, there were a rough wooden flower with big petals, bloom widely. Leon chuckled to himself.

Suddenly he heard a shout not far from his house. He went outside and saw Bina push a man who had step her white flower that her mother give it to her.

"You trash! How dare you push me! Your mother die and nobody will protect you anymore! Move out from this house or I kill you!" A tall and muscle body smack Luna face and she fall back.

A roar come from behind Luna and without any words, a big bear come and attack the tall and muscle man, he suddenly turn into a lion and fight back the bear. It was a fierce fight but finally the lion change back into human and surrender. The bear change into his form, with some claws wound at his hand and body, he come towards Luna and look at her red face, in anger he look back at the lion.

"Phill? What are you doing???" Leon said with angry voice.

Phill who had beaten badly smirk. "I'm cleaning my house."

Leon creased his eyebrows. "What do you mean? This is Bina house."

Phill laugh. "This is warrior territory. That trash is supposed to move out last week. I had already give her some time to cherished this house and now I'm helping her to move out."

Leon step forward, wanted to kill him badly. "She just started to work, give her more time before the chief get ready her house."

A smug showed in Phill face and said, "Mia can't wait. We gonna settled in as Mira is pregnant with my baby."

Leon heart shaken after heard Phill words. She pregnant??? His heart full with anger and hateful. They had just broke up for 2 weeks, Mia was pregnant? Because of low technology and low knowledge in this era, they only will detect a baby when they had consummate for 6 weeks. Leon saw one of Phill man wanted to throw others thing outside, he calm himself.

"Stop. I will help her to move out. Don't throw her things." Leon take a huge hide that Bina had used as a door of her storage food but now it had been torn by Phill, then he transfer every small things inside it. "Bina, take your things and follow me." Before he walk away he look at Phill. "You can go back. I will clear the house."

Bina stand in front of Leon house while Leon had repeat 4 trips to bring her things to his house. Lastly he bring her bedsheet and put it inside empty room.

"Bina, you can stay here before you get your new house. Are you ok with it?" Leon said after he had done bring all her things inside his house.

Bina nod once. "Thank you."

Leon pat her head. "Go to sleep. You need to work hard, so you can move into a comfortable house."

Bina nod again and Leon walk away to his room. Heavily sigh, he closed his eyes and sleep.