Chapter 9 : Marry me

Bina was laying on her bedsheet and staring at the ceiling of the cave. Since her mother died, she had not sleep again. it is because she always wake up with feel scared, sad and angry, a nightmare. It was her memory in the war. When she was a robot, she doesn't feel lost, sad and angry but now, with human body and mind, the memory where she killed all her enemy and enemy killed her comrades hunted her.

When she start to work in the hill as plant seeker, she find out she can absorbed energy around her like when she was a robot where her energy is rely with a solar energy and electricity. Its make her body stronger without depends on sleeping and even eating. But now, she is obsess with cooking and eat delicious food, so she will just cook and look forward to find more ingredient on new recipe.

Bina stand up when she heard a deep and steady breath beside her room, Leon had sleep deeply. Slowly Bina go to Leon room. He was sleeping on the cold floor. His room was big but empty. Bina squat down beside Leon, she look at his face. Leon has a sharp eyebrows and strong jaw that make his face look fierce but his eyes, nose and lips is perfectly handsome. Somehow, Bina think that she had meet someone look like him on her previous life.

Bina look down at his bare athlete muscle chest and to his long legs. There were a lot of scar and fresh wound from the fight before. Slowly her hand lift towards his wound and heal the wound. A tight face on Leon before slowly turn soft. Leon had help her many times, so Bina had already set him as one of her comrade where their motto back then is to protect each other. Leon had protected her today and she will protect her too. After that Bina walk back to her room.

The next day, Leon wake up with growling stomach, it is because an aromatic smell attack him while he was still asleep. Leon quickly get up and follow the smell. In his living room, in a corner of his fire words, there is a tiny little girl was focus on scribble an eggs on her rock pan. Leon saw there were a big bowl with a hot soup, a lot slice of meat and a steaming potato had been serve on the banana leaf.

"Bina…" Leon called.

Bina make a hand gesture ask him to sit. Without any word, Leon sit and stare at the food with hunger.

"Try this." Bina said.

Bina serve him a food in front of him then Bina poke a slice of meat with her forks and dip it into sauce then she eat it. Leon pick forks that Bina had made for him, he dip the meat into the sauce and eat it. Unconsciously, Leon closed his eyes and savored the taste. He had already affected by Bina way of eating he realized it much more interesting to eat like this. The sauce was a little bit spicy and sweet. He likes sweet food.

After he had done eat all the food, he look at Bina who is slurping a soup of bowl. "Bina, thank you for the food today."

Bina finish her bowl and look at Leon. "Thank you for helping me yesterday and letting me stay here." Bina said.

Leon scratch his back of his neck, he feel a little shy at what had he done yesterday. He had ask her to stay at his house without asking her first. As he remember he look at Bina face again and relieve at Bina face didn't swell.

"While I am living here, I will cook." Bina said.

Leon feel happy with Bina offer. He had made a good decision. He can eat her delicious food every day! "You can take any food on my storage and used it. I will talk to the chief about your house. It may take some time before they find a suitable house for you."

Bina nod.

Feeling full and energetic, Leon has a good mood while walking to meet his hunt mates. Bina also went to her work with fresh feeling, its been a while to have someone breakfast together. She walk straight to the hills, she go deeper today because she wanted to explore more new food. The hills is full with wild grass and thorny veins but every step that Bina take, the vein and grass will move letting Bina walk without any hardship.

Bina noticed that in this world, there are only herbivore animal in this world. While carnivore only exist within human. While Bina wonder around, she saw a wild chicken, Bina was very happy. The most that she wanted to try is chicken! She has a lot recipe of chicken in her memory. However, she feel complicated. Leon will saw the chicken and ask her how she get it. What will she said? She catch it by herself? Someone give it to her? Bina sigh. She will bring Leon here to catch the chicken for her. Then she will reward many food for Leon. Bina nod to herself and go back to her base. She had found many new plants and fruits.

Before she could submit her founding plant, the group of girl again snatch every food that Bina found and destroy every plant and fruit that they thought was rubbish. Somehow today was a bit different, Mia who usually didn't interfere suddenly slap Bina face.

"You! What do you do to brother Leon! Do you seduced him!?" Mia said with red face. She was very jealous after she had heard Leon letting Bina stay at his house. The house was supposed to be her's, how could Leon let other girls sleep in that house! Mia was confident Leon will never look or want other girls. She wanted to enjoy herself to have some mates, however she was suddenly pregnant, but she really didn't mind. Because Leon will wait for her and she will marry Leon when she wanted to settled down. Somehow, Leon had take care other girl, she was very furious. The most that she hates is that girl is only a trash! She feel like Leon was cheating on him.

The last slap that Bina received was very strong and it makes Bina fall down.

"She must had seduced him with her pity face!" The chubby, Lola said.

"She just a trash! How could she seduced him?" The skinny, Eva, look at Bina with disgust face.

"Haven't you heard? Her mother worships a demon. How could she wake up after 5 years being dead? If its not she is demon, than what is it? Her mother died after few months, she must the one bring the calamity. She must have an ability to seduced man and let them served her too." the chubby said.

"If its like that, brother Leon is in great danger!" the skinny said with shocked face.

Mia who is just listening become angrier. "Kill her before she can bring calamity to other people!" Mia said with raged.

Lola who is chubby, drag Bina by pulling her arms, she was chubby but very strong. They stop after confirm that they had gone far from others. The chubby easily pick Bina and throw her with all her might. Bina hit her head and its bleed. Bina face didn't show any sign of scared, it makes them angry. The chubby change into her animal form, a big boar, she trampled Bina with all her might.

Bina who was planned to let them do whatever they wanted had a bad feeling. She feel a lot of pain and she don't like it. A hot and heavy boiling in her body. She wanted to kill them. Bina push the boar away easily, she was thrown till hit a tree. Eva also change herself as a snakes, a big snake. She quickly climb to Bina body and tied her tightly.

Mia laugh. "You can fight, huh?"

Bina look at Mia. She don't really know Mia but she knew that Mia had broke engagement with Leon before. She heard it with the gossip among the tribe.

"Do you remember who push you into the lake 5 years ago?" Mia smirk. "Do you remember why?"

Bina feel her body had tightly been squeeze with the snake. It makes her hard to breath.

"This face. This skin. This eye. You should be trash but everyone likes you because of your so call cute and pretty appearance. They compare you with us on how well-mannered you were, but you just a trash! Do you know how it humiliate us!" The boar who was not far from them snort agreeing with Mia and the snake move again slowly to squeeze her more.

"You are supposed to be dead! You trash! Your mother was a slut! They all thought she was warrior but she just same like you. A trash! A slut! She seduced my father to heal you. She even seduced the chief village so that she can keep you! How nasty are your mother to seduce married man!" Mia spit out her anger and curse her mother again and again because she like to see Bina angry face.

"Do you hear me?! Your mother is a bitch and slut!"

Bina don't understand why she feel hot and almost lost control. The thing that she knows is she don't like to heard someone cursing her mother. She can feel her body turn rampage, the blood on her face drop near her nose, she smell blood. It makes her remember the war. She wanted to kill all of them! Bina suddenly tighten her muscle and easily push apart the snake body. Her eyes turn red, her mind however blurred. She had an urge to kill all but a part of her stop her body from move.

Mia who saw Bina lost control, change her form into a fox. She wanted to kill her and throw her into a slope so that no ones will found her. Mia jump and scratched Bina face. Bina feel a pain in her face, she wanted to fight back but there are still something stop her from doing that. She push Mia strongly and run. Mia chase after but Bina was too fast. With her animal smell, she track her easily.

Bina vent her anger with knocking the trees. She was too strong. Every trees that she knock, fall one by one. She never stop running. Mia had catch up and saw a lot of trees falling to the ground. Mia was quite shocked but she continue chase after her. Then she saw a slope not far from Bina. Mia smile evilly. Without Mia effort, Bina who had lost her mind fall from the steep.

Mia look down, after sensing there are no more movement. Then she smell a rain. She smile. No one will know where Bina be after the raining. Then she left.


It was raining and the sun had go down. Leon had already hunt few animals for their tribe. He had waited for Bina to come home for a long time, but Bina didn't return. With a bad feeling, he went to Dhor house.

"Leon? What are you doing here?" Dhor who opened the door was quite shock to see a dark face on Leon.

"Is aunty Tyra back?" Leon ask.

"Yes… lovee, Leon came." Dhor call his wife with suspicious.

"Oh, Leon? What can I help you?"

"Is Bina working today?"

"Yes. She did but its raining suddenly, she didn't manage to submit her job today."

"She is not in the house." Leon face darken more.

"What??? Its already night. Are you sure? Where did she go?" Tyra turn panic. She feel wrong at not take care of Bina today.

Leon turn and walk away.

"Where are you going?" Dhor call Leon.

"I will search for her in the hills." Leon said.

"I will help. Tyra, I be back." Then they both run outside. Its raining heavily but Leon didn't stop and run towards hill that usually the plant seeker will be.

Hours had pass, the rain didn't stop but it already slow down, finally he saw a ruin basket with a lot of green grass. Leon heart shrink and heavy. Something had happen to Bina. Dhor also turn pale, Bina is one of his mate hunt daughter. After Bina had awake, Celia always talk to her about her daughter. He had good impression to Bina and her wife also always praises Bina.

The heavy rain before had ruin every footstep and smell. But somehow Leon smell something familiar even though it's not a strong smell. He followed the smell and it became stronger and stronger deep in the woods. Leon turn stiff and his face looks ugly. A blood. He smell blood and it has a hint of Bina floral smell. Something attack her? But why? Who? Leon now feel anger and panic in his heart.

Dhor also can smell the blood but he don't know who's but seeing Leon face, he understand. He wanted to calm Leon but he don't know how, because probably Bina is dead now as she was a weak human.

"Its Bina. She had been attack." Leon murmured and he gamble walk ahead to continue looking for Bina. Dhor only follow him and try to find some more clues. While they were walking with a quick step Dhor saw something weird.

"Leon. Look." Dhor pointed in front of him. They saw a trees collapsed. Is the rain is too heavy? Or had been struck by lightning?

Leon had a bad feeling. He run towards it and follow the collapsed tree until there were no more and there are slope. Leon heart shrunk more, did she fall??? Leon wanted to jump and look for Bina but Dhor pull him.

"Leon! Calm down! You will die if you jump from here!" Dhor roar.

Leon chaos head slowly calm.

"We can go down slowly by walking around there. Change into animal form. The step might be slippery." Then Dhor change to his tiger form and walk forward. Leon also change into bear.

As they had go down, Leon didn't have any patient left, he run towards the slope before. He had strong feeling that she had fall from that steep. Goosebumps run threw his head and all over his body. A strong smell. A blood. A flowery scent. He run quickly towards it and he saw a girl lay flatly. A long hair that usually had tied bun was mess. He turn to human form. He was afraid to look at it but slowly his shaking hand touch the hair to look at her face. His heart almost stop seeing at the blood on her face, it's Bina.


Its already a week, Bina still has not wake up. Everyday Leon will help her to drink and give some sweet fruit for Bina. Tyra will almost come to clean Bina. Bina didn't have a broken bones but there were a lot of wound on her body and face when he had found her. They were all surprise at Bina strength, fall down from such height mostly will crush their bones. Now her body is clean without any wound and scar but Bina still didn't wake up. Leon worried that Bina will not wake up for more than years like she had before.

Leon do miss her delicious food but the most that he miss is her eyes and smile that shows her dimples. Leon understand back then when he had an urged to hug her and kiss her before, he had fallen in love with her. He had never felt that to any one even with Mia. When he saw weak Bina body that full with blood, he knows that he had lost someone important. Important for his heart. He almost lost his love.

When he had carried Bina back to his cave, even though it just a faint, he smell something familiar and he had already meet her. Her ex-fiancé. She didn't admit but he knows it was her. He had hate her and he will never forgive her.

At night, Leon stay with Bina. Every night, Bina will screamed and cry, when he hug her and pat her head and her back, she will calm down. So, Leon didn't dare left her when it was night. He already slept with her for these whole weeks and before Leon sleep, he will always look at Bina face and hoping Bina will wake up.

The next day Leon wake up with shock after sense that beside him was empty. Then he smell something and he quickly get out from the room to the smell. Leon saw a tiny little girl sitting on the floor while stirring a soup on the bowl. His nose suddenly turn sour and stung, he quickly walk towards Bina and lift her up. He look into Bina face.

The sudden touch and strong hand lift her up make Bina shock. Their high was very big when he lift her up, her feet was far away from the floor. Her eyes was big when Leon look into her eyes. Her white face with a touch of pink shows that she in a good health. The person heat in his arm told him this wasn't a dream. He hug her tightly!

"Bina…" Leon called her. His head snuggling on her neck and he inhale deeply at her scent.

"Leon. Hahaha. Its itchy. Hahaha." Bina push his body wanted to escape from his sharp beard that she felt from her neck.

Leon look back to her face and saw a wide mouth laughing and a dimple on her cheek. His heart melt and all of his stress for these weeks gone. He move his face towards Bina and kiss her cheek.

Bina widen her eyes again. Can someone easily kiss another person? Bina wonder.

Leon put her down and look into her eyes seriously.

"Will you marry me, Bina? I promise you I will protect you and you never live with hunger anymore." Leon propose.

Bina blinked her eyes again and again. Marry? What is marry? Leaving together? Make a family? Bina head searching more memory about marriage. Is this proposal? He wanted to have family with me? Bina remember Dr. William had shows her family photo. A pair of parents and two children in the picture.

Seeing Bina confused face, Leon bend his body, touch Bina chin and lift it up to look at him. "I want to live with you forever." Leon kiss her forehead gently. "Watching you sleep forever." He kiss both of her eyelid. "Eating with you forever." He kiss Bina right cheek. "Seeing your smile forever." He kiss her left cheek. "Protect you forever." He look into her eyes deeply than he continue. "I love you, Bina." Slowly his lips touch her lips. Leon kiss her gently without any pressure than he look back to Bina face.

Bina face turns red. She not sure what had happen but every words and every kiss touch her heart deeply. Her heart beat loudly for every kiss. The soft kiss on her mouth was mind blowing to her. She wants more. She like to hear his soft voice and his kiss, its feel different from her mother. Without any words, Bina jump and lock her arms at Leon neck then she pressed her lips to Leon.

Now, its Leon turn to wide his eyes. Never he thought this innocent and pure girl will jump at him like this. He chuckled a little bit and hug her waist and lift it up, he kiss her back. The kiss was so sweet, they both don't have any experience but they can feel the soft lips and the wetness make them both can't stop from exploring the new feeling. They were like fighting together to suck each other lips. They stop after they can't breath. Leon was very happy, seeing Bina red face and having a heavy breathing, Leon was full of love and lust. Immediately he put Bina down.

Slowly he pat Bina head. "Let's eat." He can't look at her more or he will lost control.