Chapter 10 : What is Love

It was their happiest breakfast that they had. Eating and smiling to each other every time they make an eye contact. Leon feel his heart spreading wide and warm, he wanted this to be his every day routine. Bina also think to live like this everyday is good. She likes it.

After have a breakfast, Leon get ready for his hunt work. "I have a work today. You do not need to work. Just stay inside and rest."

Bina nod with a smile. "Take care."

How could Leon left, Bina just wake up and he wanted to look at her and hold her for every second. Feeling suffocated, don't want to be separated, Leon hug Bina then he plant a kiss to Bina forehead. "I'll be back!" Then Leon left.

Bina heart beating loudly, her hand touch her forehead. Her mother always kiss her forehead but being kiss by Leon, its totally different.

"Oh Bina! You already awake!" Suddenly a big warm body hug her tightly. "You scared me back then! I really am sorry for not protect you well." A chubby middle age woman look at Bina with some tears in her eyes.

"Aunty Tyra." Bina called.

"I usually will come and clean you every day. Today I want to clean you again but you had awake. I am really glad. Sit, Bina. Sit. When do you wake up? Is there any painful or discomfort with your body?" Tyra pull Bina to sit.

Bina nod once and put her hand to her chest. "My heart beat faster and stronger after I wake up."

Tyra creased her forehead, worried "Does it still feel like that now?"

"Now not anymore. But when I was cooking, it beat faster and stronger again. My hand sweaty and shaking. My body too feel hot. I think I had lost control too."

Tyra hold Bina hand and check her temperature. Its doesn't feel hot and her hand are not sweaty anymore. "Does it feel pain or hard to breath?"

Bina think a while and nod. Yes. She was breathing hardly when Leon kiss her but after that she feel strangely… Satisfied? "It doesn't hurt so much after kiss Leon."

"What???" Tyra eyes turn wide. "Wait. Tell me when you wake up is Leon is with you?"

Bina nod. "Yes. When I open my eyes. I saw Leon. He hold me in his arms. I think it feel warm and nice but when his face was too close, my heart beat loudly and my whole body feel hot and sweaty."

Tyra looks dumbfounded.

"I thought it because of my hunger, so I went to cook. But… But when suddenly Leon hug me tightly and kiss my face, my heart beat faster and strong. It was hard to breath too. Then I lost control."

Tyra face turn red. "W… What do you mean you lost control?"

"I hug him and kiss him back until Leon broke our kiss, I realize on what I had done. Aunty, is this some of disease?" Bina explain and ask like she was in serious trouble.

That's why she smell all of Leon in her body! They are hugging and kissing! That damn boy had taint this innocent girl! But Tyra face was red with wide smile. "Does he said he love you?"

Bina widen her eyes. "Yes! He ask me to marry him and he also said he love me." When Bina remember back at Leon words and action, her body turn hot and her heart beat faster again. "Look aunty! My heart beat faster and loudly again!" Bina pull Tyra hand and put at her chest.

Tyra smile and laugh amusedly. "Bina…"

"Why do you laugh?" Bina confused.

Tyra try to hold her laugh and smile. "Do you understand what is mean by marry?"

"Marry is to become a family."

"So you want to marry Leon?" Tyra ask again to confirm is this innocent girl understand of it.

"I think its not bad to marry Leon and be a family. Leon is a good person."

Tyra nod her head and continue. "So, do you love him?"

Bina blink her eyes. She is not sure what is love. Does this call love?

Seeing confused face on Bina, Tyra sigh and chuckled. This girl don't know what love is mean. Pity on Leon because he had confessed to the girls who don't understand about love.

"Do you like it when you kiss Leon?"

Bina nod without any hesitation. "I like it when Leon kiss me and hug me but my heart beat faster and I get sweaty and also lost control too!"

Tyra smile helplessly. "Bina… the heart beating, the sweat and feel hot. Is what we call you are nervous in front someone you love. Do you feel happy when he hug you and kiss you?"

Bina nod. "I feel happy." Bina stare at her kitchen. "I am happy too when Leon eat my food and praise it."

Tyra smile. "When you feel happy with everything bad and good that he done, it means you are in love. When you get married with Leon, you will both living together, have some children and protect each other until you both turn old. Do you want it?"

Bina blink her eyes.

Tyra pat Bina head gently. "You don't need to tell me. You can think slowly then you can told Leon."

After Tyra make sure Bina is well and healthy, she left and go to her work. One whole day Bina didn't move. She had been sitting on the living room and thinking deeply. Until it was late evening, she quickly prepare her ingredient to cook. She had just finish her cooking when suddenly she feel her body to be pick up and hug tightly. Bina instantly feel warm in her heart, she feel happy.

"I'm back." Leon look into her eyes and kiss lightly at her lips.

"Good." Bina smile widely. "Let's eat."

Leon kiss her cheek twice and put her down. "You don't need to cook for a while. You supposed to rest." Leon sit and pull Bina to sit beside him.

"I like to cook." As usual, Bina serve him a meat that she grill with some herbs and a bowl of soup vegetables.

Leon feel very happy. He lean to her and kiss her forehead. "Thank you. Let's eat together."

Leon finish all the meat greedily as he miss her food very much. After that, like usual, they will both clean it up. Bina was checking her stock of her herbs and feel sad after seeing some of her plant that she grows inside her room is completely dried. Its been a week Bina had lost conscious, without Bina energy, the plant in the room don't have a sunlight so, it will easily wilt and die. Tomorrow she will search more plant and plant it in the house.

"What are you doing?" Leon saw many dried plants. He always wonder why Bina kept all green plant on her room but seeing Bina sad face now, he couldn't help wanted to know why. He will not make Bina sad!

"The plant is dead. I want to find new plant tomorrow."

"Ok. We will go together. I will help you." If she wants it, he will support her!

Bina saw something on Leon hand. "What is that?"

Leon smile and show it to her.

Bina pick it up. It was a flower. Big petal flower that her mother once give it to her but Phill had destroy it. It has same shape but this flower is not a flower, it's a flower wood, Leon craft it perfectly. Somehow, she feel a sting in her nose and her eyes wet with a tears but she was smiling widely. "It's beautiful."

Leon saw a tears fall from her cheek and hug her gently. "You like it?"

"Yes, I like it." She wipe her tears and smile at Leon. "Can I keep it?"

Bina red nose and misty eyes look so pretty to Leon eyes. "It's yours."

Bina tiptoe and pull Leon shoulder and kiss his cheek. "Thank you."

The kiss spreading entire of his body and it makes Leon almost lost control but remember that they had not yet married he calm his heart. "Go to sleep. Tomorrow morning, we can go to the hills and find some plants that you want."

Bina nod and Leon immediately went to his room. He felt Bina is in danger whenever Bina make a move to him. How could this little girl look seductive! Leon inhale deeply to calm his heart and lust! Looking at his empty room, Leon smile widely. His wedding date will be 2 more weeks. He will decorate his room perfectly for them!

Next morning, Leon wake up with a captivating smell. What a happy life! Wake up with food and eat with beloved until full. Leon saw Bina body at a side of the kitchen, he quickly wash his teeth and face at the wooden basin near his entrance door house and sit beside Bina.

"Morning! What do you cook today?"

"Just a grill meat for you. My herbs had finished. So, its limited to cook different other dishes." A big slice meat had been grill perfectly and Bina serve it to Leon. Leon eat it happily, even though it look simple but it still new kind of taste for Leon. Always taste delicious!

After they had done breakfast and clean their dishes. Pick up her basket and bring along to the hills with Leon. Its still early in the morning but there are some people awake already and people look at them with disbelief. The news that Bina had almost die and being take care by Leon is hot news for them. Some people don't want to believe it, but today, they saw Bina come out from Leon house and Leon had a basket in his hand and walk side by side with Bina.

In the hill, Leon help Bina pick many herbs and fruit. Bina saw some wild strawberry growing in the hills. Happily she pick it up and eat it. Because it isn't matured yet, it taste sour. Slowly Bina make it matured and pick it up again and lift it to Leon mouth.

"Taste this. Its sweet." Bina knows Leon like sweet food so he offered to him.

Leon bite it from her finger and smile widely. "It really sweet."

"Lets take some of it."

While Bina focus on the ground looking more herbs, she saw not far from them a wild chicken. She wants it!

Leon had never lift her eyes on Bina so when he saw Bina look somewhere with a glint of shining eyes. Leon can't help to ask. "What is it? You saw something good?"

Bina look at Leon with a big smile. "Leon! I want to eat chicken!"


Bina hold Leon hand and quickly walk towards chicken. After few steps, Leon saw the chicken. He had never saw it before. It looks like a bird but bigger than the birds. Weird. Leon look at Bina shining eyes and hopeful face. Leon know what to do. He put her basket that full with herbs and fruit, then slowly he walk towards the chicken. Leon regret for not bringing his spear, this chicken has a wing. It can fly right?

Leon was very very regret for not bringing his spear, as this chicken can't fly but it can jump far with a help of its wing. Their tribe never hunt small animal, they always hunt bigger animal so they can eat a lot. Leon pride collapsed with a tiny animal. He had promise Bina that he will not let Bina feel hunger when he proposed to her. Now, she wanted to eat this little meat, he can't catch it. But remember Bina shining eyes before, Leon don't want to give up! This little meat wants to tease him?! Huh! I will catch you and eat you!

Bina had been enjoying watch Leon catch the chicken, it makes her wanted to laugh but didn't when she saw Leon was too serious on catching it. She is very happy that Leon do it for her. Seeing Leon disappointed face for every time he fails to catch the chicken, Bina feel annoyed towards the chicken. Then she make some move with her hand, the chicken was still proud running and jumping around when suddenly a roots where its stood, wrapping its legs, making it can't move. Then Leon finally catch the chicken! Leon quickly hold the chicken tightly and bring it to Bina with proud face.

Seeing Leon grin smile, Bina smile widely and pull Leon shoulder to kiss his cheek. "Thank you!" Bina whispered to him.

Leon face turn red and his mouth can't stop from smiling widely.

Before the day turns dark, they return to their house back. The chicken that already been clean by Leon at the river before is being grilled on the firepit. The smell was different from meats and it makes Leon stomach growl. He can't wait to have a bite the chicken that bullied him before! Because the chicken is not big enough for Leon, of course Bina had ready some meat for Leon. She grill the meat with a sauce that she had made it for Leon before. Leon likes the sauce so Leon had been the one mix all the herbs for the sauce.

The chicken didn't disappoint him, Bina was right, it was much tender and a different kind of sweet taste on it. It's his new favorite food! He will catch more chicken after this!

"Bina, do you hibernate when its winter?" Leon ask suddenly.

Bina creased her forehead. Does everyone here hibernate in winter? Its her first time winter in this new world, but she was sure that even she didn't hibernate and eat for whole month, she will be alright. "Do you hibernate in winter?" Bina asked.

Leon open his arms and hug her gently. They were sitting side by side before, so Bina right shoulder is leaning on Leon chest. "If you can't hibernate, I will accompany you. I will hunt many meat for our stock in the winter."

The gentle sound from Leon and his warm hug, Bina feel a tingling in her heart and it fell warm. Slowly he lean her head on his body. "I'm not sure if I can or not but I think I can handle it."

Leon look at Bina. "With this little body of you, how can your body handle the coldness and the hunger?"

"I only eat little. So, no need to worry so much about the stock of food. Then, if I cold, I will only hug you like this and I will be warm enough." Bina open her arms and hug him back, smile assuring him.

Leon face turn red. This little girl can flirt, huh? Leon hug her tightly and kiss her lips. It was gentle kiss but enough making Bina feel hot and she wants more. She push her lips deeper to Leon lips and hungrily suck Leon lips. Leon wrinkle his eyebrows, this girl is too bold! Before he lose control, Leon push Bina slowly and hug her tightly with his head on her shoulder. Trying to calm his lust.

"Bina, wait until we are married. I will devour every part of you." Leon whispered with husky voice.