Chapter 13 : Marriage Ceremony

Day by days have passed, Leon and Bina were busy. Leon busy with hunt a lot of food, winter is coming, he need to prepare a lot stock of food and he also very busy preparing for their marriage. Their house had nicely décor, new bed, curtains with hides and Bina create some beautiful veins to decorate their house, making the house more refreshing.

Knowing Bina day by day, Leon create a big basin in their house so that Bina can clean herself. Leon will be in charge to change the water day by day. Their people very rare to clean their self so, that's why Leon took this matter very seriously.

Leon also knows that Bina love gardening and cooking, so he carved out their cave house bigger making a kitchen for her and space for her to growth her plants.

While Bina busy with teaching Tyra and Tyra will told the workers plant seeker, including her, to plant seeds and nurture them. She had suggested to find a big space for farming the plants. Even though it was a cold season, it didn't affect the growth of the plant, it is of course Bina help it to grow day by day. Some people wondering why they need to do it, but soon, they saw the plant sprouting and growing healthily and this making the hottest topic in the tribe.

The priest also had spread some news that God had give them blessed with a Child of Beloved God and they were very excited and proud. But they never know who was the Child of Beloved God.

Bina wanted to teach farming for animals too, but winter will come soon and this tribe will be hibernate in that season. She also don't want to show her skills too much, afraid people might notice her differences and some may worship her or even envy her later, she don't want that. She will takes it slow.

Of course, she busy decorating their house with Leon, she helps him a lot by giving him energy every night. Don't want any mishap in mentally and physically happen to Leon. She knows Leon work hard, she need to support him. Of course, Leon don't know that she can heal people and growth some plant with her special ability. Bina want him to treat her like a normal person and she knows, if Leon know all of her ability, Leon will not become greed but she do afraid, he will treat her differently.

She likes it when he cared for her, pampered her and protect her. Its funny when Leon is too protective, whenever she hold knife or carried some heavy things, he will make sure, he do all of it. When she was cooking, she only need to make simple things, Leon will do all the cuts, grinding and crushing job.

Sometimes, whenever Leon have some free time, he will accompany her to the field farm, protecting her from the sun, her skin was very fair and soft, of course he afraid her body can't stand of the sun, even though it was fall season which the sun are not too hot. Making all the ladies envy her but they didn't complain because they knew Leon is very faithful person. Many of them thought Mia was very stupid for letting Leon go. Of course, Mia was very jealous but she can't do anything, for the first time of her life, she was very scared of Leon. He had murderous look when Leon come to warn her about Bina mishap last time. Even though she had denied it over and over again, Leon didn't belief her at all.

The priest was also very busy, he had shamelessly come to Leon house to eat Bina food and learning how to make delicious food, Bina thought him everything and gave him herbs to used for food. He also prepares many things for their marriage ceremony. Before he only wanted to make it special for Leon, which Leon is a promising future leader and it was a special year that came once after 10 years. Now, with belief that Bina is a Child of Beloved God, he wanted it to be grand and unique!

Until the day had came, everyone notice the marriage ceremony was very different from before. There are 4 couples registered for the marriage, two of them was in middle age with 1 or 2 child and two old couples, so, they also feel it was the best and blessing ceremony for them, making others wanted to get married too.

They were all very busy, cooking a feast for the tribe, decorates, preparing things for the priest, the groom and the bride busy dress up for the ceremony. For the first time of their history, the priest wants them to separate the couple a day before marriage, so Leon had been slept in Dhor house and Tyra and her daughter company Bina.

Tyra was very busy dressing up Bina, she had discuss and design a elk hide sleeveless dress which was pure white, perfectly fit on Bina petite body, around the V-neck dress had been stitch with rabbit white fur that showed her breast side look bigger and her waist is tied with beautiful green vein showed her perfect curve. The dress covers her knees, swaying beautifully. Her necklace was made by colorful feathers of bird, mix with green and blue colors match with her eyes and her green vein belt. Her head is decorated with a green simple wreath crown and letting her brown long wavy hair down.

Tyra was awe with her beautiful looks, her fair skin beaming with the color of the dress and necklace. Again, this dress will be a first time in their history and will become their traditional wedding dress. Their generation still don't have any makeup yet, but Bina natural pink blush and her pink lips make it so perfect. For the first time Bina feel nervous. In her past life, she remember she had been attending her best friend wedding ceremony, the bride was very nervous on her looks, dress, makeup, the way she walks, talk and smile. She wanted to show her beauty for her future husband on that day. She also remember her friend crying and she also touched by the event when they make a vow of marriage.

One day without Leon, she feel anxious too, for the first time she think seriously the meaning of marriage. Reminiscence a lot of marriage couple on her previous life. Some people loving each other till their old but some of them didn't. After coming here, the first person she had hold dear is her mother in this world, Celia and Leon is her second person. She learnt a lot new feeling with him and love him day by day. She afraid losing him one day but Leon always told her they gonna protect each other and live happily till the end. So she chanted that promise in her head whenever she had dark thought.

Before it turns dark, everybody came to the ceremony. It was not far from the cave, they were a big trees and wide field, this place Leon and Bina had met before, when Leon saw Bina on top of tree to collect some eggs. People started to gather around here and the groom already waiting for their bride to came. The priest had arrange their place, he will married them at once and smartly arrange Leon couple in the middle which make him face to face with him.

The groom wear different kind of style, but never they could compare with Leon, of course, Tyra make sure they have matching cloths. The elk white hides cover half of his chest, shows his left strong muscle chest, the dress was about his knees. It didn't have a fur rabbit but with a simple brown vein wrap around his waist, it shows his strong body and his long legs. On his neck, there were a match necklace like Bina but with longer feather. On his left arms, there was an arm cuff which made by vines like Bina crown but with brown showing his warrior aura.

Not long after that, people around the ceremony started to be quiet after hear a song with a background instrument using a rock like a stick, making it into a rhythm. It wasn't actually a song, they only humming with sync. The humming was perfectly match their feeling, excited, happy thought and beautiful. Not long after that, a group of a lot of woman humming happily arrived at the place making sure hiding their bride in the middle of them. Some of them follow their humming making it more livelier until they almost near with the groom, they started to make a path for the bride walking slowly towards their partners.

They had arrange nicely with Bina walk in the last row. Everyone was mesmerize by Bina looks, her dress of course was too unique and beautiful in their eyes. Bina also look very beautiful making some man regret for not trying to get to know Bina earlier and of course ladies was very jealous of her.

Whatever in their mind, Bina eyes never look away from Leon and of course Leon too. He also being bewitched by Bina beauty. No one will disagree on Leon if he said, Bina was the most beautiful woman in this world. Only being separated a day, he had miss her so much, almost making Dhor headache to calm Leon anxiety. The twins also didn't forget to tease him how he pampered and love Bina so much. Right now, Leon heart burst with happiness, if he can shout his excitement, people might die or bleed their ears.

As soon they were stand face to face and Leon holding Bina hand, the priest started his mantra and prayer. Leon and Bina had curl their lips up, smiling and never let go of their eyes. After some mantra from the priest, he ask all the groom to follow his vow.

Leon follow the priest vow and with not so loud and not too low, Leon said. "For this day forward, our two soul will become one. This arm will fight for you. This body will shield you. This leg will accompany wherever you are. I vow you, I will love you till death do us apart."

It was very clear voice and Bina heard it until it touch her heart. Making her surrounding of flowers and animals sense her feeling, the flower blooming beautifully and the birds singing happily.

Then when it was Bina turn to vow, she squeeze her hand tightly on Leon and with her clear voice she said. "For this day forward, our two soul will become one. This arm will make you strong. This body will respect you. This leg will become your home. I vow you, I do too love you till death do us apart."

After Bina finish her vow, a strong but a soothing wind blow around them, the people that gather there feel their body full with energy and refreshing. Some people who had injured and had a broken legs or arm heal immediately. The wind blow some flowers and petals flying around. The scenery from sunset making people eyes saw the petals looks like a fairy, sparkling around them.

They believe, it was very special day and the most magical day that they had. Every people feel blessed, people crying and shouting happily.