Chapter 14 : First Night

Sun comes down and full moon come out, brighten the dark. In this mysterious world a small tribe living in the cave was very bright. People were chattering happily, eating heartily, dancing and some are fighting for joy. Seeing and sensing the miracle in their people tribe and surrounding, the priest and other chief who recognize Bina as the Child of Beloved God, have stronger faith with Bina.

Leon and Bina had been surrounded by the twins, Will and West, Dhor, his daughter and her wife Tyra, a middle age couple, uncle Otto and aunty Isla, they are both the only family Leon has. Bina had met them once, when they got the news and happily recognize Bina as their own child. The couple lost their son in ambushed of other tribe long time ago and treat Leon as their own son instead.

They eating, chattering and teasing the newly wed couple, Leon and Bina until late. Some people are still celebrating, some couple are still flirting and loving each other (Ehem. Having a steaming love). Bina and Leon walking hand by hand, side by side to their home.

"Are you tired?" Leon ask carefully. Worried that the ceremony was too tiring for Bina.

Bina shake her head. "No. I am not." Bina smile widely with her dimple, she swing their hand a bit higher. "I am very happy." She expressed herself.

Leon saw her cute side. She do look very happy making his chest feel tide and hot. As soon they enter their house, Leon pick her up, hugging and whispered to her ear. "You look so beautiful today."

The sudden hug jolt Bina body, but the hot whispered makes Bina blushed. She also thought Leon look strong and handsome today. Making her body turn hot and her heart beating like crazy. "You… you too." Somehow Bina can't talk properly. Embarrassed.

"Me too what?" Leon inhale her scent from her neck with his right hand supporting Bina body and left hand caressing gently Bina hair.

"You look handsome."

Leon chest again feel so tight, his breathing become heavy. "Bina… Never ever I thought you are the one can make my heart shaken like this." Leon voice was hoarse strangely making Bina gulp and her body turn hot.

"Do you feel it too?" Leon ask separate their head and look into her eyes.

The sharp gaze from Leon again beat her heart crazily. "I…" Bina don't know how to expressed her feeling, it was very complicated to expressed the ups and hot feeling inside of her.

Leon don't need to hear anything from Bina because, Bina eyes and body shows the same as him. Bina do love him. Leon kiss Bina hungrily, their heart burning with desire.

Bina can feel the kiss was very different from previous kiss. This kiss making her head empty and her body lost control. Their hand touching each other, Bina hand roaming around Leon strong chest and wide shoulder. Her legs seal on Leon waist tightly, she didn't even realize her body rub hard on Leon body likes she wanted to be one with Leon body.

With some sense that Leon has, he enter their bedroom, kissing her and cares her body hungrily. They even don't even remember when they get naked, their skin touch each other. Bina moan and moan for every kiss and touch from Leon. When Bina was breathless laying on the bed and Leon on top of her giving her time to rest. Leon never stop his eyes admire her body.

The fair and slim body looks hungry, Bina wanted more. "Leon…" Bina look pitiful. "more…" her sweet begging voice almost making him explode. It was his first time, his little brother had been stand strong, erect and aching so bad but he still hold its hunger.

Leon gently kiss, lick and suck her skin from her neck, chest and her body until he meet her flowers. It already wet and twitching so much. It looks small and beautiful in Leon eyes. He afraid his little brother will crush Bina flowers making her pain.

Bina was closing her eyes and moaning for every kiss Loen give but when Leon stop kissing, she look at Leon who was looking at her flower. She feel very embarrassed but waited for him to make and action again. Leon feel her gaze and look at her, slowly his hand touch her wet flower and found her cute little bud. Bina body shaken strongly, the pleasure was very extraordinary.

Seeing how much Bina body twitching and her moan become stronger and seductive, his little brother can't take it anymore.

"Bina, I want more too…" without letting his hand stop, he whispered beside her right ear.

Bina was too immersing the pleasure she didn't reply Leon.

"Bina, this will hurt a little… Please endure it a little bit." Leon said with hoarse lust voice.

Bina open her eyes and look into his eyes. She can feel a hard hot thing touch her soft flower, Leon looks tortured so she touch Leon face to encourage him to continue. When Leon make sure his little brother wet with her honey and the encouragement from Bina, he push his waist slowly his little brother enter her blooming flower.

Maybe her wetness and the pleasure before making her shiver again as she can feel Leon little brother inside her. She can feel it was very huge maybe it torn her flower a little, but she do feel different kind of pleasure. Leon moan feeling good inside her tight wet flower.

Seeing Bina bite her own lips and her eyes shut tightly maybe holding the pain or maybe feeling good, Leon start to kiss her again, every kiss makes her inside twitch so much until Leon can't handle it anymore.

With hunger voice he begging Bina. "Bina, I can't hold it anymore. I want you so much."

Seeing Bina nod still closing her eyes. He enter her deeply. Bina moaning again. Now his body naturally take control, pushing and pulling his little brother, feeling very hot and good. Until Bina started feeling very good to, she begging him more and more until their body and mind was feeling ups in the heaven. Satisfied and fulfill.

"Love you…" Leon kiss her forehead and pull her into his arm. Closing his eyes, they both enjoy the lingering ecstasy until they fall asleep.