Chapter 15 : First Snow

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"I am really in love with you, Luna."

"Be safe. I will come and find you for your answer."

A deep breathing move ups and down, his muscular chest is what Bina see when she open her eyes. Her head was laying on Leon arms and his another hand tightly hug her waist. Slowly she adjust her head and look up. Looking Leon face. Handsome. Bina whispered in her heart. After some time, her memory and feeling from previous life started to effect Bina sense of human feeling.

She don't know why she thinks Leon look like Jonas, her manager who had once confess to her on her previous life before. Bina didn't remember too much Jonas face but somehow, her heart said they do resemble one another. Looking at his strong jaws, perfect lips and nose, reminds Bina the wonderful feeling that they had last night. His proud eyebrows make him look very handsome. She inhale deeply and snuggle her face against his chest, she feel happy inside.

"Wake up already?" Leon wake up after sensing Bina snuggle his chest.

Bina look up, smiling and nod once. Suddenly she feels embarrass.

Leon saw her cheeks turn pink and a shy eye. New face again. Leon also smile and hug her body and pull her body so that she lay on top of him. Then, seal his hand on Bina naked back. How wonderful to open his eyes looking an angel face and feeling the soft and smooth skin on his body. This is what marriage is. To have her all by himself. He wanted to protect this feeling and having this day forever.

"Feeling any pain?" He is very worry Bina might feel pain and sore when he was very forceful to her last night. Its his first time, so of course he is worried and sensitive about these. He only knows all of this from his peers, sharing their first time and sex life.

Bina blushed hard. Actually, when she woke up, first thing first her flower do feel pain, it might had been torn a bit because of Leon big little brother. She do feel sore, but of course! She heal it immediately, she don't like to feel pain. Feeling blessed that she had that kind of power. (Cheating! I am myself recovering my pain for a week! LOL, ladies first time is of course memorable! Some ladies didn't feel any pain, making me jealous.)

"Not anymore." Bina said with low voice.

Sweet voice is what Leon has in his mind. Leon kiss her lips gently then pull back. "Love, continue to rest. I will cook for you." Leon quickly jump out his bed and wear his hides.

Bina saw Leon little brother was standing proudly. She blushed again. Of course, after tasting the forbidden fruit last night making him want it again and again but he afraid Bina can't handle it so he force himself to calm his desire and quickly get out from the room.

In the kitchen, like a pro, Leon make Bina simple fried eggs with meatballs. Leon knows Bina like meatballs a lot, he also like it. Because he always accompanied and help Bina to cook, he now knows to cook. Then a big of meat that Bina had marinated for a day, Leon slice it perfectly and fried it too.

Bina can smell the food, she quickly clean herself with some hot water that Leon had get it ready then she accompany Leon. How wonderful to have a husband cook for your breakfast!

"You should sleep some more." Leon said while serve the food on special wood table that Bina ask him to make before. There are also some wood stool chair, following Bina instruction.

"Don't worry. I'm fine." Bina give him sweet smile to assure him and feed him some meatball.

Saw Bina healthy face and beautiful smile, Leon relief. "How is it? Is it good?"

Bina show him two thumbs up and nod. "Perfect! Its delicious!"

Leon heart swell happily. They stop talking and eat enjoying the harmonies. After finish their breakfast, Leon quickly clean all the dishes making sure Bina rest some more.

"Do you need to hunt today?" Bina asked.

"No. You need to go to the farm?"

"Tyra ask me to have a rest for few days."

"Good. You should rest."

Bina give a pout. "I want to have some walk…" They were very busy for these few weeks, Bina miss to walk around the forest and explore new things.

"Where you wanna go? I accompany you." Leon cares her cheek, how her every expression makes him fall in love again and again.

Bina eyes sparkling happily. "Lets go! I want to have some walk in the forest."

They both get ready with Bina basket and Leon bring along his spears. Bina likes to explore and experience some new things, so Leon make sure he fully equips things to protect any mishap and danger. At first when he follow her into the forest, he was quite angry because it too dangerous for Bina but seeing Bina found new things such a plants, animals and even a rock with her shining and excited face, Leon can't express his anger but to endure and only make sure Bina is safe with him around.

When they started to walk out, most people greet them, some man tease Leon for having a good night. Some ladies blushed hard when they saw Leon and Bina together, because they were part of animal, they had strong sense of smell. Leon and Bina smell mix up and they know Leon who is never had his first time finally gone. Some belief Leon was not normal man without sex desire, but today, most the ladies was very jealous.

When woman had their first time, they also will have a new strong sweet scent, that's why Tyra had asked Bina to rest some days. Sense the eyes surround them, Leon make sure he walk near Bina. How he wanted to pick up Bina and run to their house again. Then lock her up. Wanted to protect her from every animal male eye.

He regret for not able to say 'no' to Bina. He sigh.

After some walk and arrive almost deep in the forest, Bina started to collect herbs, fruit and plants. They also meet a group of wild chicken, some small animal, rabbits but didn't hunt them.

"After winter, we can capture some of them and nurture them." Bina said.

"Nurture them?" Leon wonder. "Nurture like plants?"

Bina nod. "We can build a house for them, making sure they can't run. Capture along male and female, so that they can born more baby animal. Then we can nurture them."

Leon eyes turn wide. If they nurture them like that, they do not need to hunt anymore. Leon look at Bina with awe. Why never ever they thought something like this?

"We can nurture deer and elk too?"

"Of course. We can nurture any animal."

"We must tell the priest and the chief about it."

Bina nod. "You can tell them." Bina don't want more attention, she want people rely on Leon. She understand the priest want him to be the future leader, so of course all the credit must be give to Leon. Her husband!

Bina continue, with a weak voice, "Its too tiring to talk and told them again and again. The priest must want to interrogate me if I was there."

Leon nod. He don't want Bina to feel tired. He also don't like how the priest always wanted to talk and spend time on Bina a lot. Bina is his! Even she is the Child of Beloved God, in his eyes, Bina is fragile. God must give him Bina so that he can protect her! Bina love him, God must had trust on him too!

After Bina was very satisfied on her new founding, they start to go back. While they are holding hand side by side, a white like cotton fly around them, Bina feel chill.

"Its snowing…" Leon said.

Not sure where it come from, Leon let out thick hides rabbit white fur, he put around Bina.

Bina still look at the snow falling, she also capture some snow. Its was her first time to experience a snow. In her previous life, her country didn't have 4 seasons, its only have rain and hot day. "Look!" Bina show her hand. All the flakes melt into her hand.

"You like it?"

Bina nod excitedly. "Its beautiful!" A beautiful dimple shows on her cheek.

"Yes. Beautiful." Leon look at Bina running around to catch some snow. After the snow started to get heavy, Leon quickly pull Bina back to their cave.

Their tribe started to turn into animal shape, protecting themselves from cold. Some of them already start hibernating. As soon Leon and Bina enter their house, Leon start to heat some water for Bina.

Leon also take out more fur hides for Bina, because she can't turn into animal, Leon had thoughtful ask his aunty Isla to make the hides for her.

"Look at your hand. Its freezing! You play the snow too much." Leon scold Bina while cups her hands with his. Wanted to warm them.

"Its fun." Bina chuckle. Feeling happy at Leon cared.

"What are you laughing at?"

"My husband is very protective."

"What husband?" In their tribe don't have a term of husband and wife yet.



Bina nod. "Husband is call when they get married. I call you husband. You call me wife."

"Wife." Leon said.


"Call me too."


"Call me husband again."


Leon pick Bina up and let her sit on his lap. He lean his face and snuggle their nose together. "My lovely wife." Leon whispered on her ears.

Bina blushed. Its sound sexy!

"Call me again." Leon said.

"Husband…" Bina said with low voice, somehow she feel embarrass.

"I don't hear you, wife." Leon whispered again and he kiss her neck and lick it too.

With some struggling to hold her moan, weakly she said. "Husband. It feels good."

Leon didn't stop and start to hold her tight and smelling her sweet flower scent and lick her jaws and neck. His hand already roaming around her body and her breast. Pinching and playing with her nipples. It start to get erect and Bina moan excitedly.

Bina feel torture with Leon teased, she begging him more. "Hubby… I want kiss…"

Leon lips capture Bina soft lips. He taste it, lick it and nimble it. He start to feel the greed, he take out her hides and his too. Pick her up like bridal style to their bedroom. Bina hold his neck, lean her head wanted to kiss more. Their tongue touch each other, they suck and explore their mouth. Leon lay flat letting Bina to take control.

Their body stuck skin to skin, feeling the muscular body beneath her, she feel so aroused. She can feel her flower start to twitch, her flower was very hungry. Wanted Leon cares it. She wanted to ask for it, but somehow she feel shy. Moving her body wanted his warm and touch, her flower meet his little brother which had been stand solid up.

Her bottom greedily rub his hot and solid little brother. Leon feel the soft hot skin touch his little brother. It was very wet. The wetness and the rubbing, making some erotic noise, Leon almost lost his mind. He can feel her body begging him. Wanted him so much.

"Hubby… Please… I want more." Bina ask shyly and begging him with her teary eyes.

"Want more? What more?" Leon ask dumbly. Pretend to not understand.

Bina lean hard on his little brother. Feeling the hard little brother touch her little bud, making her body shivering. She close her eyes and bite her lips, she rubs it more.

Leon feel the wetness and soft hot skin hungrily rub again his. He feel good too. Holding himself from enter her greedily. He let her taste it by herself. His hand teasing his breast and nipples, making Bina feel so good. Her body move quickly, follow her lust instinct, she rub it harder and harder until her body and mind floating in the clouds. Unconsciously, Bina bite Leon shoulder for holding her moans. She lay flat on Leon body, shivering with ecstasy.

Leon kiss her neck and cares gently her back.

"Feel good?" Leon ask with a hoarse voice for holding his lust.

Bina smile and laugh shyly. "Hmm…" Bina nod on his chest.

"I want to feel good too." Leon said again.

Bina blushed. She only pleasure herself. With her shivering body, her wet flower start to rub again on Leon hot solid little brother. "Take it." She whispered on her ears.

Leon roll her, making him on top of her, he kiss her neck to her breast, then he sit with Bina legs parted, letting Leon little brother and the wet flower touch. Leon saw Bina was very wet, he can't hold his desire again, hungrily he trust his solid things into Bina.

Bina moan loudly. He thrust it deep and fast, Bina lost her mind, her moan and scream of pleasure make Leon crazy. It was very intense. The feeling was too much for Bina, her nails scratch Leon body. Leon thrust hard follow his animal instinct until lastly he thrust deeply into Bina, spurting everything inside Bina.

Leon kiss Bina forehead a lot, without letting his little brother out, he start to move again slowly. The feeling on the wetness inside Bina turn him on again. He continue to taste her again and again until they both fully satisfied.