Chapter 16 : A Big Bear

Ahh… It feels so good. It so warm. So soft. Bina hand rubbing all over the thing that cover all around her. She doesn't want to open her eyes yet, it was too comfy, don't want to wake up from this dream.

"Hmm… So nice…" Bina whispered with her eyes close but her hand and her body rubbing all over it.

The thing around her moving and seem rubbing her body too. It feel so comfortable, her body feel so warm. She smile satisfied with the feeling all around her, she dozed off again.

As soon Bina open her eyes, she feel empty around her, making her heart throb uncomfortably. She look around, Leon is not in the room. A mouthwatering smell touch her nose then her heart became relax again. Leon had cover her with a big rabbit blanket, without wearing her hides, she cover her body with the blanket and walk toward their kitchen.

"Oh!" She bump onto something hard. She touch her nose.

"Are you alright? I'm sorry." Leon lean to look at her face.

Bina shake her head and look at Leon who has worried expression. Leon though again how weak is this little wife. Her nose red just by knocking his chest.

"Not too painful." Bina show her nose and smile.

"Why are you not wearing anything?" Again Leon face wrinkle with worry.

Bina smile at Leon caring. "I cover myself with this." Bina tighten her blanket

Leon sigh, without any warning, Leon place his left arm around Bina while his right arm scope her knees and lift her up, carry her towards kitchen. Then he sit on the stool with Bina sitting on his lap.

"Lets eat." Leon adjust her blanket to cover her body.

Leon didn't let Bina touch her food but he feeds every food in her mouth. After, Bina took a bite, he will bite his food too. As soon Leon finish clean all the dishes, he approach Bina who is still sitting on the stool and has been watch Leon from beginning he left her.

Leon saw Bina look at him and check out his body who is only wrap a hide on his private part. Leon too look at her but her body had been cover by big blanket, only showing her face. She looks too cute that Leon wanted to squeeze her body but only endure his feeling.

Bina saw Leon look at her like he wanted to eat her up, she blushed. "Leon…"

Leon raise her eyebrows. "Not Leon."

Bina cover half of her face and blushed harder.

His lips turns up, since they get married, Bina had been blushing. Making a shy face. Leon never thought this girl who once approach him without any emotion, boldly touched and kissed him before. Right now, she is showing him a lot of new expression and emotion. This shy face with red on her face is his most favorite part.

"Hubby…" Bina said with shy.

Leon smile. Hubby sound better. "Yes wife."

"I want to go outside. Watching snow."

Leon frown. "Its too cold. We should stay inside."

"I never see a snow before…" She said with sad voice making Leon heart feel itchy.

Leon sigh. "Alright, lets wear more hides."

After making sure Bina had more thicker hides and cover all her body, Leon open their door. If Bina didn't wear many hides, she will sure feel the coldness. Leon too wearing hides cover his body but not many hides.

Their house was further inside the cave, so Bina and Leon walking side by side towards the mouth of the cave. For the first time, the cave seems so quiet and empty, well its because all of them already in their hibernation. Soon Bina saw white all over the place. Its snowing cover up all the earth and tress but it is not thicken yet. Bina look at the scene, amaze by it. It's beautiful for Bina, she can't let go her sight.

Leon let her watch but didn't let her get near the snow. Leon had been hugging her from behind, making sure she will not run and feel cold.

If Edgar was here, he must be very happy too.

Bina thought but then she wonder, who is Edgar? After pondering for a few minutes, Bina tears fall without her notice. Edgar, my brother. Bina whispered in her heart. In her mind, Edgar, like a video shows in her mind there was Edgar who was teasing her, bully her but at the same time he pampered her too. Buying all her favorite things when he came back from his mission.

Leon sense Bina shaking body, he thought she was cold but after rubbing her arms and hug her tightly, he heard a sob. Worried, he lift her up with her armpit, he saw her face was red and full of tears.

"What's wrong?" Leon panic.

Bina lift her arms and hug his neck and cry between his neck and shoulder.

Worried that Bina was cold or hurt somewhere, he quickly run towards their house. As soon they arrived, Leon sit on their bed, hug her body and pat.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling discomfort? Are you hurt?"

"N-No…" She said in between her sob. Never let her hand let go from his neck.

"Tell me, what makes you cry?"

"I-I miss my family."

Leon thought she miss her mother. He hug her tightly and pat gently on her bed.

Not sure how many hours had pass, finally Bina let go of Leon. She kiss his cheek.

"Thank you." She whispered.

Leon smile. They already lay on the bed. "Sleep. You must be tired."

Bina wrap his arm and adjust her body to sleep with comfort then she remember something. "Leon… Err… Hubby, last night I remember I had been covered by thick fur. I don't think it the same with this rabbit fur."

Leon body tense up.

Bina sense his tense body, she look at Leon face. "Is that you?"

Leon didn't look at her, "No. Its just a blanket. I cover your body with a blanket."

Bina look at his face with suspicious face. "No. Its different. Its not thick and warm like last night."

Leon looks trouble.

"Change!" Bina said excitedly. "I want to sleep with your thick fur!"

Leon saw her sparkling eyes again. With her red around her eyes and her red at her tips of her nose which was cause by her cries before, she looks extra cute and tempting. His heart melts. Argh! That is his weakness!

"No. Its dangerous. I might crush you."

"You will not crush me."

Leon hug her tightly. "Bina… I can't win against you." He whispered.

Then he jump out of bed, without living his eyes from Bina, he pull his hides from his body. Naked in front of Bina.

Bina gulp looking at Leon strong body structure, making her body feel hot. Without waiting any longer, Leon tall body become taller and bigger soon a brown fur appear from his body and the fur become thicker. Because his bear body is bigger than human size, he start to stand on four legs.

While he was changing, he didn't leave his eyes from Bina. Wanted to see her expression. He afraid she will be afraid because his animal form is very big and his teeth and claws is very sharp. People in this tribe respect his form because it was the biggest animal form in their tribe

In this tribe also it was very rare for them to change into a bear. Before, his father is chosen as a leader tribe because of his bear form. He is bigger and stronger than every other form. Leon was proud with it. When he also changed for the first time and became a bear form, he was thrilled and diligently train himself to be warrior.

However, Mia, his ex-fiancé, was afraid of his form. Since then, he blames his form on not making Mia like him. Since then he thought his form is a killer form, so, he make sure he will only change when he is in training or hunting.

Leon wait for Bina eyes shaken with fear, he is in standby mood to change back his human form. However, before he could look carefully her expression, Bina had jump onto his form. Strangely, her little soft body rub his neck and arms like last night. When Bina rub all his body last night, he felt very happy and his heart turns so warm that makes he thought he was in the cloud.

"Ahh! This is the feeling of last night! Your fur is very thick and very soft!" Bina said in between his fur.

After rubbing and rolling onto Leon body, Bina sense that Leon didn't move at all. His arm was weirdly up far from her body, like he doesn't want to touch her.

"What's wrong?" Bina look up. Look at his round brown yellowish color eyes. When he was in human form, his eyes was brown. Right now it looks much bright.

Suddenly the fur that cover Bina front body gone and it turns into warm skin. Bina was a little bit sad as he turns human form. Leon sit and gently smoothen her messy hair that she had rub it onto his body.

"You are not afraid?" Leon said carefully.

"Afraid?" Bina confused.

"My form. Its big and scary."

Bina shake her head. "Its cute!"

Leon laugh. Never he heard his form is cute. Bina is very different.

"Its true! Your form is big and it look strong. The fur is soft and thick, I like it!" Bina eyes sparkled like she saw new plants. "Why don't you touch me before?"

Leon heart feel warm when she said she like his form. "My claws are long and sharp. I'm afraid it will hurt you."

Bina touch his hand and bring both of his hand to her cheek. "You will not hurt me."

His hand was big, it cover almost of her face. He taught if its his big bear hand, it might crush her easily.

"Let's sleep with your bear form!" Bina eyes full with anticipation.

Leon sigh. "Tell me if I used much force or hurt you, alright?"

Bina smile widely, shows her dimple and nod her head again and again. Leon squeeze a little her cheek and kiss her forehead than suddenly, Bina feel her body was like lifted up and suddenly her body almost feel like been covered by thick fur. Leon lift her up to their bed and they rolled on their bed with Leon bear form.

Bina giggle and rub his fur and scratch his big neck making Leon body relax a bit. Soon, Bina fall asleep on Leon warm bear body.