Chapter 17 : A Baby

Leon is a bear who had natural habit on hibernating on cold weather. So, Bina had been cuddling more with Leon because of it, but Bina never felt bored. Leon had been used to sleep with Bina with his bear form, seeing Bina feel much warmer with his fur, he didn't afraid to approach her with his form anymore.

While Bina stroking his soft fur, she was wondering if she can change into animal. She was not very interested with it before because in her previous life, it was not normal for human to change into animal, so she has no desire about it.

Can I change to animal form too? Am I will be a cheetah like my mother? Bina look at Leon handsome bear face but at the same time she feel it cute. She had been looking at how Leon change and see through his inner body where did it trigger their body to change.

She close her eyes and focus her mind on her center of her body, remembered where the key of it from Leon. She feel her inner body feel hot. Her forehead creased a lot until suddenly she feel her body shrink and feel suffocate.

Leon was feeling comfortable with Bina caress and warm on his stomach. He always sleep at his side with his bear form. Bina really likes to caress him when he is in this form. He love it and sure he is falling in love with Bina again and again.

Suddenly Bina little weight on his side gone. Alert by it, Leon open his eyes, looking around. He lift his hand, thought that she might had roll to other side but what he saw awaken his lazy and sleepy mood.

There was a white with black spot small little cub at the center of the bed. It looks like it try to stand on it feet but fail again and again. It also has long tail that wagging with panic.

Leon quickly change into human and look at it.


A whimper small sound comes out from the cub. It looks at Leon with wide eyes. Leon saw very familiar eyes on it, round blue eyes.

Leon pick it up carefully. And lift it in front of him. "Its really you. You just awaken your form?" Leon looks happy and somehow worried.

"You so small." Carefully he put on his arm. Letting Bina lay with facing her belly up and her four paws cutely wriggle in the air.

"Are you ok, Bina? Any discomfort feeling?" Leon caress Bina head and her round ears. Even in her animal form she is such a beauty! Leon heart was full of love, it feels like he had just became a father.

"Aww…" Bina try to talk but only a small voice come from her. Bina feel a little bit sad because she doesn't has a big proud form like her mother. She looks like a baby.

Leon smile widely. How cute. It melts his heart.

"You look beautiful, Bina." Leon stroke her body. She doesn't have long fur like him but her fur is a bit thicker and of course it so soft and bouncy. Now Leon understand why Bina like to caress him so much. It feel so nice to caress the fur.

"You must feeling hungry." Because it was her first time to change, Leon thought that she had used a lot of energy and she will need some food.

Leon slowly walk out from the room to their kitchen with Bina on his arms, he cut some of dry meat, heat it a little bit and he serve it on the table. Then slowly and gently he put Bina on the table.

Bina form is not in baby cub form but it was a grown up kid which full size of Leon arm. Bina struggle a little bit to standup on her four paws. It was weird to have a paws and touch a ground with her soft paws. Her long tail also move panicky to try balance her feet.

Soon she stay still and look up at Leon. Leon had never leave his eyes on Bina, his heart was cheering loudly for Bina to stand properly, when Bina succeed, he had big warm smile. Like a proud father.

"Good." Leon slowly pat her head. "Come and eat."

He didn't cook the meat like Bina used to. Because he had been used to serve and saw a simple dry meat will given to the new awaken form to replenish their energy.

Bina walk carefully on not to stumble with her four legs and approach the meat. She smell it and bite it. She was struggle biting the meat, pity her, Leon stop her. He bring out a knife and cut a little to the meat so that it easy for Bina.

Weirdly Bina do feel more refresh and energized as soon she had finish it all. It was hard to communicate with Leon with this form. Bina try to change back but she couldn't.

Bina whimpered a lot to Leon, complaining that she can't turn back.

Leon understand her, he chuckle a little and said. "Don't worry, you will turn back to human form later."

Leon pick her up from the table and put on the floor, letting Bina train more on walking, while Leon clean the dishes.

On their living space, Leon on bear form lay on side and watch Bina walking and jumping.

Bina was excited when she can control her feet, she had been walking like a cat walk and jumping all around the space happily. Because she had smaller size, the space around her looks so big making her jumping and rolling around it.

Then she sense Leon gaze, she look at him and excitedly wanted to run towards him but stumble when one of her feet had step on her long tail.

Seeing the cuteness of the little cub falling because of her own tail, Leon laugh on bear sound. Making Bina jump a little with sudden sound. Leon stand up on his four feet and come towards Bina. Then he lick her face gently to sooth Bina painful pain face that had hit on the floor.

Bina let him lick, it feels good. Then she stand on two feet with the other two wanted to crawl on him. Knows what Bina wants, he lay back on his side and let Bina cuddled his face and arms. Soon, Bina fall asleep on Leon warm arms.

Maybe it was cold and Bina in animal form too, they both had sleep soundly for almost five days together.

When Bina open her eyes again, she is on the bed with both of them in human form. A rabbit hide around them, Even though he was sleeping, he still make sure Bina is not cold.

"Morning wife." Leon kiss her forehead when he feel Bina move. Leon was hugging her on sleep.

Bina smile sweetly showing her dimples. How she miss her body human! Finally she can hug Leon fully. With her short legs animal form before, she feel good to sleep on top of Leon bear cushion but she hate it she can't stretch around him full filly.

"I miss you." Bina rub her face on Leon bare chest.

"I miss you too." Leon kiss her head over again and again, with his hand roaming Bina back.

However, Leon miss more than that. He had been struggling control himself to attack that little cute animal before. He had turn into human form as soon Bina body turns.

Bina giggle feeling itch with his kiss until his kiss falling on her head towards her lips. Ohh… I miss this touch and this kiss.

"Bina, I love you." Leon whispered with hoarse voice. His lips kiss her deeper and their tongue entangled together.

All of her drowsiness gone and it replace with heat around her body, making Bina flower twitching and wet from hunger. When she felt Leon little brother also become hot and standing strong, her lust overtakes her mind.

"Hubby… I want you… Ahh…" Leon lick her ears and suck her neck hard. "I- I love you too.."

One of his hand grope greedily on her breast and the other hand caress seductively on Bina tight. His tongue lick all over her body. Bina body tingling with lust from every touch.

Leon had miss this body for several days and he wanted to love her so badly to proof his heart love to her.

"Do you miss my touch?" Leon ask while sucking her breast making a love bite everywhere.

Bina hand clutch his hair, feeling aroused and wanted Leon do more. His hand feel like a magic to her. "Y-Yes. Ahh… Please, I want more…" Bina voice making Leon feel hotter and his little brother had been throbbing a lot as it also miss her body.

Leon pull her body, let her sit on his laps, his little brother rubbing on her stomach which she had been rubbing her body to his body. Her legs wrapping around him. Feeling the little brother solid rubbing between their tummy, her hand reach towards it.

Leon groan with her soft touch. While Bina stroking his little brother, both of his hand reach Bina wet flower. One of his hand play with her little buds and one of his hand slowly insert her flower and stroke it in and out.