Chapter 18 : A Snow Leopard

When Leon groaning, Bina eyes saw his adam's apple moving seductively. She lean on his neck and kiss his adam's apple and lick it hungrily. Leon body shock with electricity with Bina action, his mind exploded making him to grab Bina bottom tightly and lift it up. Without any warning, he push her waist, bury his hard little brother deeply into her.

"Ahhh!" Bina scream shock by it but her empty twitching flower, welcoming his little brother hungrily. The sensation of his hard little brother is too much for her but it never enough!

Leon look at Bina red face that shows how much she feel pleasure with his little brother. Inside her twitching crazily, squeeze his little brother tightly. Leon grab her face and kiss her hard to control his desire to ram her wet and tight flower hardly.

"Mmmm… It feel so good. Ahhh…" Bina whispered between their lips. Her hand was tightly clutched onto his neck

Their position was very intimate that makes both of them feel extra heated to make love.

"Please… Leon… Mmm… I want more." Bina begging him more.

Heard her soft seductive voice, Leon push her down, making Bina lay on her back without letting out his little brother and ram in and out his solid little brother. He vent his desire into her, hungrily kiss and nimble Bina neck and collar bone. Bina scream with pleasure, her mind and her body is out of control.

Their steamy sex last longer than before. Their heart feel so much love and believe that they at their own paradise. Wanted it last forever.


In the bed, the couple spooning with Leon cuddle Bina back. Both savoring the ecstasy lingering in their body quietly. Bina now fully understand the feeling she has from Leon, she do really love Leon. With her real feelings and memory from her previous life, she thought this life is more like a dream.

Sometimes she is afraid that one day, she will wake up and never meet Leon again. Leon is her savior, her hero in this life. In this cruel era, Leon was the one noticed her and cared her so much. Never did she thought one day she will get married with a barbarian man. Thankful for Leon is a gentle man.

Bina was playing with Leon big hard hand, his palm is her two size of her palm, she trace his line palm and sometimes she buried her face with his palm. She thought her mind had been corrupted, even looking and feel his hand makes her horny. She needs an anti-virus.

"Husband…" Bina whipered.

"Yes." Leon was savoring her scent from behind of her head. Even her sweat that come from their making love before, makes her smell so sweet.

"Is my father a snow leopard?" Bina wondered. She thought she will became a cheetah like her mother.

Leon quiet for a while, with a careful voice he reply. "You mother is not from here. She came alone to this tribe. What I heard before, nobody knows your mother was pregnant because she became a warrior here, until her stomach became obvious."

Bina feel pity, her mother is a single mother but why did she came here all alone? "I never saw anyone else with snow leopard here. Is there anyone that have same form like me?"

"It's my first time seeing your kind of form. Snow leopard, huh?" Leon thought Bina name her animal form match perfectly. Even her skin now is white like a snow.

"Is my mother form is the first form you had saw too?" Bina realize that she never saw a cheetah form in this tribe before.

"Yes." Its was not weird for Leon to have only species form living in this tribe, because he himself is the only bear form in this tribe.

The stronger the form, the rarest to be awaken to. Bina mother, a cheetah was very powerful, it was rare to have a female warrior. In Leon mind, Bina is the Child of Beloved God, of course Bina will have rare form and it suit Bina the most.

"Why do you think I have small form?" This what Bina sad the most. She wants to look cool! But how can she become a cub? She is an adult now!

Leon chuckled a little. "It is because you are small."

"I am not small!" Bina turn herself to look at Leon.

Leon hold his laugh. How cute! Is she angry? Is this an angry face? "You are." Leon teased her again.

"I am not!" Bina remind Mia form which was a fox. Even though fox is supposed to have smaller features, Mia form of fox look much bigger than ordinary one. And yes! The boar and the snakes too, they have big features!

Looking at Bina red face with anger, she looks about to get explode, Leon pat her head gently. "You will be bigger. Don't worry."

"Am I?" Bina face turn bright again.

Leon smile at Bina change of mood. He feel blessed, he thought that her personality is the most unique and she is the most innocent person in this world. How lucky he is, he must make her happy and protect her well!

"Can I play the snow with my animal form?" If she is not mistaken, her kind of animal live in cold place, she thought it must be fun playing in the snow with her form.

Leon was quiet for a while but he immediately hug Bina to his chest. "No. You can't. Wait for another month, I will bring you out. Right now the snow is heavy, its too dangerous."

Leon was scared if Bina shows her pity eyes he will never say 'No'. So he immediately hide her face so he can said it with his sane.

Bina whimpered sadly in his chest. Leon hug her tightly and try to make his ears deaf. However, his ears can't ignore her pity sound. His heart begging him to help her. To toughen himself, he bring her up and kiss her mouth, make sure only a seductive moan escape from her lips.

Soon, their moan became lust and became hungry again to make love. It was a longest day for both of them, greedily flying in the air to reach to heaven.