Chapter 23 : Escape

"Little girl, drink this." Max bring a bottle of bamboo that contain water in it.

"Come here. Don't be afraid." Max speak again with his gentle voice.

Bina come near him, she was surprise seeing the bamboo bottle. In her exploring activity, she never find any bamboo before. Her eyes sparkle, she wanted to ask him where he found it, but she can't. She in animal form. I will ask him later! She determine.

When she came nearer, Max help her to drink. Bina taste the water and she feel good. The water was fresh and cold. She likes it so much. She remember her mother will always cook bamboo shoot whenever her father come back from mission. She miss the taste and at the same time feeling sad.

"Good girl. Don't be afraid…" He said when he notices Bina eyes drop with sadness.

Bina blink her eyes to stop her tears drop. Now, Max was just right in front her, she saw Max has different color of eyes. Blue and yellow, Bina wonder if he is a cat? She never saw cat form yet in this world but that eyes same like her cat when she had adopted it at her ten years old. That cat was weak and dies after 2 years. Since then she never adopt animal because her little cat had break her heart. Leaving her early.

Bina blue deep eyes turn round and big, Max heart melt with her eyes. He thought Bina was begging her to help her out.

"I'm sorry, I can't let you go. If I help you out, my people will suffer. I have others to protect. I can only protect you under me like this." Max smile hopelessly.

Suddenly Max fly far from the cage. A buff body kick him fiercely.

"Hey slave! Don't touch what is mine!" Finn snarl then he look at Bina.

"Kid. I bring you to my house. You are mine now." He smile brightly but looks very ugly.

He tear out the stick cage and quickly with his big hand, he grab Bina. Make sure Bina can't escape from his grasp.

"Be good and I treat you better."

"Grrr!" 'You smell of pig! Let me out!' Bina struggled from his hand.

"Hahahaha. The more you fight, the more I will like you." He laugh hysterically and start to walk over his own cave.

"M-Master Finn, where are you going to bring her?" Max caught his feet and ask nervously.

Again Finn kick and step him. "How dare you to question me???" Finn said angrily.

Max protect his face with his hand. "M-Master. Please let her go. I-I will train her and be good slave."

"Hahahahaa. She is not lowly slave like you. She will be mine and bear my child."

"M-Master… She is just a child." Max try to help Bina out.

"Hahahaha." Finn laugh and left him behind.

Max watch Finn with fear in his eyes. Finn is the worst human in this tribe. Max afraid Bina will die in his hand. He had seen many women had die in his hand before. He had help many caught human to be slave in here. He always make sure the slave will not suffer so much.

There are a lot adult and child the Black Tribe had caught to make their slave or food. That little white cub didn't differ from any victim but that little kid has blue eyes had caught his attention differently. When he saw her big blue eyes he was shocked because he had a little sister before. They have same color of eyes.

He had served the Black Tribe for 5 years and for the first time, he cry. Reminiscing his memory.


When Finn finally enter his cave house, Bina almost vomit again. The house clearly smell like a pig. She struggle hard wanted to escape from this house but Finn had close his house with huge rock as a door. Now she thought she will die by be drown in this pig smell.

Without letting her go, Finn bring her deeper to his nest. His hand already rubbing her little body hungrily. He thought her fur was very fluffy and nice to rub. Never had he touch this smooth and fluffy fur before, its make him addicted. He sat on a big nest with Bina on his lap.

Bina was disgusted by the smell and his touch make her goosebumps. She hate it! She bite forceful his hand and escape from his grip. Bina growling and hissing toward Finn.

"Grrrrr!" 'Pig! You disgust me!'

"Hahahaha." He lick his hurting hand.

He start to lay sideway, with his right arms support his head, he said again. "Change to your human form. I know you are not a child anymore. Let me see you."

"Grrr!" 'You think I'm stupid? Pig!'

"If you like to stay in that form, I never mind too. We can mate in animal form or you prefer me mate with human form?" He smile evilly.

"Awuu! Grr!" 'You psycho! You can't touch me!'

Bina jump out from the nest. Make sure that psycho will not be near her.

"Ohh. Want to play? I like it. Look. My boner turn hard already."

"Grr!" 'Fuck! My eyes gonna be blind!' Bina wanted to vomit at what she had saw. I don't want to describe it, you can imagine it by yourself!

Suddenly he jump toward Bina and they run around the room as Bina had run faster and try hard not to be touch by that dirty hand again.

"Hahaha. Sweetheart, you had strong leg, I like it!"

"Awuu!" 'Psycho!'

Bina saw there was a sharp stone out of the nest, she run towards it and try to grab it but Finn had grab it first.

"Play dirty huh?" Finn lick his lips and smash down the sharp stone. It broke, turn into pieces.

"Playtime is over!" He jump toward Bina, he was just slightly to touch Bina but suddenly he fall flatly.

Bina eyes turn wide. Bina saw Max holding a big stone, he was breathing nervously.

"L-Little girl. Don't be afraid. Let's go." Max body was trembling.

Obviously, he was very afraid at his action, but he still help her. Never she thought this young boy will help her. Had he told her before he will not help her to escape, right?

With trembling hand, he pick Bina gently to his arms.

"Its night outside, it seems the people around here is busy with something. I-I will help you to escape." He said with shaking voice.

Carefully he put her on a small bamboo basket. Its not clean but she endure it.

"Be quiet ok?" Max warn her. Then he close the basket with small hides.

Even though the bamboo basket don't have any hole to look out, she can still see outside. Usually she used it to scan people body to check their health. Now she used it to look outside. The bamboo was shaken terribly because first, Max has cripple leg and secondly he was very nervous. Bina appreciate his effort to help her.

"Brother Max, where are you going this late night?" A boy voice ask him with whispered.

"I will be back, don't worry. Be good, ok? Stay in the house and don't get out until next morning." Max said with care and gentle.


Bina saw the little boy running inside and Max start to walk again. Seems like Max had known where she came from, he is heading towards a right direction.

Then, Max stop, putting the basket on the ground and open the hides.

"I can only bring you till here. You know the way right?" His color eyes shining in the dark. Bina saw he has worried face.

Bina nod then Bina lift her hand like she want to hold him.

Max smile at his cute paws and he touch it. Suddenly he feel his body temperature turn cold and hot but somehow it makes his body feel refreshed. Bina had close her eyes, concentrate to heal his most crucial part, his cripple leg.

After she had done she let go his hand. She was just about to push Max away because there were a big buffy hyena was right behind him.

"Ah!" Max scream with pain and his shoulder bleed terribly

The big hyena bite deeper on his shoulder and throw him away. The big hyena snicker like an evil giggle. His big tongue lick the blood around his mouth and he came nearer toward Bina who had turn stiff because of shock.

A big hand smash Bina down. With her little body, she flew far from hyena, but the hyena run and smash her again. He was full with anger. This little animal was suppose to be his but she didn't let him to touch her. However, he saw how Bina lift her hand to let that slave boy touch her. He felt like he is being cheated.

Bina try to avoid the hit but the big hand was too fast. She had been smash hard several times until she cough of bleed. The hyena stop and look at her with satisfied. He was about to bite her neck and wanted to do her right now. But he stop after he heard a roar not far from him.


It echo's in this thick forest. The trees were shaking and the earth is trembling. Before the hyena could take a look at it clearly he had been hit and beat cruelly.