Chapter 24 : Save her

It echo's in this thick forest. The trees were shaking and the earth is trembling. Before the hyena could take a look at it clearly he had been hit and beat cruelly.

Bina feel so much pain. She can't even move her body, she was ready to be hit again with that pervert hyena, but somehow the only that come next is a loud growl. Bina blink her eyes again and again, then she saw the hyena is being attack cruelly by very big beast.

"A-Awu?" 'Leon?' Bina not sure who was beating the pervert but the scent tell her it is Leon.

"ROARRRRRR!" Hearing Bina weak sound, the beast pick the pervert up and throw hard to the ground. Then quickly he run towards Bina. It change into human.


"Aw-woo…" 'Leonnn…' Bina was crying. Her body feel like being tear apart. It is so painful.

Her body had teeth and claws wound. The blood smell stink around her. She was too shock from the sudden attack making her forget that she can heal herself. When she saw Leon, she was so touch and her human instinct act first by showing her feeling.

"I-I'm sorry Bina. I'm late." Carefully Louis pick her up into her arms.

Leon look at all her injuries. Leon was very angry now. Angry to himself for not being by her side. Angry to himself for late at searching Bina. Angry to himself he had fail to protect Bina again. He saw the claws and the teeth marks from Bina small body, angrily he look at the hyena.

He walk with anger towards the hyena, he pick it up with his right hand and throw flat onto the ground again. Making sure the hyena will be cripple forever! If it dies, it will die slowly with great pain!

When Leon start to walk back, Bina bite Leon hand weakly.

Bina whining weakly. "Awuuu." 'The boy… Bring him back too…' Bina glance at some place, that not too far from them.

Leon stop and look at Bina, he can't understand animal language but he knows what Bina hint about. He look up and saw a male teenager who had his shoulder almost torn apart. Leon didn't hesitate to pick the boy, piggyback him and immediately walk towards their tribe.

Half of the way, they meet the twin wolf. They also was searching for Bina. Leon give the teenager to them and quickly run towards their priest cave. He was very afraid that Bina condition will turn worst.

"Priest! Help Bina!" Leon push out the priest door and quickly put Bina on the stone bed that are ready for any patient.

The priest was waiting for their return nervously, he had been feeling wrong since morning and when he found out Bina was missing, he regret he didn't take any action. He feel he was not eligible to be the priest of the tribe. He is too weak!

Bina had already turn into human form when she fainted, Leon had cover her with his hides. Bina face and body was full with blood, her neck, her arms and her legs was full with cuts of big claws. On her body there was a deep cut making Leon panic.

The priest was shock seeing Bina appearance but he knows panic will not doing any good and quickly get ready to cure Bina. Leon too try so hard for not being too panic, he gently clean Bina body with anger and guilt. Whenever he saw the cuts he wanted run towards the neighbor tribe and destroy them.

But he knows, the most important now is to make sure Bina is on stable condition. The neighbor tribe? He will destroy them anytime.

Then the twin wolf came and put Max who was bleeding so much from his neck to the other stone bed. It was late night, most of the tribes had sleep, but because they need someone to treat Max, the twins quickly wake up an apprentice of the priest. The priest had two apprentice, so they came without asking anything and treat Max.

After several hours, Bina pale face looks like she was sleeping peacefully. Her body had been smeared with a lot of herbs. Leon didn't left his eyes away from Bina since he bring her here. The priest was looking at the teenagers who had severely injured on the neck. It had been teared badly, they afraid the teenager will not be able to survive.

"Brother Leon…" One of the twin wolf, Will pat Leon back.

He continue. "Get rest. Sister-in-law will wake up soon. Don't worry."

Leon only nod but he didn't move. The twin sigh and left the priest cave.

The priest also advice Leon to rest after he had treat the teenagers but Leon still won't move from his place, so the priest left them and take a rest at his room.

Leon right hand gently comb Bina hair. His heart squeeze with pain from the start he saw Bina was beaten by the ugly beast. Bina weak voice echo in his ears breaking his heart again. Leon had been watching Bina from the start, so he notice Bina wound start to get heal quickly.

Bina pale face before had turn back on her original pink color, he was shock at first but when he recall back that Bina is The Child of Beloved God, Leon sigh with relief. His heart beat turn back normal and feel much better.

He wonder if he really worth it to be Bina husband but then he whispered his vow from their marriage ceremony.

"This arm will fight for you. This body will shield you. This leg will accompany wherever you are. I vow you, I will love you till death do us apart…"

His heart now full with resolution. Slowly he kiss Bina lips and her cheeks. He promise that Bina will not suffer from any mishap anymore.


Bina gain her conscious with a dry throat. Slowly she open her eyes and blink to focus her views. Before she could check the place, she feel someone hug her and kiss her face many times.


Bina can't help herself to smile when she heard Leon warm voice call her. She let Leon kiss her and hug her.

"Hus… Band…" Bina call Leon back with her hoarse voice.

When he heard Bina hoarse voice, he quickly take a cup of water and feed it to her gently. Bina drink it slowly and a lot, soon she feel much better. Then she take a look at Leon. Leon had bloodshot eyes and his hair was mess.

Her heart feel warm, Leon must had been staying with her all the time. She reach out her hand to Leon hair and comb it gently. Then her hand touch Leon face. She give him some of healing power to Leon. Leon can feel his tight brows and a headache because lack of sleep now feel much better.

He think it was because Bina had finally wake up with her smile showing her sweet dimple and her small hand touch his face, making his body gain more energy. Before, he doesn't have anyone can make him feels from miserable to peaceful like this.

He once believe he was born to be a warrior like his father. Get married and has some children, work hard for his family and hunt good food for them. He never thought after meeting Bina, he learn a lot of feeling. Even though he was once had a fiancée, he never feels his heart blooming like flower and feeling sweet just when he always with Bina.

Now he had Bina who had make his life livelier. He believe being married with Bina was the best decision he had made. This little girl making his heart upside down, he can't help to fall in love with her again and again.

"How are you?" Leon ask.

Bina smile and nod. "I'm okay now."

"Good." Leon pat Bina head smoothen her wavy messy bed hair. His hand fall gently towards her cheek and suddenly Bina feel pain both of her cheeks!

"H-Hubbby!" Leon pinch Bina cheek.

"Have I told you before do not wandering far from this tribe!? Yes or no?" Leon pinch harder.

"Ah! H-Hubby… P-Pain…" Bina try to push Leon hand but she can't, Leon pull her cheek even harder.

"Yes or no?" Leon has a strict face making Bina feel guilty.

Leon always remind her a lot! Such as do not wander around too long or too far. Do not climb the tree to pick some eggs. Do not catch any animal. Do not let people bully her and make sure told him straight away! Even he had warned her do not talk to any male in this tribe!

"Y-Yesh…" Bina answer with guilty face. "I'm shorry…" Bina hand curl on Leon hand.

Looking at Bina watering big eyes with guilty face, Leon heart squeeze hurtfully. He let go her face and message it gently. When he saw her red cheeks, he feel guilty. Argh! He really can't be angry at his wife too long! It break his heart!

"Promise me do not do that again." Leon look at her eyes.

Bina blink and nod like an obedient dog.

"Is it painful?" Leon kiss her cheek and message it again.

"Mmm." Bina nod and pout. She wanted to sulk and ignore him but she had made mistake. She does regret it.

"Are you okay? Hurt somewhere?" She ask when she remember Leon had came and safe her yesterday. Fighting with the pervert hyena.

"I'm okay." Leon smile and easily he pick her up and put on his lap.

"Bina…" He wrap his arms on Bina waist and put his head on Bina shoulder.

He whisper. "I don't think I can live without you anymore… So… Please do not do that again."

Bina feel her heart thump. He sounds so sweet so desperate… Bina hug him back.

"I'm sorry making you worry. I promise I won't do that again."

Leon lift his head and look at her eyes.

"Whenever you wanted to look around, bring me along, okay?" he said.

"Okay." Bina nod showing him assuring smile.