Chapter 25 : Max

Suddenly Bina jolted. "Where is Max?"


"The boy."

"He is still in the priest cave." Leon answer.

"Is he okay?"

"No… The priest told me that the boy neck was tear badly. They afraid the boy can't make it."

Bina quickly stand up. "He save me. I have to save him too."

Bina wanted to heal the boy quickly but she doesn't want to expose her power of healing to other people. So, she hastily picks some herbs from her planted area.

"Calm down…" Leon follow Bina worried at Bina energetic movement. She was critical yesterday but now she can jump and run without any pain. He knows Bina had fully heal but he is still worried.

Then Leon saw Bina smear a herbs into her body. And face.

"Are you still hurt?" Leon came towards Bina and look at the place that Bina had cover.

"No…" She look at him with hesitation. She had just remembered she was very badly wounded. Leon didn't freak out when he saw her fully heal body?

Leon saw Bina hesitation and nervousness then he understand her. Even he belief she is The Child of Beloved God and that is why she can heal like this, other people don't know. The priest also had saw it, but he believe just like Leon.

He take some of her herbs and put some at her legs.

"I will carry you to the priest cave." Leon told her.

Bina narrowed her eyes and bite her lips. "Hubby… You…"

"Don't worry. I believe in you." He kiss her forehead. "You are protected from God. You are special and I will always love you."

Bina smile with tearing eyes. "I love you too, hubby…"


Bina arrived at the priest cave while Leon carry her all along from their cave to here. Bina saw Max was breathing heavy with pale face. One of the apprentice of the priest was taking care of him.

"Oh. Leon. The priest just went outside." The apprentice notice their arrival.

Leon nod. "Jose." Leon greet him and carefully put Bina on nearby rock chair beside Max bed.

Just as Leon put on her chair, she quickly scan Max body and found out Max injury is very serious. Quickly she ask her herbs that had been pack with small bag hides from Leon.

Gently Bina replace the previous herbs from Max neck with hers. Pretending to be careful putting the herbs, quietly she heal Max most critical point. The apprentice didn't doubt any of Bina doing because he had saw Bina had been treated very special by the priest.

But the apprentice very curious of Bina herbs. He can smell the herbs and wanted to ask her what was in the herbs and what it is use for. However, he can't say anything because he is very scared of Leon. The male apprentice is not a good fighter and has very small animal form.

To live well without worried about what to eat everyday, he had been working hard to be apprentice of the priest. Even thought it hurts his pride that he has small form of animal and can't fight, he learn every knowledge from the priest patiently. The good thing is he really likes to learn herbs. He like it when he can help his tribe to heal them.

The apprentice, Jose, had been pity for Bina when he found out Leon will married with Bina before. He always thought Leon is the fiercest person in this tribe. When he heard Mia, Leon ex-fiencee, broken their engagement he thought that Leon must had been treated Mia badly.

However, when he heard Leon had brought Bina, the pity child without mother and father live in his cave, Jose pity her more. He thought that Bina will be torture badly by Leon. He pity more for Bina but he can't do anything. He is too weak and he don't really care other matters as long as he can live well.

Now, seeing both side by side, the big beast and the small fragile feature, he can see Leon treat Bina well. He taught maybe Bina is too pure and innocent making Leon wanted to protect his wife very well. He remember yesterday Leon was very concern of his wife and its his first time saw the beast looks so lost and weak.

Bina sigh with relief when she saw Max pale face turn relax and breathing normally.

"Sister I will protect you…" Max was sleep talking with a drop of tear falling.

Bina saw it and she feel pity with him. Max must be someone not from the Black tribe, he must be kidnapped to be their slave. Bina scan again his body. All of his old broken bone had been healed but Bina left his neck wound, only heal the veins and muscle that was torn apart.

"Let's go home." Bina said to Leon.

Just as they step outside from the cave, Tyra came with his husband with worried face. Leon was holding Bina on his arms like a bridal style. Cover Bina body with white hides. Bina looks weak making others feel that Bina wasn't heal yet.

"Bina! We were looking for you at your house before. Why did you get up???" Tyra quickly run towards Bina. Her face looks angry and concern.

"Leon. Why you bring your wife out?" Dhor too ask with worried.

"We are going home now." Leon said without caring he walk leaving them behind.

Tyra and Dhor didn't said anything but only follow them back. When Leon had put Bina on the room, Tyra didn't be polite anymore. She push Leon out and quickly ask Bina many question.

"Bina, where do you go? Leon didn't told us, we don't know anything until we met the priest this morning. Tell me how do you get this injury? Who is bullying you? I heard you bring someone too and he was badly injured?"

Bina feel warm inside. Tyra looks same age as her mother in this life. Waking up on this body, the first person she feel this kind of warm is her mother, Celia. Then Leon came to her life and take care her a lot. She learned and get a lot of her human feeling before with Leon.

Then Tyra is her third person she knows. She always treat her good and always give her advice. Bina can feel Tyra was like a mother concern to her child.

In the living room, Leon and Dhor was sitting on the chair that Bina had ask him to makes, Bina call it sofa. It was made from woods and cover with a hides and a pillow with feather inside of it.

"I heard the twins said it from the Black tribe." Dhor said with serious face.

Leon nod with serious and angry face. Leon remember last night that ugly beast hit Bina forcefully, he think that ugly beast are not being beat enough by him last night.

"The twins told me, the beast is dead on our territory but seeing the fight is in between the border, I believe, the black tribe will take this opportunity to break the agreement that they make with your father. Furthermore, you bring one of them to our tribes. They will come here."

Leon looks glad when he heard the ugly beast had die but feeling unsatisfied that it didn't die with much suffering. Then he frown when he heard about the agreement.

"I will watch out over the tribe then we can discuss this with our chief." Leon said

"I already ask the twins to watch them. I heard your wife is badly injured, you must take care of her first."

Leon nod.

"About that boy…" Dhor ask with trouble.

"Bina ask me to bring him. Bina must had her reason." Leon didn't understand why he feel something weird and bad when he saw Bina little and soft hand carefully treat that boy.

The one thing he knows that he doesn't like it when Bina touch other than him. Because that boy was injured badly, Leon had control himself hardly from pulling her away and wanted to just kill that boy.

"But this…"

"I will ask Bina later."