Chapter 26 : Running Away Or Fight?

The Black Tribe.

A fire was blazing hot surround by all the black tribes people. A buff and tall man was standing and looking fierce at the fire.

"Who did this?" He ask with a rough voice.

"It must be the west neighbor tribe. We found your brother on the border next of their territory." Toi who capture Bina before told the fierce man.

The fierce man laugh evilly and a hint of anger shows on his face. "I will destroy their tribe."

"Feechi. You can't. The agreement…"

"I will tell our lord." His buff body turn around and hit Toi making him fall, without any care, he walk towards the cave. He had three people behind him follow the fierce man named Feechi.

The Nameless Tribe.

A small ferret was running towards the twins grey wolves which was not far from the black tribe territory. When it stop in front of the wolves, the ferret change into his form. He looks like ten years old with a similar face like Jose, the apprentice of the priest.

His face was pale and he was breathing heavily from running. He looks scared too. The twins wolves was having a headache on how to sneak to their enemy territory before, but when they saw this little ferret was looking at the hunt group with hopeless face, the twins take this opportunity to used that small beast.

"Hey kid. You want to help your family and able to eat a lot of meat, right?" Will, the youngest of the twin ask.

The little ferret nod many times and its eyes shine with happiness.

Back to the present, Will change into his form.

"Relax… Breath slowly…" He pat the kid back.

When the kid had strength to talk, he start to tell them with scared expression. "T-They… Want to attack our tribe."

West and Will look at each other, Will eyes full with seriousness. "Tell me clearly what you heard and saw."

After Leon and Dhor get the information, they plan a meeting with the priest, tribe of chief and the tribe of hunt, the tribe of plant seeker and two more important people in this tribe. Their tribe don't have name because most of their people is an outsider choosing this place to live.

Their history tribe is not recorded and they are not taking it serious to build a tribe. Some of them was running from enemy, some of them was very weak from other then their own tribe and some of them a wanderer who wanted to settle down. Soon their tribe became a hundred of population.

The increasing of population was thanks to Leon father, he was a good and strongest warrior in this tribe making others weak and lost people choose to stay in this tribe. That is why their tribe was full with different kind of animal form.

"Their warrior is more than us. We can't win this fight." The chief of hunt and now is the chief of warrior named Ode said.

"But we can't just abandon and run away like this." One of the warrior said, his name is Zain. He and Ode are siblings.

"Our last fight shows us that we can't win. Celia one of our warrior killed by them that day. Not just her, a lot of our warrior had been crippled that day." Dhor said, he is also a chief of hunt but he is mainly in charge of livestock project.

The priest nod. Thanks to Bina wedding ceremony, all of the crippled beast is fully heal and become stronger. However, the black tribe are stronger and fiercer than them. Can their tribe win this fight?

"We just built our plantation and farms, are we gonna let all of this ruin?" The chief of plant seeker before had been change to chief of plantation, named Zev.


The cough succeed to get their attention, everyone looking at the chief of tribe, Tawu. He looks like a forties man with strong face and body. After Leon father death, Tawu who is the second stronger warrior in this tribe became the chief, replacing Leon father.

He is strong but he isn't good at making decision, the priest and other top warrior will always make sure to have a meeting like this whenever there are important decision they had to make.

"Our tribe had became stronger now. We have improve our lifestyle a lot thanks for Leon and our Child of Beloved God, Bina. My family had stayed here for two generation and my third generation is living well in this place. With God blessing us with Bina, tell me priest what that it means?" Tawu said.

Now everyone looking at Leon and the priest who was sitting side by side. The priest was closing his eyes and nodded several times. His face didn't show any panic like others.

"I believe our warrior is protected well with our Child of Beloved God is here with us." The priest said.

"But how can she protect us!? Even she get injured meeting them!" Zain said.

Everyone was silent when Zain had a point. Bina is just a small girl that don't have any strength. She even get big injury for third time! One is when she was drown and get coma for 5 years, second when Mia attack her and yesterday, she was badly injured too.

Leon feel anger when someone comment his wife. His wife wasn't weak! How can normal person fully heal by not even one day? How his wife is genius on planting fruits, herbs and even taught us to build a farm! Everyone can't even compare with his wife!

Leon close his eyes and breath deeply. Bina had told him something before he went into this meeting. He doesn't like when his wife is into this fight but what his wife said is the best decision to protect this tribe.

"We don't have any time now. The black tribe will attack us early morning tomorrow. I suppose, we have to hide all the weak on to the hidden cave not far from our place." Before Leon could talk more, the chief of plantation, Zev cut his words.

"What do you mean hide? Do you mean our tribe will fight?" He ask with panic.

"I am not guarantee we will win but I want to protect our tribe and win. I want our tribe became stronger. I don't want lose anything. Bina had been stayed there yesterday and watch over their people. She told me we had a chance to win."

Everyone didn't disagree or became panic when they heard Bina said they had a chance. They all straight up their body with seriousness listen every Leon words next.

"Do you have plan?" Dhor ask.

Leon nod and start to plan their strategies for the fight.