The Vials

Jason said. "What is this?" He saw an unconscious Thomas against a wall. 

Jack shrugged as he said. "I'm not sure. I found him like this."

Jason said. "But, how is this even possible?" He pointed at the wall and said. "I'm not surprised Thomas was knocked out but how did the wall get damaged like that? Only a beast could possess that level of strength." 

The wall Thomas was against had very large cracks in it. The cracks went all the way from the top of the wall to the bottom. All the cracks originated from one location. The source of the cracks was a head shaped indent in the wall that was covered with blood. 

Jack put his right hand on his chin and said. "You know, that reminds me of a rumor I heard." 

Jason asked with curiosity. "A rumor?"

Jack said. "Yeah. There is supposedly a rumor of a beast of a man who causes the very ground he walks on to shake." 

Jason replied. "Wait I feel like I've heard that rumor before! Are you talking about the SG?" 

Jack asked. "Oh you know him?" 

Jason shook his head. "No. I've only ever heard of him through rumors." He asked. "What does he have to do with anything though?" 

Jack shrugged. "I don't know. You said a beast and that was the first thing I thought of. He is the only beast I know of." 

Jason shook his head. "No this isn't his handiwork. We'd all be dead right now if he had been here." 

Jack frowned. "Geez, way to make things depressing." His frown suddenly vanished as he looked over at Thomas and said. "Well anyways we need to get Thomas back inside so I can treat him." He looked over at Jason. "I tried to carry him myself but it didn't really go as anticipated." 

Jason looked at Jack and then at Thomas as he thought. "Can he actually not carry Thomas? Or is he just trying to make me do it?"

Jack said with urgency. "Come on! What are you waiting for?" 

Jason replied. "I got it! I got it!" He bent down to pick Thomas up. 

Jack said. "Wait! Don't do it yet!" 

Jason said with an annoyed tone. "Huh?" He stood up straight and looked over at Jack. "Didn't you just say to pick him up?" 

Jack pointed at the vials in Jason's right hand and said. "Yeah, but give me the vials though. I don't want you to accidentally break them or something." 

Jason said while annoyed. "Break them?! How would I break them?" 

Jack pointed at Thomas as he looked at Jason and asked. "Are you able to lift Thomas with only one hand?" 

Jason looked at his hands and then looked at Thomas as he thought. "He's got a point. Even I don't think I could pull that off." He looked over at Jack and said. "Why should I give you the vials though? How about I keep the vials and you carry Thomas instead." 

Jack shook his head and said. "I already told you. Thomas is too heavy. I'll carry the vials. You carry Thomas." 

Jason sighed. "Fine then." He handed the vials over to Jack.

Jack said. "Alright good. Now you carry Thomas inside and I'll treat him." 

Jason nodded. He looked back over at Thomas. He heard Jack, who was behind him, walk away. Jason thought as he looked at the unconscious Thomas. "How did he end up like this? If it wasn't the SG then who was it?" 

He looked around and spotted the body of one of the armored figures. He thought as he stared at the body. "Three tried to run away, right? One was cut down by Thomas inside and that must be the second one who was cut down by Thomas outside. But, where is the third one?" He continued to analyze the scenery around him as he thought. "If the third one had done this to Thomas then they would still be around, right? But, I don't see anybody out here which mean that they either got away or they disappeared. However, since they ran away instead of disappearing I'm guessing they don't possess the ability to disappear." 

Jason looked at the unconscious Thomas again and thought. "The only conclusion I can come up with is, a third party got involved. However, if a third party really did get involved then why would they suddenly leave? What would be the point in knocking out Thomas and then suddenly leaving? This ain't adding up..." 

Jack's voice suddenly interrupted Jason's thoughts. Jack called out to Jason. "What's taking so long?"

Jason looked behind him. He saw Jack standing a few yards away and thought. "Maybe it was Jack? Maybe Jack knocked out Thomas?" 

Jack called out again. "What are you doing? Why are you just standing there?" 

Jason called out to Jack. "Huh? Oh I was just lost in thought." He looked back over at Thomas as he bent down and picked Thomas up. He picked Thomas up with both hands and then slung Thomas over his shoulder. 

Jason stood back up and began walking toward Jack as he said. "Alright I got Thomas now." 

Jack said. "Yeah I can see that." He turned his back to Jason and began to walk away as he said. "Just set him somewhere in the main room. I already have everything set up."

Jason thought as he continued walking. "Set up?" He said to Jack. "Hey, what do you mean set up?" 

Jack said nonchalantly. "You'll see when we get inside." 

Jack thought as he stared at Jack. "What are you planning?" 

Jack said suddenly. "Hey, Jason." 

Jason replied. "What is it?" 

Jack said. "I've been wondering." 

Jason thought. "Wondering?" He said with suspicion. "Wondering about what?" 

Jack said. "Nevermind. I'll ask you later."  

Jason said while confused. "Huh? Can't you ask it now?" 

Jack shook his head and replied. "No. I'm still tired. I wouldn't be able to sleep if I asked." 

Jason thought. "Hold up! Shouldn't it be the other way around?" 

Jack stopped in front of the entrance to the building and then walked into it. Jason then did the same thing. 

When Jason entered the main room of the building he immediately noticed three vials standing up in the only clear area of the room. 

Jason looked over at Jack and pointed at the vials as he said angrily. "What is this?!" 

Jack said. "Well they're vials, obviously." 

Jason yelled. "That's not what I meant!" 

Jack said. "Oh so you're wondering why there are three of them." He smirked and said. "I forgot to mention earlier but Thomas had one too." 

Jason looked at Thomas, who was slung over his shoulder, and then looked at the vials as he said. "What?! Thomas had one?!" 

Jack said. "Yeah. I found one sitting on his chest. It matched the other two so I added it to the collection."

Jason looked at the vials and thought. "Only one of them is the real one." He looked back at Jack. 

Jack said. "As you've already guessed two of them are probably poisoned. Which means only one of these is real." He smirked and said. "Since there are three of us, how about we all drink one." 

Jason said. "What?!" He stared at Jack and thought. "So that is what your plan is!" 

Jack said. "Well it's only logical, right? There are three of us and there are three vials. I'll take the left, Thomas will take the middle, and you will take the right." 

Jason replied. "Hold on a second! Why should you take the left one?" 

Jack said. "You got a problem with me taking the left one?"

Jason replied. "Yeah." He pointed his thumb at himself and said. "I'm taking the left one." 

Jack sighed. "Fine, do what you want." 

Jason set Thomas down on the ground. He then grabbed the middle vial and walked back over to Thomas. He raised Thomas's head up off the ground as he popped the cap off the vial and poured the silver liquid into Thomas's mouth. Jason then set Thomas's head back onto the ground. 

Jason walked over to the left vial and picked it up off the ground. He looked over at Jack.

Jack said. "So we're doing this now?" 

Jason nodded. 

Jack said. "Well alright then." He walked over to the right vial and picked it up off the ground.

Both Jason and Jack popped the caps off their vials as they raised the vials up to their mouths. 

Jack said. "Well bottoms up." 

Both Jason and Jack chugged down the vials.