Lightning Corp

Jack said. "We're here." 

Jason's attention remained focused on the window. The only thing he could see through the window was darkness. He thought as he stared at the darkness. "It seems we are. It stopped moving." He looked at the floor of the train as he thought. "How strange. I didn't even feel the train stop." 

Jack said. "Jason, are you going to get up? We can't stay here forever." 

Jason looked at Jack. 

Jack was already out of his seat. He stood close to Jason's seat and stared down at Jason.

Jason said to Jack. "Yeah. Let's go." He got up out of his seat.

Jack moved back so Jason could stand up and then pointed at Thomas. He said to Jason as he pointed at Thomas. "Could you take Thomas? I'd prefer not to carry him again." 

Jason said coldly. "No. You brought him here. You can carry him." 

Jack said. "Huh? Come on. You owe me, remember?" 

Jason turned his back to Jack and said. "I don't owe you anything." 

Jack said. "What? I brought you here. The least you could do is carry Thomas." 

Jason sighed and said. "Alright fine." He turned and faced Jack.

A slight smirk formed on Jack's lips but then quickly disappeared. He walked past Jason and said. "Alright. Let's go." 

Jason narrowed his eyes as he looked back at Jack and thought. "What is he planning?" He then looked over at Thomas.

Jason walked over to Thomas's seat. He looked down at Thomas. All the injuries Thomas had gotten were no longer there. They had all disappeared. 

Jason thought as he stared at Thomas. "I see. Jack must've healed him too."  He slung Thomas over his right shoulder. He looked back over at Jack.

Jack was gone. The only ones left in the room were Jason and Thomas. 

Jason thought as he stared at the closed door. "That idiot. He left me stuck in here." He walked toward the closed door. As he got closer to the closed door he put his left hand on the hilt of his blade. He thought as he stared at the door. "I guess I'll have to cut it down after all." 

Suddenly the door opened. 

Jason thought. "Again? But how? Is this train actually haunted?" He looked around at his surroundings with suspicion as he thought. "Or perhaps it's something else..." 

Jack called out. "Hurry up, Jason! What is taking you so long?" 

Jason walked through the doorway into the corridor he had been in previously. He looked at the wall of the train which was now open again. He immediately noticed Jack was already off the train and was standing on the pavement. 

Jack called out again. "Come on! Why are you so slow? We've got stuff to do." 

Jason grunted as he looked at Jack. "Why are you the one rushing me? Aren't you just following me?" He suddenly looked over at the doorway he walked through. The door was once again closed. 

Jason looked over at Jack again and thought. "What are you hiding?" 

Jack had his back faced to Jason and was walking away from the train.

Jason walked toward the wall of the train that had opened up. He stepped off the train. The wall of the train closed up behind him. 

Jason looked around at his surroundings. It looked the same as the underground facility he was in before. All the walls were made of black rock, no trash could be seen anywhere in the facility, and it was just as empty as the one he had been in before. 

Jason looked at his surroundings with shock as he thought. "What?! Is this the same place we started in?!" He looked at Jack and yelled out. "Jack, what is the meaning of this?!" 

Jack stopped walking. He looked over his right shoulder at Jason and said. "What is the meaning of what?" 

Jason grabbed the hilt of his sword with his left hand as he yelled out. "This is the same place as before!"

Jack said. "No it's not. All these facilities are designed to look the exact same."

Jason said calmly. "What? Why?" 

Jack shrugged. "I don't know. Probably to trick people." 

Jason looked around at the underground facility and thought. "To trick people?" He said to Jack. "Why would they want to do that?" 

Jack said. "It's Lightning Corp. I wouldn't put it past them." He turned around and faced Jason. He said to Jason. "Any other questions?"

Jason put up one finger and said. "Just one." 

Jack replied. "Oh? And what would that be?"

Jason said. "Trains usually run on a schedule, do they not?" 

Jack replied. "They do." 

Jason gestured at his surroundings and said. "It would be bad for business for trains to constantly be running on a schedule down here." He pointed his finger at Jack and said. "So then how did the train know we would be there? And how did it know to arrive at that exact time?" 

Jack replied. "Would you believe me if I said it was all a coincidence?" 

Jason said. "No."

A smirk formed on Jack's lips. He began to chuckle to himself as he said. "Sometimes you're a bit too perceptive, Jason. That perception will be the death of you." 

Jason glared at Jack and said. "Get to the point! Answer the question already!" 

Jack said. "Fine. Fine. You want to know how I'm all connected to this, right? But, to be honest I'm not."

Jason asked. "Do you think I'm a fool, Jack?"

Jack said. "Wait! Wait! Hear me out."

Jason replied. "I'm listening." 

Jack gestured to the underground facility as he looked at Jason. He said. "You were right earlier. The trains down here don't run on schedules. They are instead requested by people with affiliation with Lightning Corp." 

Jason said. "So, are you trying to tell me you didn't request the train? Do you honestly expect me to believe that?"

Jack put his hands up in the air and said. "But, I didn't. It might've been Shadow Corp." 

Jack put his left hand on his chin and thought. "Shadow Corp, huh? But, were they really the ones that requested the train? Wouldn't it have been easier just to send back their soldiers directly rather than getting Lightning Corp involved? Something ain't adding up here..."

Jason looked at Jack and said. "Alright. Let's go." He began to walk forward.

Jack nodded. He walked in front of Jason and Jason followed behind him. 

Both Jason and Jack walked through the underground facility for several minutes until finally reaching a staircase. The staircase was made out of the same black stone material as the rest of the underground facility and led upwards.

Jack walked up the staircase first with Jason following behind him. 

Jason thought as he walked up the staircase. "Where will this lead? Another 'historical' building? Or perhaps somewhere different?"

Jack stopped walking as soon as he reached the top of the staircase. He stood in front of a blue and white metal door. 

Jason stared at the door with a confused look as he thought. "This is different than before. The door we came through looked like a very old, worn down cellar door." He looked at the key card reader and thought. "Why does this one actually have security?" 

Jack swiped his key card across the key card reader and walked through the doorway. Jason quickly followed behind Jack. 

Jason walked through the doorway and then looked back at the door. He thought as he stared at the door. "It seems this door is designed differently from the train doors. How strange." 

Jack and Jason walked through a very long and narrow corridor. The entire corridor was both blue and white. 

Jason looked around at his surroundings and thought. "Blue and white? That is Lightning Corp's colors. Is this a Lightning Corp building?"

Both Jack and Jason turned a corner and walked through another long corridor. 

Jason thought as he walked through the corridor. "Where are we? Is this really Lightning Corp?" 

Jack and Jason turned a corner at the end of the corridor. They immediately saw a very tall staircase leading upwards. The staircase had a square like shape as it continuously turned counterclockwise all the way to the top. The staircase was also blue and white just like the corridors Jason and Jack had walked through. 

Jack sighed as he looked at the staircase and said. "Well let's go." 

Jack and Jason walked up the tall staircase. As they walked up the staircase they saw one door on each side of each landing. 

Jason thought as he looked at the doors. "This must connect to another part of the building."

Jack and Jason continued to walk up the staircase until they reached the top.  

At the top of the staircase was a very large blue and white room. The very large room was about as big as a very large soccer field. 

Jason looked at the room with amazement as he said. "What is this place?" He looked around at the rest of the room. 

Jason noticed the entire floor in the middle section of the room was completely gone. There was also a railing that went around the entire perimeter of the middle section of the room. Only walkways on the sides of the room had any flooring. Above the middle section of the room was a glass dome ceiling. 

Jack said with a disinterested tone. "The exit is this way." He walked along the walkway on the right side of the room. 

Jason followed behind Jack. As he followed behind Jack he looked down at the middle section of the room. He saw four trains lined up side by side on the railways. 

All four trains were all blue and white but looked to be made of the same material as the black train. 

Jason thought as he stared at the four trains. "It seems the railways really were cut. They normally wouldn't all be lined up like this." He continued to look at the middle section as he walked and thought. "I also don't see anyone down there either." 

Jason and Jack continued walking along the walkway for several minutes until finally reaching the end. 

At the end of the walkway was a dark room. Above the dark room was a red neon sign that had the word exit printed on it. 

Jason stared at the dark room with a confused expression as he thought. "This is it?" He looked at Jack. 

Jack looked over his right shoulder at Jason and said. "Well let's go." He walked toward the dark room. 

Jason followed behind Jack. They both then stepped through the doorway of the dark room.