Unavoidable Fate

Jason said with his back facing Jack. "What do you mean, taken?" He turned around and faced Jack. 

Jack looked at Jason with a stern expression and said. "I mean, he might've been taken by the protectors of this city." 

Jason thought. "That idiot. How does he manage to cause problems for me even while he is unconscious?" Jason said to Jack. "You mean the Devourer Slayer?"

Jack replied and said. "It could've been him... or it could've been one of his soldiers..." 

Jason looked around the area around him as he mumbled. "One of his soldiers?" 

Jack continued as he said. "Or there could even be a third possibility..."

A confused expression appeared on Jason's face as he said. "A third possibility...?" 

Jack continued and said. "...It could have even been the SG." 

Jason thought. "The SG?!" Jason shook his head back and forth as he said. "That's not possible!" 

Jack smirked and said. "Oh? And why is that?" 

Jason said. "One of the rumors I heard about the SG is that he doesn't take prisoners. He either cuts someone down or he crushes them into pieces." 

Jack's smirk disappeared from his face. An expression of curiosity had replaced it. He put his hand to his chin and said. "Really? I've never heard that rumor before. How interesting." He then said. "Well anyways..." He looked up at the sky and then looked at his white watch. He looked over at Jason and said. "We only have about an hour before the sun goes down. I'll search the west and you search the east." Jack turned and began to walk toward the western side of the city.

Jason said. "Hold on! Where are you going? What do you mean 'we'? I never agreed to help you!" 

Jack sighed and stopped walking. Jack said with his back facing Jason. "Listen..." 

Jason said. "What?" 

Jack said in a joking manner. "You can't leave this city without me. You don't know the directions. And if you tried to leave by yourself you would just end up getting lost." 

Jason said while irritated. "Huh? I've survived two years by myself!" He pointed at Jack with his left hand and said. "What makes you think I need you?!" 

A slight smirk formed on Jack's lips as he said. "By yourself, huh? Are you sure about that?" 

A frown suddenly formed on Jason's face as he said. "What do you mean?" 

Jack's slight smirk widened slightly as he said. "Are you forgetting your brother? Are you forgetting 'Jake'?" 

Jason looked vacantly at Jack as he thought. "Jake?" He looked down at his hands with an empty look. 

Jack continued to smirk as he said. "Did you forgot your own brother?" 

Jason said bluntly. "No." Jason looked back up at Jack and said. "How could I ever forget him?" 

Jack stared directly at Jason's green eyes with his blue eyes and said as he smirked. "I see. So, do you still claim to have survived by yourself for two years?" 

Jason said while irritated. "'Do I still claim?' Shut the hell up already! The hell would you know about my past!" He grabbed the hilt of his sword with his left hand. 

Jack said. "Do you really plan to fight me here, Jason? Do you really plan to summon the SG here?" 

Jason said angrily. "The SG?! I wouldn't even have to worry about the SG if it wasn't for you! I wouldn't even be stuck in this city if it wasn't for you! This is all your fault!" He pulled his sword off his back, with his left hand, and pointed it at Jack as he said. "Getting rid of you..." He glared at Jack with an intense gaze as he said. "...Is the best decision I could ever make, right now!" 

Jack sighed and said. "I suppose this is where it ends, huh?" He grabbed the hilt of his sword with his right hand. He pulled his broken sword off his back, with his right hand, and pointed it at Jason. Jack sighed as he said. "Looks like there is no way to avoid it." 

Jason said. "That's right... there is no way for you to avoid it this time!" He tightened his grip on the hilt of his sword as he declared. "There is no way you can avoid fighting me this time!" Jason swung the blade of his sword toward Jack.

Jack instantly reacted to Jason's attack and used his broken sword to block the attack. 

A sinister smirk formed on Jason's lips. Jason's sword shattered Jack's broken sword upon contact with it. All that remained of Jack's sword was its hilt. 

Jack looked at his broken sword with concern and then looked at Jason. Jack then suddenly turned his head and looked to his left. He put his left arm out as he said. "You stay out of this." Jack looked at Jason with an intense gaze. He tossed his broken sword to the side as he said. "I'll deal with him!"  

Jason's sinister smirk widened as he said. "Do you honestly think you stand a chance..." His sinister smirk transformed into a sinister smile as he laughed and said. "...Against someone like me!" 

Jason raised his sword up into the air and swung it down toward Jack. 

Jack dodged to the right and completely avoided Jason's sword. 

Jason frowned as he looked at Jack. He quickly swung his sword angrily at Jack. But, this time Jason swung in a horizontal swing as he aimed for Jack's chest. 

Jack watched as Jason's sword swung toward him and then dodged backwards as soon as it was about to hit him. 

Jason looked at Jack angrily and thought. "He dodged that too?!" He clenched his right hand together and gripped the hilt of his sword with more intensity than before as he thought. "Then let's see him try and dodge this!" He charged toward Jack. 

Jack stood still and watched as Jason charged toward him. 

Jason swung his sword in a diagonal strike. The path of the strike was from Jack's right shoulder to the lower left section of Jack's chest. 

Jack dodged to the right as soon as Jason's sword was about to hit him and managed to completely avoid its pathway. 

Jason smirked and thought. "Got you!" He threw a quick punch with his right hand toward Jack's face. 

A slight smirk formed on Jack's lips as he watched Jason's punch aim directly for his face. 

Jason's punch suddenly stopped in mid air. Jason's right arm was back by his side again. Blood dripped from his right arm. 

Jack smirked as he held a dagger in his right hand. Both the hilt and blade of the dagger were white. However, the blade of the dagger was also red. Blood dripped from the blade of the dagger. 

Jason looked angrily at his wounded right arm and then he looked angrily at the blood covered dagger as he thought. "He still had a weapon?!" 

Jack said in a serious tone. "What is with that look? Did you actually think I use swords?" 

Jason looked at the dagger and then at Jack as he thought. "So he focuses on speed..." A sinister smirk appeared on his face as he thought. "Then let's see who is faster!" He quickly swung his sword toward Jack in a horizontal strike.

Jack watched as Jason's sword swung toward him. He didn't move his dagger to block Jason's sword and he didn't move his body to dodge either. 

Jason's sword suddenly stopped moving. Jason thought. "What is-? What is this feeling?" A cold chill went down Jason's spine. He got goosebumps along his body. His entire body began to shake. Jason's sword fell out of his hand and onto the ground as his left hand shook. He thought as he stared at his left hand. "What is-? What is happening?" He grabbed his left hand with his right hand to try and stop the shaking. Both of his hands continued to shake.

Jason looked over at Jack and thought. "Is he-? Is he doing this?" 

Jack was looking over Jason's left shoulder. He had an expression of pure fear on his face as he stared over Jason's shoulder. His entire body was shaking. His dagger even fell from his right hand and fell onto the ground. 

Jason suddenly heard loud cracks from the ground behind him. He felt very strong vibrations from the ground beneath him. The ground shook violently as it almost knocked Jason off of his feet.

Jason thought. "What is-? What is this?" The ground beneath Jason's feet continued to shake. But, it shook less violently than the first time and in a shorter duration. The shaking would instead get louder and more intense between each duration. 

Jason thought as the ground continued to shake. "What is-? What is going on?" He turned his body slightly and looked over his left shoulder.