

"What, what?", asked Paul

"The place we are going to is actually your home planet?"

"Yeah, is there any problem with that?", replied Paul

"Dude, the interesting place you are speaking about is just where you are born. Why did you make it sound so mystical and why is that classified?" asked Leo

"Well, my planet is interesting and as for it being a secret. I told Old First to keep my details a secret from low and mid-ranked soldiers and employees but even before I discussed it with him, he made all the information about me a top-secret" explained Paul.

Even Paul thinks that making a huge deal about his biodata is unnecessary and of course he asked Old First about the reason for the secrecy but he always got the same reply

" You are just a kid, concentrate on your training"

"Damn it, I imagined a brutal place with a lot of alien creatures where will we help the princess to overthrow her father by fighting arduously against powerful enemies, at last, making the princess the queen of her race, and for doing that she will give valuable treasures for you and a great one-night personal gift for me. Ah.... the beautiful princess. I miss the beautiful princess. I miss the s*x with the beautiful princess" Leo started rambling.

Knowing about this friend of his Paul just kept silent and minded his own business which is getting excited about his homecoming.

After getting out of his weird fantasy Leo started, "Bro, we know each other for a long time but I never knew about your story. As I'm accompanying you to your plan.."

"I know what you wanted to ask", interrupted Paul before Leo completed his sentence. Paul expected this already. As he is the one who is taking Leo to Earth, he has to at least give an explanation to him.

"Then continue," said Leo

"But I don't know where to start"

"Why don't you start telling me about your planet first then go into your personal life. How's that for a starter "

"Hmmm... Okay"

"The name of my home planet is Earth. It is a tiny blue planet in a distant galaxy called Milky Way. Compared to our artificial planet with the omnipresent metallic smell, Earth feels fresh but because of industrialization, it is getting polluted. Earth is covered with seventy-two percent of water and twenty-eight percent of land and the land area is divided into seven contin.."

"Bro, Do you think I want to listen to your geography lesson? stop telling me all these details I can learn about this when I get to Earth. Tell me about your family and how you got acquainted with Lord First" Leo stopped Paul from ranting about all the useless stuff because if he doesn't stop Paul now, Paul would have started speaking about the history of his planet.

"Okay, I was born in a city called London and I'm the only son of my parents. We can be considered to be rich in the economical structure of our planet. So, as you can expect I was pampered by them throughout my childhood. Even though we are rich I just want to have a normal life and yes lived a normal life. I moved out of my home and stayed in an apartment on my own.

I went to school, played cricket, which is a local sport on our planet, with my friends and studied. this is my normal life.

But one day everything changed. I was watching an entertainment show but suddenly there was a power cut. though I have backup generator even it is failed. At this time I saw a bright light in my room. As a sixteen-year-old who lives alone. I got scared and wanted to run out of my flat but there is an old man blocking me at the door. You can imagine who it is"

"Yeah, it should be His Excellency Edward", said Leo

"Yes, it is that fucking old man.

The first words that came out of his mouth were

"Be my disciple",

the heck right. Before I processed what he said, he caught me teleported me to his spaceship right above my planet. I got freaked and passed out. I woke up after some time. I asked that old bastard what he did to me. You know what he told me then.

"I'll give you half an hour, tell your parents that you got selected for a top-secret project and you accepted it. I don't care how you'll settle that. If you do don't do what I said I'll destroy your planet"

"What?? that is how you became King Edward's Disciple"

"You got kidnapped"