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Chapter 281: Motherly

Elize and Nina exchanged glances as they watched Skye tear through the meat hungrily. Someone who'd be seeing her for the first time would think that she'd been starving her whole life. Many looked at the hungry girl curiously, enquiring to someone or the other about the girl's identity. Some quickly filled them in while the others shrugged cluelessly. Soon, it was known to everyone present that she was Heidi's cousin, following which the stares and murmurs intensified. 

There were not many left in the pack house. Most of them had gone for a hunt under the full moon with their Alpha. The rest who were lurking around in the cafeteria were some of the pack's human mates and pregnant women, making for a largely gossiping group. Skye was ignorant to their stares, and Nina occasionally turned around to glare at them in a warning.