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Chapter 403: Is that you?!

'Master, can you hear me?' A faint voice echoed in her head. 

She groaned, rubbing her forehead in irritation. There were too many memories straining in her mind. It was uncomfortable. She sat up straight,  blinking in confusion. As the light pushed into her vision, she closed them again with a frown. 

There was a pleasant scent of something floral in the air. She felt around with her hand, keeping her eyes closed. The floor was cold and smooth- as if it was made of polished wood. Wait, why was she on the floor? She wondered, prying her eyes open ever so slightly. 

She found herself staring at a vast sea of pale pink flowers. They swayed to the sides gently with the wind, as if they were waving at her. She stood up slowly, clutching her head, and looked around. The place looked familiar but she was all alone. 

"Who is it?" She asked, looking around curiously.