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Chapter 507: Won't disturb us

The man smirked, leaning forward, if only slightly. "You smell different." He whispered, his warm breath reaching her skin like a threat. 

Her heart stopped for a second. Does he know? Had he seen her? Had he known all along? What excuse was she to come up with? No. It couldn't be..right? She thought, prodding at the red stone, hoping for it to wake up from its slumber. 

With no response from the Dam Sehlah, she had to come up with something on her own. 

"Ahh...it must be the water." She blurted out, unable to think of anything else. Pointing towards the Willow tree, she continued, "I took a bath in the pool over there last night."

Caliban raised his brows at the answer, all traces of humor vanishing from his face. The goddess tensed at his response, unable to read the poker face that he had put on. And then, just as he had put up the walls, he beamed, displaying an array of perfectly white teeth.