It's been 2 weeks since that meeting with the director. I have my cover story memorized, I am Jasper Vernon, 17 years old. My parents are philanthropist traveling the world. I've applied to Hills Academy every year and this is my first year getting accepted. As for my mission it's pretty simple, Make connections that might be useful down the line and get good enough grades to attend a top college.

I stand at the front door of my new house. It's an old plantation style home with pillars in the front. The outside is pure white with a luscious garden spit into two with a stone path between them. I take a step towards the tall white door and swing it open. The house is fully furnished and looks big enough to house 20 people. I wonder how much the agency spent on this. There's picture of me and my fake parents that I posed with lining the white walls. I make my way to my bedroom where my stuff was already delivered. Once up the stairs to the second story I walk all the way down the hallway and get to my room. Once I open the door I see my room perfectly posed as if someones been living in it. Childhood photos of me are on the desk. Old shoes that i've never owned are lining the closet. I look at the calendar pinned to my wall, tomorrow is the first day of school. Behind the closet door is my school uniform hanging up. It's a suit with the school badge sewn into the left side where your heart is. I take one last look at my cover story before lighting it on fire with a lighter and throwing it away in the metal trash bin in my room.

I wake up the next morning and prepare for school. I grab my uniform out of the closet and head to the bathroom. After a quick brisk shower I exit the bathroom and put on my uniform. I head down stairs and grab keys off the kitchen counter. As I go to the added on garage I see a brand new Honda civic type R its completely blacked out. The agency really went all in for this one. It's a pretty sweet ride though, its also a good thing I know how to drive a stick shift. I enter the car and begin my ride to the school. I admire the green scenery and the seemingly endless amount of trees on my 10 minute drive to the school. It's in a pretty rural area and most of the students dorm here.

I pull into the parking lot of the school. As I step out I appreciate the Gothic style buildings that make up hills academy. It use to be a prestigious college but after the country split the attendance dropped and the college had to shut down. All classes are in the main building which has a church tower attached making it the tallest standing building on campus.

My first class is history, I'm sitting in the middle of the back row. Most schools take a day to go over syllabus but it seems like we just go straight into the curriculum.

"Can anyone tell me results of world war 2 and the effects it had on us?" As a spy you really aren't suppose to stand out but my mission here is to be acknowledged by my peers and receive good marks. I raise my hand to answer.

"After the allies defeated Germany, America decided to launch a full scale invasion of Japan instead of dropping nuclear bombs. The war effort against japan took 5 years. The effect it had on America threw us into another depression causing the western states to form their own union and adopting a libertarian government. While the eastern states keeping the traditional government that America had already established and Texas becoming a country of their own."

"Correct Mr.Vernon."

I slink back into my seat. The rest of the day carries on like any other school day. I leave the main building to walk over to the athletic facilities for gym when I see two students arguing behind the building. One if them is about 5'10 with good muscle tone, he has short black hair. The other is about 5'8 he's a chubby kid with straight brown hair that looks like it was gelled to stay down. If they were to fight its obvious who the victor would be. I look forward again thinking it's none of my business until I hear a girl speak loudly "Cameron just stop!" I decide to defuse the situation and make my way to the arguing kids.

"Im S...S...Sorry." The chubbier one stammers to spit out.

"Cant you see me and my girlfriend here talking? Who are you to come and interrupt us?" I hate this kids attitude. As I approach I lock eyes with the girl. She has long brown hair with glasses over her brown eyes and for skin complexion she's also tanned to a brownish color. She stand's about 5'7 and it seems like she's already given up intervening.

"I...I...I just had a q...question about math." The more this kid stutters the more I feel bad for him. It's time I speak up.

"What's going on?" Cameron looks at me and gives me a sneer.

"Who the fuck are you?!"

"Names Jasper." I give my hand out to shake but Cameron just swats it away.

"Mind your own business."

"When you argue in front of everyone if become everyone business." I see his fist clench up so I decide to speak up again.

"You really don't want to swing at me." He clenches his fist even tighter when is girlfriend gets in front of him and pushes him away.

"Real winner you picked there." I say. She gives me the middle finger and her and Cameron walk away. It was a pointless remark but I couldn't help myself. I turn the other kid who is standing in the same spot as when I got there.

"Who was that?"

"That was C...C...C...Cameron Collins." This kid is still stuttering, I wonder if it's because he's flustered or if its something he deals with everyday.

"Catch your breath man. I'm Jasper." I give out my hand once more and this time it was returned with a shake.

"I..Im Connor." After he tells me his name he takes another couple of breaths. It seems like he is calming down.

"Thank y...you for helping me."

"What happened?"

"Rebecca is in m...my math, I had a question a...about the homework." He takes another deep breath before he continues talking.

"Cameron doesn't like it when people that aren't apart of congress talk to people in congress."

"Congress?" I asked puzzled. It also seems like Connor calmed down.

"Congress is Cameron's group of friends, they are called congress because all of their parents have ties in politics." This is too on the nose. Befriending these people is a perfect way to progress my mission, but seriously infiltrating a friend group called congress. It's lucky, or stupid, or maybe both.

"Do you know a lot about this group of friends?"

Connor nods his head "I know a lot about everyone in this school. I've been attending since 7th grade." I shoot a smile at Connor and put my arm around his shoulder. Looks like I just found myself an information network.

"Connor, lets be friends."
