It's been a week since the altercation between Cameron and Connor went down. Since then i've been gathering information on Cameron's group of friends. With the help of Connor and some personal digging I figured out that the only person who doesn't have ties to politics in the group is Rebecca, Her father is the head of a major tech corporation. I've thought of many ways to infiltrate the group but it does seem like the no outsiders allowed policy is strict. Congress is always together except for class so isolating a member has been difficult. My next chance is chemistry class, Donald and Matt are two members of congress, although it seems they are low on the hierarchy they can still help me get my foot in the door.

I sit right behind Matt in chemistry, he doesn't do much in class and seems to hardly pay attention. As I focus on Matt's back the teacher, Mr. hart announces a test tomorrow on Friday. The whole class groans excluding me. Chemistry has always been a practical subject for me. As a spy you never know what type of pinch you'll be in where you need to make a bomb, or gas, so having a knowledge of chemicals can be helpful to get you out of a situation. After the ringing of the bell marks the end of class Donald comes over and talks to Matt. I pretend to write something in my notebook as I eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Yo Matt, how you gonna do on this test?"

"Bro i'm gonna flunk for sure and when I do my dads gonna ground me again and i'll have to miss Cameron's party." Cameron's party? I'll have to try and acquire an invite. I look up from my notebook to see Donald and Matt starting to walk out.

"Hey guys." They stop walking and turn to me. I wait a couple seconds as the last of the kids are walking out of the classroom so it's just us three there.

"If you want I can steal a copy of the test before class tomorrow." Matt's eyes grow wide and Donald laughs. I keep my straightest face possible to show them that i'm completely serious. After seeing my expression Matt and Donald both match my seriousness before Matt speaks up.

"If you can pull it off what do you want in return?"

"I just want you to tell Cameron the good deed I did for you guys."

The two guys whisper among themselves for a second. I check my watch.

"Come one guys, other students will be here any second I need an answer."

"Alright deal." The other two say in unison.

"This conversation never happened and i'll deny everything if you tell anyone else except Cameron." They both shake their heads and we all exit the classroom. My next period is lunch so it'll be a good time to come up with a game plan. Once in the lunchroom I see Connor sitting alone, and he's tinkering with pieces of metal and wires. I walk up and watch him for a minute trying to figure out what he's doing.

"If you're trying to build a bomb you are doing it wrong." I say as I sit across from him at the table.

"I'm on the robotics team, I'm trying to build the skeleton of a robot. Also do you really know how to build a bomb?"

"...No Connor that was a joke" I probably could if I needed to though.

"Connor, what can you tell me about Mr.Hart."

"I had him last year for chemistry. He's very meticulous and organized to the point where I would call it OCD."

"How so?"

"The things on his desk were always measured out so they would lie perfectly 1 inch from each other. He makes a lesson plan at the beginning of the year for the WHOLE year so he has all the homework, classwork, and test made and stored in the filing cabinets by the lab area. He also always go to the bathroom between 8th and 9th period like clockwork."

"Do you know which cabinet the test are in?"

"The middle cabinet, bottom row." Very observant as always Connor.

"If I were to steal it, when is the best time?"

"W....what? Steal t...t...the test?" Ahh there he goes with the stuttering.

"It was another joke." I see him exhale a sigh of relief. It seems he only stutters when he's uncomfortable.

With Hart having borderline OCD I cant just go steal a key, no doubt he will notice. I'm sure the janitors have master keys, and there is probably another key in the main office. While staring out the window and the sun glowing on my face a simple idea comes to mind. The chemistry room is on the first floor, I'll just go unlock a window and break in tonight. It would be better if I knew the janitors schedules so I can avoid them but I don't have time to observe them. I have to do this tonight.

As soon as the bell rings to signal the end of 8th period I make haste to the science wing and enter the chemistry lab sure enough Mr.Hart isn't there. I unlock the window all the way in furthest corner from the door. I also open it just a tiny bit so I can get my fingers under it from the outside after that I make my way to my 9th and final period.

After I got home I changed into all black jogging attire, which will make me harder to notice in the night. I parked a block away from the school at a local library. I grab a my book bag full of useful items, I check my watch and see its 2:30 AM. I begin jogging towards the school. Once I arrive at the front gate I toss over my bag and climb the gate. I begin moving stealthily towards the science wing. I haven't seen a single janitor or security, I really don't even know if the school has night staff. I get to the outer wall of the chemistry classroom, I squeeze my fingers under the already opened window when I hear the doorknob to the classroom start to jingle. I immediately duck down and hug the wall. A few lights in the classroom turn on but not all of them. I slowly move my head up to see what is going on, Its Mr.Hart, and he's reorganizing his already perfectly organized desk. What terrible timing.

For about 25 minutes I watch Mr.Hart sharpen his already sharpened pencils, He pulled out a ruler and measured the distance between each pencil on his desk. This man really has a problem. He sits still and keeps checking his watch, he checks it one last time before standing up, shutting off the lights, and exiting the classroom. I look at the watch on my wrist and see it's exactly 3:00 AM. I wonder if this is some ritual for him.

With Hart gone I keep going with the plan. I slide up the window and wiggle through. I get to the filing cabinets, I find the one in the middle and go to the bottom row. In the crouched position I rummage through my bag and take down a pair of lock picks. Filing cabinets are pretty easy to pick compared to home locks. After tweaking the picks for a minute I'm able to unlock the cabinet. I find the answer key to the test and begin copying it down on a piece of paper in my notebook I brought along. If I took any of the test or the answer key itself Mr.Hart would surly notice. Once I finish copying it down I put the notebook back in my bag and make a swift exit through the window I came in making sure I shut it completely.

Once I get home I make sure to type out the answers on a computer so if those two get caught with them the handwriting cant be traced back to me. I print out the answers and go to bed with a smile on my face. Mission successful.