I was Stuck on the Road?


By some serious convincing, I walked into the bathroom with my night suit.

I was disgusted to even use the bathroom so I didn't. After I had changed into snug baby-pink sweats and a black tank top, I covered up with my coat, making sure it was completely buttoned.

When I got out, I found the same guy lounging on my bed, smiling all innocently. "Where do I sleep?" he asked. "There's no space."

I threw him a pillow and he caught it with a light, amused chuckle.

"Get off," I said, putting on a poker face, pointing a finger to the carpeted ground. "You can sleep on the floor."

Yes, I was ready to sleep although the murmuring in the room told me that wasn't quite what the others were doing. It was already eleven and I had to wake up early tomorrow. I needed my beauty rest. My legs ached from working in the kitchen all day long. I'd planned on massaging myself but clearly, I would be able to do no such thing.

"Aw, man," he pouted, thinking it was cute but nothing was funny at this moment. It was too much.

Was I over-reacting? No. Considering, this was the first time since the group homes that my private space was rudely intruded into. Back then, I knew Knight was watching out for me so I had no worries about sneaky hands and leery gazes. He took care of everything for me.

Was this my first time seeing someone in action? Yes, yes, clearly, it was.

I almost vomited again, losing my appetite. With shaky legs, I slipped under the duvet, covering the entirety of my body with it, including my head. I hadn't dared take off my hijab. I would never. Clare was wrong; I didn't do it for my parents. Clearly, nobody had taught her manners. She didn't even have the decency to ask me if I was okay with having boys around.

I could feel two eyes drilling into my head, informing me that indeed he was still standing. He—whatever his name was. Hopefully, I'd never find out.

Oh my God. I just couldn't sleep.

Finally, after what felt like ages, exhaustion caught up with me and my eyes fell shut.

. . .

There were snakes over my belly.



I was on high alert and my eyes popped out of my sockets. There was a huge hand snaked across my waist and a heavy body lay behind me. No way. He had not just come into my bed.

Tears stung the back of my eyes as I struggled to throw him off, body shaking uncontrollably. He was sleeping like a log and so was everyone else. Gulping in huge amounts of air into my constricted lungs, I climbed off the bed, snatched my phone from the side table and checked the time.

Oh, damn. It was 2 a.m.

Grabbing my bag, I threw in some stuff in haste and took off. It was only when I had gotten out on the road that I dared to breathe. My body was still in shock from having been violated.

Quickly, though, I jumped to my senses when I realised, I hadn't even gotten my keys from the apartment. What. The. Hell.

I was stuck on the road?