All Over The News


"Excuse me?" As I said so, I was already reaching for my phone.

Demir stopped me with his hand on my wrist. "Don't look at it. There are hateful comments…"

Hateful comments? WHAT HAD I EVEN DONE? I had never even touched any woman. I was so damn confused.

"I'm not a kid, Demir," Pushing past his hold, I opened the news app and there it was. On the front freaking page.

Me and Alana. In the elevators. Huddled together at such an angle that it seemed like we were uhm getting quite comfortable. And then more pictures. My head on her shoulders, back propped against her lap as I peered up at her and she at me. These were… such intimate moments. They'd taken something so innocent between us and turned it into this monstrosity.

Heck, we'd never even held hands and they made it seem like we were kissing.