Saving Her


Seven minutes later, Knight was right outside my door. As soon as I opened it, I burst into tears again. 

"Hey," He stepped closer, surrounding me in his warmth while his two bodyguards—giant, burly men—stood watch. "Everything's going to be fine. These men," he pointed a finger to them. "will help us get out unnoticed. Think you can come along?"

I nodded, letting his soothing voice spread over me like a sweeping wind. "How many people are down there?"

He barked some orders at the guards before slipping me out of the room and towards . . . wherever it was we were going. 

"You let us worry about that, okay? Stop thinking so much."

"Okay," I mumbled, frowning at a turn we took. "Where are we going? That's not—"

"We're taking the emergency exit. Come on, the building owner is an acquaintance, he'll get rid of the people soon. Let's get out of here."