Chapter 119: Sneaky Princess...


*Marineford, afternoon, inside Sengoku's office*

Four persons were currently present and discussing together. 

Inside the said office, Sengoku was writing and doing paperwork. To the side and sitting with a smile, Garp was eating his biscuits while speaking and laughing.

"Go away…" Sengoku told Garp with an annoyed expression.

"Why…? Crunch! Crunch!"

"Just go and eat your damn biscuits elsewhere…!"

"Bwah?! No way, I'm staying here!"

"Damn you!"

"*Sigh*" Zephyr was also there, reading the newspaper. "… Whitebeard's second fleet commander destroyed some of our ships again…?"


"Stop laughing! Grrr this Portgas D. Ace is truly troublesome!" Sengoku slams his desktop and then lifts his head to ask curiously.

"Oi, what about the Seal unit? Were they rescued?"

"Uh, we don't know that yet, we have already sent five warships to retrieve them three days ago-..." A random guy said but was interrupted by an amused voice.

"Bwahaha, don't worry Sengoku, I sent Edam to take care of it, that should be a piece of cake, Crunch Crunch…"

"What? You sent him…?" Sengoku was a bit stunned for a moment and then fell silent.

"What…?" Garp tilted his head curiously.


Slam! The door of the certain office was flung-opened as a rather high-ranked navy soldier entered in a hurry.

"Fleet-admiral! We have some news about the Seal unit!" A very young guy barged into the office and said.

"Oh, what is it…?" Sengoku asked curiously.

"The Seal unit's enemy was the legendary Shiki the Golden Lion!" The subordinate reported with still some shock in his eyes.

"What?! Shiki?!"

At this name, both Sengoku and Zephyr's faces turned serious… even Garp stopped to eat and listened seriously.

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yes, it is from a reliable source since it is Shiki himself who spread the news to warn the Navy and the government. His goal was to film and destroy the Seal unit to humiliate the Navy." The guy explained.

"What? Then, the Seal unit is…?" Sengoku asked, fearing for the worse.

"No Sir! The Seal unit is fine! They are even returning accompanied by the five warships, they are completely secured. Also, our scouting unit was the fastest to return." The guy explained as his eyes even started to brighten a bit.

"They are fine? Against Shiki?" Sengoku said, totally stunned.

"Oh, as for that Sir…" The guy let out and then took a little device out of his pocket.

"We have the full video record of the battle!" The young guy showed his video record with shining eyes.

"Did you watch it already? What happened exactly?"

"Yes, we have already watched it beforehand, we can see Vice-admiral Garp's grandson Edam-san among the Seal unit!" The guy said with an admirative look in his eyes.


"Uh, well, it would be better for you sir to see it yourself, we didn't understand it either…"


*Six hours ago, on the floating islands of Merveille.*

A mysterious silver light was emanating from a sphere in the sky and showering everything on the ground.

On the Kong ship, while Shiki's army was already being assaulted by his own mutated beasts, a terrifying event was happening right now…

The five mink, that is to say, Zaz, Cyera, Kyara, Inue, and Nekoe were currently undergoing a certain transformation.

Their whole bodies were bursting out with electricity and spamming as they felt power coursing through their veins.

*Grah!!!* Bestial sounds were despite them released as their fur began to stand on their ends before growing in an instant.

The twin sisters' appearance greatly changed as their long and golden hair grew even longer and turned entirely white. Their eyes changed from green and blue to a violent blood-red color while their fingernails grew extremely sharp and their body became significantly larger.

As for Inue and Nekoe, their transformations were nearly the same as the twins, just that Inue who was already bulky turned bulkier while Nekoe's enchanting silhouette seemed to turn even more flexible.

However, only Zaz's body seemed to take a lot of time to change while the others were already slowly calming down.

But, Shiki's face right now was incredibly dark and stunning to look at.

"Wh-? What?! Sulong form?! How is that possible, we're not even on a full moon, no we aren't even night, to begin with!" Being so old and a legendary pirate at that, he of course knew of the Mink's tribe Sulong form.

Sulong (Moon Lion) is an enhanced form that a Mink takes upon looking directly at the full moon. This form unleashes their primal animal instincts. It is thought to be something only the minks of Zou train in and is considered to be the "true form" of the Mink Tribe.

And that was also why he had attacked them now since the full moon wasn't for now at all.

Meanwhile, apart from Zaz, the twins who had already completed their transformation glanced at one another and then at Inue and Nekoe and then took a glance at Zaz who was on the ground and gritting his teeth still transforming.

The four then looked at Edam who was observing their observation. "Captain… but how?"

Edam smiled in return. "Just go and beat the shit out of them okay…?"

"..." In their Sulong forms, their personality seemed to change slightly as they looked with a somewhat threatening gaze at the enemy's army.

Swoosh!!! Like thunderbolts, they burst out in speed and literally flew out of the ship, rushing at the foes.

"Pui! So what if you are Minks?! We have Boss Shiki with us! Guys let's get them!!!" Someone shouted and encouraged his allies.


"Let's catch and sell them!"

"For Boss Shiki, as long as he's here with us we're invincible!!!"

As such, a hundred of thousands of men could be seen running courageously toward the four terrifying Sulong.


Only those who saw with their own eyes could truly comprehend the dreadful power of a Sulong.




"Ahhh! Save me!"


"D- don't hit me please! Ahhh!!!"

Blue bolts of lightning were being showered upon the Golden Lion pirate's alliance as they were rapidly being eliminated.


'Sh*t! Those useless idiots won't be able to hold it!'

Shiki snorted and exclaimed as he pointed his palm toward the four Sulongs.

[Lion Majesty!]

The ground all around Cyera & co broke open and constructed into the shape of gigantic lion heads letting out a roar or so before they launched themselves at the four.



"...!?" A blood-red beam of light was shot out, interrupting his attack as Shiki narrowingly escaped from it.

"What the-...?!" He followed the trail of the beam and saw that it actually came from Edam who was pointing his palm at him. His instincts were telling him that if he didn't avoid it, he would be badly hurt right now.

"Nope, you stay here old man…"

"You little f*cking…" Anger truly began to reach a peak right now. 

Firstly, this punk came and somehow took control of his army of beasts, secondly, he by some unknown and suspicious way succeeded in transforming Minks into Sulong, and thirdly that little bastard was even daring enough to stop him.

Also, there was something that was bothering him, somehow…

"You… what is that devil fruit…?"

"Hmm? Oh, you mean that…?" As soon as Edam said that line, his body slowly began to float in the air to Shiki's shock.


"If you are the flying pirate, then I guess that I'm the flying Marine…"

The Golden Lion's eyes widened a bit before calming down.

"Is that the gravity fruit?"

"Huh? Do you think gravity can do this?" 

SWING! Edam raised his finger and pointed forward as a Ki beam shot out and rushed at Shiki who evaded it again.

"F*ck! Then what is it?!"

But, at that, Edam laughed a bit and asked. "Why should I tell you?"

"That's basic respect between foes! And of course, I will also tell you my devil fruit powers…"

"Pfff, this is stupid, you're a legendary figure in all four seas, your ability is already well known to the Navy… Plus, it's not even hard to guess…" Edam explained but was then interrupted by the roaring of a certain someone.

Indeed, it was Zaz.

*Rah! Roar!*

"Hey, Edam is that okay…?" Kuina asked with a worrying expression.

"..." Edam took a glance at Zaz and told Kuina. "Don't worry about that, I'll do something about it, all of you just go and give a hand to the others…"

"Uh okay!" Kuina nodded and signaled to the others to move out. In terms of a statue, she was the third in command if not for Edam or Zaz, while Leo was fourth.

Zaz who was supposed to transform was indeed undergoing it but he seemed to be a little different than the others.

Instead of his body just becoming larger, Zaz's body completely transformed into his full wolf form as it then expanded to a ten-meters tall wolf, being entirely white and not a single speck of dust on its fur. 


Lightning was dancing on its fur and its eyes were bursting with even more violence than your typical Sulong.

And that form right there was Zaz's only struggle in life. 

In this form, Zaz was akin to a living calamity, so much that the four turtle brothers wouldn't be able to just hold him off, no, in fact, this Zaz could surely take on the whole crew at the maximum of their powers.

However, the problem was that his Sulong form coupled with his Mythological Fenrir wolf form brought out an insane amount of power at the expense of his rationality.

And so…

*Grrrr!!!* Like a savage beast, Zaz looked up at the two flying humans and snarled at them clearly intended to attack one of them.

Well… that was until his eyes met Edam's own eyes since the latter shot another glance at him as his eyes turned pale-golden.

"...Calm down… Zaz..." Following his words, the faint sound of the Titan Ape from earlier seemed to resonate in the air too, as if it was asserting its authority. 

A particular dreadful pressure seems to appear and affect this mindless Zaz. Face with this, mindless Zaz's eyes constrict as little clarity gains over his mind and he stops his growls and roars.

"The enemy is right in front, buddy…" Edam merely pointed at the enemy's army ahead.

Zaz followed his direction and then immediately rushed forward to unleash a massacre!

Claws of lightning and Chains of lightning were coming out of Zaz's wolf form and instantly knocking every pirate touched by it.

Shiki's army who were already struggling to deal with the four Sulong as well as the other crew members were completely overwhelmed by all this.

The hundred thousand pirates or so were rapidly going down like falling flies.

"Tch! Useless..." Shiki exclaimed in anger and frustration before looking at Edam as he finally noticed a certain detail.

Shiki's eyes darted on Edam's monkey tail. "...So you're not entirely human… a monkey, so you're a monkey! Jihahaha! At least you're living up to the Monkey's name, Jihahaha!" Shiki laughed and mocked him.

"Well…" Edam's mouth turned into a faint smile instead of getting angry. "It's better than turning from a lion to a rooster old thing…"

"But, anyway let me see what a legend is worth nowadays…" Edam grinned as his right charge in a lot of Ki and shot a rather huge golden-red Ki beam at Shiki.

"You arrogant kid!" 

[Slash Wave!] Using his legs, Shiki slashed out the beam of Ki in two as it separated in half.

"Is that all-...?!" The lion didn't get to finish as he saw the monkey flying at him like a cannonball. 

In an instant, Edam had reached him and punched his right fist toward his face. 

'Fast… but…' Shiki grinned evilly as he blocked his punch.


"You're fast… Forcing me to use my hands, you can be proud..."

"...Not bad for an old man… but, know that I'm not only fast…!" Edam laughed and looked at Shiki as his fist suddenly accelerated and pressed on Shiki's arm.

"What…?!" Shiki felt his hands giving in to a horrible and heavy pressure as his body was violently pushed back.

Boom! Swish!

And so, this legendary pirate was brutally flung back like a broken cat, flying a hundred meters away and even going outside of his island's border.

Edam looked in Shiki's direction and then the battlefield as he saw that everything was going in a good direction. "Good…"

However, just as he was going to pursue Shiki, his pendant began to twinkle and release a beeping sound.

"…?" Taking his pendant in his hand, he started to speak in his mind. "Hancock? What is it?"

In response, a very sweet but somewhat worried voice sounded out. "I want to come with you..."

"Let me come please, I already finished my Empress's duty and I'm bored…" Her voice sounded out bored and longing to be with him.

"Huh? Nah, It's a battlefield right now, it's all dirty and dusty here Princess…"

"And…?" She asked curiously.

"And?" Her question stunned him a bit as he then reflected on it. In his eternal quest to protect her by all means, he forgot the fact that she wasn't defenseless.

"Sigh… fine…" Edam sighed, floated down, and waved his hand, opening a spatial gate as an adorable, gorgeous and lovely figure rushed in his arms.

White snow, and Salome too came out as they stood by the sides.

Hancock's face turned into a sweet smile as she buried her face in his chest before strangely sticking her tongue in the spatial gate's direction.

["Ah! Snake Princess, you're not finished yet!"] Beyond the spatial gate, Gloriossa's infuriated voice scolded as the gate closed. ["Damn you Edam!"]

'What? Me…? Why…?'

Looking at this, Edam's mouth twitched, not knowing what to say as he held her. 

'So that's why…'

"You... and who will have to deal with her afterward…?" Edam lifted her like a wronged baby and looked at her with a deadpan expression.

"Hehe, I'm sorry, there, a reward for you…" Saying that her arms gently wrapped around him as she gave a slow and passionate kiss on his lips.

"...Well I forgive you, but don't think that this small kiss will suffice, you adorable Sneaky Princess…" Edam said and then asked a question.

"Anyway, what did you even want to do here?"

"...I don't know, I just felt you using your Ki, and so, I wanted to come…" She placed her face on his chest.

"You sensed my Ki? Well, that's quite a distance and I didn't use that much though..." Edam's eyes blinked and added.

"Oh, I nearly forgot, I'm in a fight right now, just stay on the ship, I'll be back…" He guided her on the ship's head and flickered as he finally pursued Shiki.

He had completely forgotten Shiki's existence for a second but well it was funnier to entertain the beauty right?

Now Edam was gone and Hancock just quietly sat on the ship's head as she observed the fight between Edam and Shiki. 

Her Ki mastery was already at the level where she could spiritually perceive everything if she focuses on it, so following their battle was a piece of cake.

Crack! Boom!

And that was one good fight right there… their aerial fight was extraordinary and earth-shattering!

Swish! Boom!

Shiki with his fruit alone was someone who could give a lot of headache to the Navy and coupled with his swordsmanship, that old man was indeed a fearsome opponent!

As for Edam, well he was the embodiment of destruction and chaos so… the answer was clear since wherever they would pass by, a lot of Shiki's floating islands would be destroyed in half or to smithereens depending on the situation.

[Lion Majesty: Snow Coiling!] Four huge Lion heads formed of snow dashed to kill Edam.

"Take this, Garp's grandson!"

"Heh, that's only snow!" Edam laughed as he rushed at those Snow Lions, destroying them with a kick or a punch.

Looking at Edam as he fought, she couldn't help but notice that he was particularly happy and excited to fight it seems. 

"He looks like he's having fun…" And she smiled at that.

Although she didn't share this strange passion, she could clearly feel how his blood seemed to boil in the heat of this fight.

However, as she watched the fight, her ears kept picking up the annoying sounds of the battlefield near her.

"What a pestering… I can't follow it clearly…"

She gazed at the battlefield and her hair slowly turned into a beautiful purple color…


*On Edam's side*


Shiki's figure was once again tossed around before violently smashing in a lake near an inhabited village.

The violent splash of water immediately drew the villagers' attention.

"Oh, so it's actually inhabited by people…" Edam floated down and patted his clothes that were filled with dirt due to the fight.

As Edam observed the village though, he noticed that the villagers had an awful and even terrified expression.

"...I see… well, there's one more reason for me to end you I guess…" Edam commented. 

"ENOUGH!" The water lake seemed to explode out, forming a lot of water cubes and floating in the air.

"I've been patient enough, waiting twenty years to get my revenge, I won't let a kid coming out of nowhere destroy everything I've built!!!" 

Shiki exclaimed in rage as the water cubes surrounding him rapidly moved forward in Edam's directions as it completely trapped him in a sort of dome.

"No matter what, every devil's fruits are weak against water…!" 

Saying this with a wicked smile, he mimicked for his hand to close as the water dome closed on him and some huge sharp rocks pointed at him.

He, at first wanted to capture Garp's grandson and humiliate the latter but this fight just proves to him that this kid really needs to die right now!

But, just as Shiki was about to finish him.

Boom! Splash! The dome of water suddenly blew up like a bubble.

"...?!?! What…?! How did you..?!"

"I'm sorry to bring you down old man, but water is not very effective nope…" Edam said and then shook his head to get rid of the water being all humid now.

"That's… That's impossible!!!"

"Well, yes it is, your powers were really fun to observe and learned from…" Edam said honestly.

"Wh- What?" Shiki didn't understand his words.

Edam relaxingly extends his palm at Shiki.

Faced with this, Shiki first thought that the kid would shoot those strange energy beams but nothing came out.

Instead, the water that had returned to form the lake started to vibrate and…


Shiki instantly reacted but, before he could flee… "Bastar-!!!"

Boom! It exploded into a pillar that surrounded Shiki before quickly closing in on him like a bear trap.

"Although, my mastery is very crude compared to yours…"


*Meanwhile In Sengoku's office…*

"What?! It's the end?! Where's the next part?!" Sengoku exclaimed and asked the young soldier.

Garp ate some popcorn and laughed by himself, saying how great his grandson was while Zephyr looked on solemnly.

"Uh, there's nothing afterward sir, the recording seems to have been cut off…"

"What happened to Shiki and his floating islands?"

"Well that's the strange thing, sir, we didn't see those floating islands nor the Navy Captain Edam since then…" The young soldier said and then added.

"However, Shiki the Golden Lion was carefully captured and sent into the seal unit's ship's cell…"

"..." Sengoku reflected on it but then thought of something as he looked at Garp.

"Now that I think about it, what the hell was that?"

"Huh? What?" Garp asked with an innocent look on his face.

"Tell me how the heck did those two even end up together?!" Sengoku yelled in anger.

"I don't know what you're talking about…"

"Boa Hancock… and the kid, that is to say, your grandson!!!"

"Oh that, well you know it was love at first sight…"

"I don't! Every time! It's your goddam fault for a reason or another!"

"How so, my fault? Didn't he capture Shiki?" 

"..." Sengoku actually wanted to debate but gave in. "Shut up…"

"Well, okay, I have to admit that he did a good job there… but the kid with that girl is clearly a bad idea, he's gonna ruin the Navy's reputation…"

"Heh, the kid doesn't even care about the Navy now…" Zephyr quietly commented on that. 

"And from the recording, his power has grown to a terrifying degree… apart from that idiot in front of you, who can even force him to do anything anymore…?"



Phew, this chap was long and I've maybe missed some mistakes but do point out.