Chapter 120: Flashback (1)

(A/N: This will be a flashback about something I wanted to write but just didn't know when and how to add it in the story.)

*Marineford in Sengoku's office*


"Heh, the kid doesn't even care about the Navy now…" Zephyr quietly commented on that. 

"And from the recording, his power has grown to a terrifying degree… apart from that idiot in front of you, who can even force him to do anything anymore…?"

"..." Sengoku was tight-lipped while Garp grinned.

"That's right Sengoku, plus, do I have to remind you that he's got the full support of the Gold Emperor and that little girl Stella…?" Garp said with a smile.

"The Gold Emperor huh…" Sengoku's eyes sharpened a bit since he wasn't ignorant of this name.

*Amazon's lily, during the three years ago, before having been blasted on the Other Side.*

On a high hill overlooking a beautiful landscape, Edam could be seen quietly sitting on the grass while taking a lot of things out of nowhere as if he was emptying a bag or something.

Money, Golden statues, weapons, etc… a vast amount of riches quickly formed a small hill.

"Hmm… that's a lot, should I donate it to some poor villages?"

Indeed, Edam was currently "tidying his inventory".

Nearly 3 years passed since he was "suspended" and... well life wasn't so bad after all, at first, he thought that his life would be sh*t from now on but it was even better! 

Every day he would wake up, do some stretches and exercise, and then teased Hancock before she got busy with her Empress's duty.

And while waiting for her to finish, he would busy himself with whatever he wants, be it sinking some pirate ships for fun or going on some wild island to discover and hunt edible food. 

He never went to populated islands though, he left them out on purpose for him and Hancock to explore together.

But, anyway, today he decided to see what was in his inventory again. There were many treasures that he would confiscate from the ships, treasures that were now forming this small hill in front.

Amidst the countless things that he took out though, there was this one golden ticket that drew his attention.

"Hmm? Oh…"

After thinking for a while, he recalls that it was from the enslaved prince from the slave market time. That prince gave him this golden ticket as a gift to thank him for saving him from a tragic fate.

On the said ticket, two large words were beautifully written on…

"Grand Tesoro…?" Edam tilted his head curiously.

However, now that Edam took a clear look at this ticket he could see that this piece of paper was moving in a certain direction even though there were no winds at all.

That piece of paper was of course just a beautiful Vivre card…

But, the name was actually what drew him even more… Tesoro… the same name that Stella was searching for day and night hoping to put a face on this name that seemed to be etched in the very depth of her mind.

An eventuality struck him as he thought about it.

Since Tesoro was once a slave, both Stella and he always thought that the guy would be a very modest and honest man living in a modest town too, but what if… it was the contrary?

While Edam thought about it, a voice suddenly resounded and brought him out of his thoughts.


"...?" As he turned around, he saw Hancock a hundred meters away coming his way. Her red dress was fluttering in the air giving a wonderful scenery there.

Seeing her, a smile unknowingly formed upon his face as he moved out and appeared right in front of her to her surprise.

"Hey, there~…"

"What is it…? Why are you taking all your stuff out..." Her eyes blinked and asked as she looked at the mountain of treasures.

He took her hands and interviewed his fingers with hers, and then said.

"This is nothing, I was just tidying it… anyway, are you finished?" Edam took her in his arms and gazed down at her beautiful face.

"Oh, yeah, it was quicker than usual…" Hancock explained a bit of surprise about it.

"Hehe, good job, there, a reward…" With that, he lifted her chin and planted a very soft kiss on her lips.

As they separated, Edam sighed out loud.

"Sigh, that's it, I'm addicted, I can't get enough of this feeling anymore, Princess…"

"You…" Hancock at first wanted to say something but...

"Hehe…" Edam who was holding her hands made her turn as if they were dancing before catching and holding her in his arms from behind.

"You won't believe it, I've maybe discovered where that Tesoro guy is…"

"Tesoro? Who?" Hancock curiously asked, her lack of interest in any other men other than the one facing her made it a bit difficult to remember their names it seems.

"You know, the one guy big sis Stella is searching for…" Edam laughed and said heartily.

"Oh, and…? Where is he then?" 

Truth be told, Hancock truly couldn't care less but since he was speaking so excitingly, she found it so adorable that she would listen to his story even if it was the most boring thing in the world.

"Well, here look at this…" Edam showed her the golden ticket and explained his reasoning to her.

"Oh, the Gold Emperor, your reasoning looks good, that might be true…" Her interest finally piqued, she commented.

"Yup, that's what I thought too…" Edam said a bit satisfied with himself.

"...Wait wait wait! So you plan to go to this Grand Tesoro thing?" After reflection, Hancock was struck by something as her heart missed a beat.

"Well… yes, why?"

"You, alone?"

"Of course not, we will bring big sis too…"

"..." Hancock fell silent for a moment.

Although she didn't have any reason to be jealous of Stella since she was in every way the most beautiful, Stella was ultimately still a very beautiful woman after all… a mistake could happen on the way and both could become closer right?

And even if she didn't count Stella, the place they were going at was filled with money, and according to Hancock's theorem, money means beautiful girls… 

...Also, that adorable idiot maybe wasn't aware of it or just couldn't care but he was cute and handsome, easily above average. 

He already had a cute and honest face when he was only ten years old, and now that he was fifteen-sixteen not only was he cute, he was also emanating a sense of maturity now.

And God only knows how much his cuteness was very effective against her.

Therefore, she didn't know how other girls would react but one thing was sure for the Snake Princess…

'He's my cute idiot and mine only!' 

A cold and determined light flickered in the depth of her eyes as she thought about her 'future enemies'.

She then gazed into his eyes and was gonna ask something when the latter overtook her.

"So let's go together!"

"Huh? But you said you were going alone…"

"Well, yes alone but with you…" Edam said as if it was all logical. "It will be boring and won't be fun if you're not coming with me, alright?"

"Plus, I have never gone to a casino before, and look…" He said and pointed at the treasures. "We have much to spend there…"

"So, do you want to come?" Edam turned to look right into her eyes, in the depth of his eyes, a very expecting light was burning in.

"Yes, of course, I do!" A beautiful smile instantly formed on her face.

"Good, then…" Edam smiled as he took her hand while summoning his spatial sword and was gonna cut space apart when Hancock stopped him.

"Ah, wait a moment, you're going to Marineford?"

"Yeah, we're gonna fetch big sis, why?"

"Then go and take her here, we're gonna use my ship, you can't use yours, right?"

"Oh… yeah that's true… can't we just fly to this Grand Tesoro?" In laziness, Edam said.

"And how will Stella fly…?"

"Of course I will-..."

"No, you can't..." She said in a firm voice before adding in a hurry. "Ahem, what I mean is that it will give her some time to prepare herself mentally…" She coughed embarrassingly.

"Oh… well that's a good plan too I guess…" Edam reflected and found that the plan was a good one. "Okay then, let's do this…"

And so, they executed the plan as Edam was gone to fetch Stella who was at Marineford while Hancock was gone to prepare the trip.

Since the trip was gonna last a week perhaps, she ordered food for at least ten thousand Kuja warriors since Edam was coming.

*Meanwhile, in Marineford…*

A spatial portal quietly opened in the sky just above Marineford town as Edam came out of it.

As he went to find Stella, he met Zaz on the way.

"Yo!" Edam greeted him leisurely.

"Oh… it's you…" Zaz lifted his head showing two tired eyes. 

"Wait, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be kept away from this place?" With that, they took a glance right and left.

"Interesting, and who will stop me from leaving?"


"You have an ugly face Zaz…" Edam laughed.

"It's your fault, you goddam…" Zaz at first wanted to shout but didn't find the strength to and gave up.

"Anyway, do you know where big sis Stella is?"

"Oh… big sis Stella should be at the tavern, she's currently working as a waitress…"

"A waitress?" For a reason or another, it pissed him a bit.

"Well, she was the one who insisted on it, your grandpa eventually accepted her decision."

With that, Edam made his way toward the tavern.

As he pushed open the door, he didn't even need to search as Stella was the one who was drawing all the attention.

"Welcome- Oh, Edam!" When Stella saw that it was him, her face turned into heartfelt happiness as she walked straight at him to give a hug.

"Hey, Sis, what are you doing?!" Edam asked with a deadpan expression, clearly unhappy.

"Eh? Well, I'm working, of course!" She said with a smile.

"Did someone blackmail you…?" With that said, his eyes coldly swept around the tavern scanning everyone.

"Hey~ hey~, kid, why are you interrupting our fun~?" A very drunk guy came to speak.

"Shut up, go to sleep…" Edam glanced at him as the drunkard mysteriously fell asleep on the spot.

"Anyway, sis let's go…" Edam exclaimed as he took her hand and led her outside the tavern to her surprise.

"Eh? Wait Edam, where are we going and why so suddenly?"

Edam smiled and then said. "I perhaps found some clues about the Tesoro you're searching for sis…"

"..." Stella stopped in her tracks and asked with a confused face. "What do you mean…?"

"Yeah, so it's actually like that, etc…" Edam then explained the situation.


"Really…? I mean do you truly think that it's him this time…?" Stella asked with a frown.

During those six years that passed, the memories of that man hadn't ceased to surge up even during her sleep, seemingly tearing her heart and soul. The memories just didn't want to disappear even when all she wanted was for it to be gone already.

"I'm 70% sure of it, but we still have to try right? And even if that wasn't the case we can just forget it and go take some holidays!" Edam blinked his eyes and said cheerfully.

"...You… you're maybe right…" 

"Of course!"


An hour later he returned to Amazon's lily with Stella as they then embarked on the ship.



I was super slow because I was struggling if I should publish this flashback chap or something else 😅