Chapter 160: Bringing out the Angel of Death!



(A/N: a lot are, not angry but more like dissatisfied with the previous chap, because of the clone leaving an ntr-like sensation in people's mouths. Well, after re-reading it, I can understand that. So pls leave me your thoughts… Worst case, I can modify some parts, it doesn't bother me to rewrite it a bit, now peace ✌️ )

(Update: I tried to modify some parts to lessen the ntr-like feeling but I don't know if I did it well. Now I don't know if I should erase this part using my author's power or leave it at that.)

*Rusukaina, in the afternoon*

Inside the mountain where Ace's special chamber was situated at…

Edam was standing in front of it silently.

His expression was quiet and expressionless, seemingly devoid of emotions. His blood-red eyes which were naturally frigid cold now seemed capable of freezing anything it sweeps past.

In fact, he had already assimilated his clone's memories when he merged back with him. But due to the circumstances back then and his happiness in embracing Hancock In his arms, he decided to deal with that later on, which was now. 

He had been staring at it for a whole minute… or so… but when he went through his memories, he couldn't believe it until he saw it with his own eyes.

But, regardless of his silent expression, his mind was racing with thoughts both malevolent and good, trying to calm the devil from awakening…

I've given them so many chances… and they do not appreciate it, why is that so…? They keep offending me again and again…

No, they don't know that I'm a God, I shouldn't blame them…

But, even if they knew, would they believe me? Would they yield to me? Would they finally leave me alone?

No… Impossible… Humans, no, nearly all living beings endowed with a soul and a consciousness are prone to love and hate…

If this is how it is, then let's resolve this in the same manner as they do…

A very cold expression flash by Edam's face as he instantly moved and went outside, standing on a small hill that oversaw the sea.

Tonight was coincidentally a full moon as it illuminated this dark night with its beautiful mystic silver luster. The air was cold and chilly.

Hancock had just arrived by his side when she felt him moving instantly outside the mountain and asked innocently. "Hubby?"

"...? What? Hubby? You called me Hubby?"

 Edam was so shocked at her calling, completely interrupting and easily blowing away his anger and coldness.

"Well, yes, why?" She blinked her big and watery purple eyes with her cheeks glowing an adorable pink. "You don't want to?"

"Hell no! You should always call me that!" Edam laughed and hugged her happily while kissing her cheeks excitedly.

Amused at his childish expression of love, she let him do as he pleased, before however pausing and staring deep into his eyes as if mesmerized by it. 

"Your eyes… they…" She caressed his face and uttered softly. She was just a tad smaller than him in height and could so easily reach his face with her hands.

"Oh…" Hearing this, Edam unconsciously blinked and lowered his gaze as the light in his eyes dimmed slightly, turning quite melancholic.

"They are… creepy, right?" 

It was true, although, at first sight, his two eyes could be perceived as beautiful and mesmerizing as a universal expansion but after staring long enough into it, one would realize that there was nothing but absolute chaos in there. Like a beautiful dream suddenly turning into nightmares. The light in his eyes seemed like an illusion that trapped one in it.

"What? They are beautiful though, like two otherworldly gorgeous pearls!"

Edam shook his head slightly. "You don't need to comfort me, the old geezers already made it known to me, that they see nothing in my eyes apart from the nothingness…"

"But, this is fine… " He smiled faintly at her.

"Well, they are wrong!" Hancock suddenly said with an adamant tone and added next. She shook her head and her hair swayed in the air.

"I don't know for them, but, for me, every time I look into your eyes, I see a beautiful and loving pair of eyes, and that's all that matters for me!" She firmly affirmed her words with a rather haughty expression, looking ready to fight it out with whoever didn't agree with her.

"Haha… okay, okay, calm down my fighting Empress…" Edam laughed it out and said. "I'm pretty sure that in the entire scheme of existence, you alone can see my pupils as a loving pair of eyes…"

"Hmm!" She nodded sweetly and said with the same sweet smile. "I'm very selfish and I don't like to share, I want this love all for myself!"

She leaped into his arms and hugged him lovingly. Her body was extremely soft and seemed to want to melt into his. 

"My, my, you're being quite proactive huh, I'm trying my best to hold back but you don't help at all, you little vixen…"

"Hehe… Oh, say, you spent nearly nine months out there, and I read somewhere that men and most of all vigorous men tend to have more urges daily. Do I have to fear an eventual love rival?" She tilted her head slightly and asked.

"Hmm, no, you don't need to…" Edam smiled in amusement and said honestly. 

For him, her question wasn't vexing at all, in his opinion, this question was completely legit to be asked, and was totally normal in a couple. He truly enjoyed those moments with her. 

Though there was a day when she actually asked him if he would consider having a Harem for himself and if he did, she only wanted to be honestly informed. 

The powerful get to do as they wish, and she knew that from her most tender age. 

If Edam truly wanted to have another woman, there was literally no one in the world who could stop him from doing so, not even her or so she thought, rather wrongly that is… if there was someone who could stop him, then it was her…

"Is that so…?" Hearing that a beautiful smile was drawn on her face as if satisfied. His honesty was the thing that she loved the most, he had never hidden anything from her. Everything she asked would be answered.

She happily held onto his arm, her two proud and bountiful peaks were pressed tightly against his arm.

And although Edam did want to enjoy this sensation as he missed it for months now, a thought was buzzing him. "...Uh, dear?"

"Hum?" She raised her to look at his two ruby-like pupils currently filled with puzzlement.

"Um, say, what were you doing again before coming here?" Edam said with a forced smile. 

He hadn't paid much attention to her appearance since she was most beautiful in everything she wore, but this time, his mouth couldn't help but twitch when he noticed the pretty pink apron she currently wore.

"Well, I was-..." Realization suddenly struck Hancock whose eyes widened abruptly. She had insisted on cooking tonight!

"Oh no! The food!" Saying that she turned around flashed as she disappeared back into the mountain.

"Haha… silly…" Edam smiled at that and felt warmth filling up his heart.

She didn't know and probably wouldn't know, but her appearance at this moment had stopped a catastrophic event from happening. He had planned to obliterate the entire part of the Redline that housed the World Government and the Celestial Dragon but Hancock's existence appeased him, clearing his mind, though at the cost of their food… an unfair sacrifice perhaps…

"I cannot just kill innocents, right? If there are any innocents up there, to begin with…" His eyes glowed a dangerous light but it quickly receded back as he sensed movements on his back. He smiled and spoke.

"Are you spying on me, Old Rayleigh?" Saying that he turned back and looked at Rayleigh who had just come out of the woods.

"Haha, I know that I can't spy on you, young man." Rayleigh laughed before stopping and looking at Edam with puzzlement, noticing the strange glow of his eyes. "You are different…?"

Edam faintly smiled at that and shook his head slightly. "...Complete…" He said and added.

"Anyway, why did you sneak on me?"

"...? I didn't sneak on you, your killing intent can be felt from kilometers away… the beasts are going crazy and don't care to barge into our safe zone, we can't sleep…"

"Oh, sorry about that…" Edam said with a sheep smile. "What about Luffy, how is his training?"

"Well, the kid is a bit of an airhead, but he's a quick learner, it won't take too long for him to assimilate I guess…" Rayleigh said with a quiet smile.

"I see…" Edam smiled at that too before opening a spatial rift. However, compared to others, this one was glowing an ominous pink color.

At the sight of this rift, the Old Rayleigh felt his heart halting for a second, his experience and his entire being screaming dangers at that spatial rift.

Even though the night was cold and chilly, a bead of sweat still managed to fall down from his anxiousness. 

"Wha- what is that…?" His voice was shivering a bit.

"...The Angel of Death…" Edam said calmly without changing his expression.


"Or so, this is what I considered him to be… well, he is no different from one… my newly appointed servant..." As Edam said this, the rift slowly widened with ominous pinkish spatial cracks. 

And from inside the rift, a black-clothed, black-haired man slowly came out, with his head hung low, his eyes void as if he lost his soul, which was practically the same. Since this was a stolen body, his facial features were totally those of Goku, with the difference being a slightly more tanned skin, not much but just enough to be pinpointed. His clothes were tattered from their previous fight and the most shocking of all was that one of his arms was missing! It wasn't bleeding anymore. His regenerating abilities were quite excellent!

But he was currently in a bad shape, but not an ounce of complaint nor pain could be seen on his face, not that he could currently.

Looking closely at him, Rayleigh couldn't help but blurt out. "Is he dead?" Well, it wasn't his fault, since he looked like a dead man.

"I shattered his Soul and Will… In my opinion, and this is kinda hypocritical of me, but his existence was truly dangerous…" Edam with a self-mocking expression. "A guy like him with such a Will would never let go of his ambitions and hatred even after going through the cycle of reincarnations… killing him is useless… a ruthless method was needed…"

"What… what do you plan to do?" Rayleigh felt something dark ahead.

"These people… they already knew that Ace was my brother and yet they still touched him… I understand, it is their rights, and that was my fault…"

"In the end, threatening them with holes in the Red Mountain to keep my loved ones safe was but a wishful and naive thinking from me…"

By the end of his words, his red eyes were cold but surprisingly calm and seemed to hold a sort of cold melancholy in them. He was already used to living beings' violence and was also stained by them too and was in no way different from them. Even though he was technically a God in flesh and blood now, he felt that judging humans was by no means his right. It would only be hypocritical of him.

Touching the middle area between his eyebrows with two fingers, he then pointed at Black's head, as from his fingers, a silver light shot out and struck the soulless man's glabella.

Abruptly taking hold of Black's head with one hand, Edam quietly closed his eyes.

"You have stared into humanity's deepest nature for a long time, to the point of corrupting yourself… you probably know them better than me, and you shall punish them according to my will… spare the innocents and those who deserve it, slay my enemies and those who deserve it…" 

After conveying his intent and will into Black's broken soul, he let go of his head and opened his eyes.

Black's head that was till now hung low, slowly lifted his face to reveal a pair of eyes that were now faintly glowing. If earlier he was simply devoid of a complete soul, then it was now a little bit more lively. A calm but dangerous light pink glowed in there quietly.

In the depth of his mind, his dark-pink soul that was previously shattered into countless pieces was now connected by silver threads.

And along with this sliver of consciousness regained, a murderous intent originating from his soul itself was felt. 

When Rayleigh felt it, he simply broke into sweats.

It was normal, after all, shattered or not, Zamasu's soul was still divine, it had retained the extreme killing intent obtained from the slaughtering of countless worlds throughout an entire Multiverse! Such a killing intent was one of a kind and felt as if the eighteen layers of Hell were breaking loose! Like trillions of unreconciled dead souls screaming their grief, and resentment over their unjustified deaths and their incapacity to go through a rebirth!

In a certain way, Edam and Black were the only two full Saiyan Gods in existence, being divine in both aura, body, and soul.

And their Life was in some way, kinda the same too, having destroyed world after world, denying innumerable living beings from the cycle of reincarnation, though on a different scale and for different reasons.

"Well, then go…" Edam said softly.

Black slowly raised his head, showing a gloomy and murderous dark-pink pair of eyes. 

"Hmm, this is bad… given their way of life, a simple stare from you will be enough to frighten all of them to death…" Edam looked into his eyes and pondered for a moment before reaching out into his spatial inventory searching for something. If even a veteran like Rayleigh was sweating by simply standing next to him, then those lazy asses would probably piss their pants and die out of fear.

With that in mind, Edam searched through his inventory before finally finding something to do the trick. A white mask with a strange mark on it!

Taking it, he carefully put it on Black's face, however, when he took another look, he noticed that it didn't manage to suppress the pink glow at all, in fact, the mask seemed to crack slightly on the left side.

"You're ready to go I guess…"

Black who now had a mask on his face, slowly glanced around. He observed his surroundings in deathly silence as his hand faintly shook. 

His right hand's fingers tremble slightly and then by pure instinct, a frightening dark-pink scythe made out of concentrated and sharp divine ki. If Black's presence was reeking off a bloody killing intent, then this divine scythe was the embodiment of his disdain, disgust, and absolute hatred toward all that is Mortal!

A weapon made for the sole purpose to rip mortal's lives!

"Sigh… anyway…" Edam simply gave up and turned around.

"Are you sure about that?" Rayleigh had recovered and asked calmly. 

'I made myself clear some months ago when they tried to touch my wife, and yet probably because there were no human lives lost, my warning went from one ear to another. I've never been a good person, to begin with, and their sacred land is a place that I very much loathe…'

'It was a mistake of mine to cling onto some principles, I had enough of that… I have no intention to live by human laws anyway…'

'There's a misunderstanding somewhere, I am unbounded, and…'

'I do not celebrate Life. I represent the End…' 

Instead of a cold or angry expression, a melancholic expression touched his face.

Black Goku had already vanished into thin air and went to accomplish his task.

Looking at Edam's gloomy back, Rayleigh then glanced at the spot of the disappeared Black. "Will he be fine? He was pretty strange and robot-like…"

"It's fine… even if he cannot accomplish his task thoroughly, my primary orders would be executed…" Edam lifted his eyes to look at the moon.

"And well, If they can somehow survive this, then, I will take it as them being quite lucky tonight, I guess…" Though, he really doubts that anyone could survive with Black being sent.

This was no different than sending the Angel of Death to deliver his divine wrath and punishment.

Though, regardless of the results, as he said early, he truly didn't care about the outcomes. He turned around and walked out.

"Anyway… Goodnight, old man…" Edam waved his hand slightly and swiftly disappeared back into the mountain home.
