Chapter 161: I would gladly go to hell with you!



Back in the mountain, he arrived on time to see Hancock hastily adjusting her blunder.

In the end, she wiped her sweat and smiled happily, having corrected her blunder and caressed her belly. 

She felt a few twitches as if in response to her that put a smile on her face. The ups and down she felt during these few months were numerous. Her pregnancy made it so that her pheromones were high at all times, craving for all sorts of things, especially food and sweets. And in a monstrous quantity that is.

She had inquired about it from various books and all of them told her that this process was very normal except for the exaggerated need for food. Her case was kinda special since she got herself a Saiyan and not a normal one to start with, so… yeah…

Apart from that, there was another thing she did differ from other women, and that was that while she sought caring, she didn't seem to particularly yearn for some naughty things. Indeed, she read in some books that with their pheromones being high, pregnant women tend to easily feel aroused and want to play a bit.

But weirdly enough, this didn't seem to light up for her that much. After further inquiring with the female medical specialists of Amazon lily, she came to the assumption that her Kuja's race people being a race ruled over by females, evolved in such a way that throughout the years, men were no longer necessary to take care of them and only a means to reproduce themselves.

Females were naturally soughting powerful males for themselves by instinct but due to the Kuja's evolution to power, this natural instinct seemed to have died out slowly.

This seemed to result from the Kuja's ancestors deeming men as worthless and useless during their pregnancy phase, choosing to fend off by themselves rather than relying on men.

Was that what people called feminists perhaps?

Hancock couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed though, who would have thought that her bloodline would push her to restrain herself, rather than jump on her sweetheart. 

Though this didn't mean that she didn't want to latch herself on to him, but knowing that the previous Edam was a clone was a huge turn-off for her, it felt wrong. 

But now…

At this thought, a peculiar and heated spark glow lit up in her eyes as she subconsciously licked her luscious lips. 

Though it slowly faded away after a while when she set her eyes on her belly.

She felt that the big day was drawing near. 

"Phew, we avoided a catastrophe, my bab-…?"

Edam then appeared like a ghost behind her and embraced her waist gently and rested his chin on her shoulder while breathing in her neck. Her natural scent refreshed his spirit and soul like a soft drug.

"...?" She smiled and laughed softly as her neck tingled from him sniffing around and peeked curiously behind. "What were you doing outside? I felt a rush of killing intent and a horrible aura suddenly appearing…"

"Nothing you need to worry yourself with…" Edam smiled carelessly and indulged himself in her sweet scent. 

For the present him, this little vengeance was of not much importance, but he couldn't selflessly let go of it, or more like he didn't want to. A grudge was a grudge no matter how you thought about it and had to be settled one way or another.

Thereafter, they went to have dinner. Edam's appetite hadn't diminished in the slightest despite being a higher existence, still being as monstrous as ever as he ate like a hungry beast.

As for Hancock, her appetite was now just as immense as his, though, she ate very slowly and gracefully not wanting to lose her empress-like bearing.


And after dinner, the two went on a digestive walk outside before deciding to sleep in another mansion.

They went to their room and Edam helped her to brush her long waterfall-like black hair. It was nearly a hobby or a passion of his to do that. It was relaxing for the both of them.

"Oh yeah, I have to go somewhere-…" With his eyes closed, he said softly.

"I want to tag along!" She immediately exclaimed without giving him time to say anything else.

"Yes, yes, I knew you would say that, and I planned to bring you along too, for a date maybe…?" He explained with a smile.

"Oh then…?" She looked at him and tilted her beautiful face.

"Hmm, well, the place I'm gonna go is not necessarily the most romantic place I know so…" Edam's face twitched slightly as he thought about it.

Hancock wasn't stupid and knew that he was surely speaking about a faraway place beyond humanity's scope. But for it to be labeled as unromantic, that had to be quite special. Thus she curiously inquired. 

"What is that place then?"

"Uh… Hell?" 

"..." There was a rather deep silence following this. Half a minute passed before Hancock's rosy lips parted and she spoke. "Wait a minute…"

"You want to take me on a date in Hell…?" Her voice was neutral and impossible to decipher her current emotions from it.

"Uh…?" He broke into sweats, thinking that was perhaps not so good of an idea finally.

"With our baby?"

"Yes?" Yup, that wasn't a good idea.

"You're really…" Hancock lifted her face and looked at him with surprise written all over her face. "Well… I guess it is fine…"

"It's okay then?" Thankfully she wasn't so angry it seems…



A smile more beautiful than anything and capable of putting to shame everything in existence, instantly blossoms on her gorgeous face. 

"I would gladly go to Hell with you!" 

This turn of phrase dumbstruck Edam for a moment. His heart skipped a beat somehow as a fuzzy and yet warm feeling rose up in his heart. It was indescribable and yet very welcomed.

He wanted to tell her how much he loved her but, the more he thought about it the more he realized that it was already a feeling that words couldn't possibly describe and emphasize.

"Have you already visited it before?" 

"Not at all, I never went there before…" He shook his head and smiled. "We're not in a hurry though, so let's go tomorrow shall we?"

"Hn, but what are we going there for?" Though she already had an idea but still decided to ask. The current events were a bit beyond what her mortal comprehension could grasp, she had a hard time believing it.

"I'm gonna retrieve my brother's soul, of course, that dumbass…" Edam said, still a bit pissed about it after assimilating and learning the reasons such a tragedy happened.

While it was noble of him to defend the old man's honor, couldn't he think about the other people who loved him?

Edam couldn't help but curse him although he knew better than anyone that he would have smacked the shit out of anyone who would've insulted Garp in front of him.

But, unlike Ace, he could afford it! He could because he was unrivaled in this world!

The strong rule, the weak die, an idiom which stands true wherever there are living beings possessing a soul and consciousness.


"I see…" She didn't know what he was gonna do and didn't put much thought into it. She knew better than anyone not to burden herself with problems. 

"Hmm?" After finishing brushing her hair, Edam looked beyond the mountain and looked at the moon. "It's pretty late now, let's sleep shall we?" 

Hancock's expression brightened at that, and her face was flushing a bit as she abruptly hugged his neck.

"...!?" Taken aback, Edam looked at her curiously and asked with a forced smile.

"Uh, Wifey?" He wanted to ask what happened, but seeing the odd and heated look in her gaze, he already got his answer.

"You can't possibly…?" He tried to probe if his assumptions was wrong but…

"Hn!" She nodded her head with a sweet smile.

"But what about the-…"

"It's fine, I already inquire about it, it's fine!"


"Hn!" An expectant glow flickered in her purple eyes.

"..." He was no saint, nearly nine months had passed in abstinence, and his little brother was now ready to pierce the high heaven again.


(A/N: sorry guys, I know I'm damn slow, but, I have a job and got to work, I'm tired everytime I come back and got no time to write much...")