Chapter 162: Free them, save them, help them.


That night… The full moon was shining its beautiful light upon this all-blue planet. Its silver light reflected on the blue sea in a mesmerizing manner. And it was especially true for a certain place.

For the masses, it was considered as the most sacred place in the world, owned and inhabited by the said descendants of the Gods.


It was truly beautiful in fact, each building and house or more like mansions were made of the most expensive, most precious, and most beautiful materials which could be found in the world.

But, never judge a book by its cover, don't be fooled by its appearance. The very depth of this sacred place was but a cover for the darkness hidden deep within it.

Just like the saying goes, the stronger the light, the darker the shadow. It did fit in this case. The celestial dragons were revered by all but also feared by all.

That night, they were all doing their things, both good or bad depending on one another…

Some were relieving their stress, their anger, and frustration with their slaves through various means. Means that could only question their humanity. However here in Marie Geoise, it was simply the norm, having lived in this way for centuries now. Being treated as divine beings corrupted most of them as they viewed their condition as a privilege only for them to enjoy.

Aside from that, the mysteries and secrets of Marie Geoise were many and pretty deep and mysterious too, with some contents related to the most intricate ancient secrets of this world.

All in all, in appearance, Marie Geoise was beautiful, truly… the only downside being two massive craters that went throughout the entire red mountain as if someone had gouged out the mountain clean. 

Nearly a year had passed since that incident, and the gashes were still there, with some trees and flowers having grown there. The top of the mountain being a very fertile place, it wasn't too weird for plants to grow there. It had formed a forest that covered the two holes.

The two enormous gashes were perfectly outlining the sacred city as if putting a limit to it or outright threatening it.

However, now, all that doesn't matter anymore… 


High up in the sky and below the silver moon, a single dark-pink-colored gash slowly tore the fabric of space like a piece of paper as a black-clothed figure slowly came out of it.

He wore a simple but cracked white mask that only revealed his two eyes which were shining an ominous pink light.

In his hand, a frightening pink-colored scythe made of divine energy and capable of cutting through the dimensions was held tightly. A feeling of absolute disdain for everything mortal naturally flowed out of it, after all, it was created for this sole purpose, to reject mortals.

The scythe's simple presence seemed to weigh down on the atmosphere and world itself as even the moon's heavenly body's outlining took on a sinister pink color.

The entirety of Marie Geoise was reflected in his pupils as he silently looked down on it.

His divine senses expanded and covered the whole city. Everything happening there was reflected in his lifeless eyes. At first glance and throughout his mask, there was no change in emotions that could be discerned on his face.

However, the same couldn't be said for his aura. His ki which was already very dark and ominous, to begin with only seemed to plunge even more into the depth of the abyss at the sight of these human deeds. He who in the past already considered humanity as a parasite that needed to be purged couldn't help but feel disgusted with them once more.

However, unlike before, judgment and punishment were no longer part of the divine duty he had self-bestowed, he was now merely the instrument of vengeance.

They didn't heed "his" warning and the angel of death was now descending upon them.

As he continued to look down, Black's eyes started to shine a very gloomy and eerie pink light.

In the coldness of this starry sky, and under the watch of the moon, he decided to take action and execute his Master's orders to the letter.


'To the letter' was the problem though… the orders were executed but the order was not quite fulfilled…



The next day, at the first sun rays.

Edam's crimson eyes slowly opened and saw that something was blocking his view. 

Blinking curiously, he saw that it was in fact two beautiful and bountiful mounds of white-pinkish flesh pressed on his face and giving off a scent more refreshing and in his opinion (as biased as it is) certainly better than even the purest air in the World of the Gods or squarely the entirety of Existence itself.

Taking a good sniff, a blissful expression formed on his face as he let his head fall into her breasts again, enjoying this sensation again.

"Ah… I had truly missed these two friends…" He said quietly with a naughty and happy smile.

"I heard you…" A muffled and sleepy voice then sounded out as Hancock's eyelashes fluttered and opened up to reveal her purplish and dreamy eyes as she pouted her lips.

"Hehe, of course, you heard, do you think I would speak in the void?" He teased but didn't even bother to lift his head, continuing to enjoy himself. 

"You…" Hancock didn't know what to say seeing how he was fondling and enjoying himself within her two breasts. "You really look like a child…"

"Ah, right." Edam suddenly raised his head from her smooth and comfy breasts and looked at her belly. 

"Hey there, little one… hope we didn't shake the nest too much…" Edam smiled cheekily.

(A/N: I search it up, and found out that it's actually totally safe to have sex even during pregnancy, wasn't very sure about it, but now I am 😅)

Smack! This earned him a small slap on his head as he plunged it into her chest again.

"Idiot…" Hancock glared at him and pinched his ear, though he couldn't care less about it.

"Cough anyway, shall we go?" Edam then raised a question remembering what he had planned for today.

"Nooo, wait, five minutes more, I'm not done sleeping and you always wake up very early…" She slightly complained and turned around to sleep.

"Ah…" Suddenly being robbed of his two cushions, Edam felt a void in his heart.

But then seeing the gorgeous beauty resting by his side of the bed, with just the blanket covering her silhouette. A smile couldn't help but be drawn to his lips before he yawned lazily.

Although for a being like him, sleeping was now an unnecessary thing to do, he simply chose to conserve this human trait. Having slept for most of this life, he came to appreciate naps and sleeps, even more with his love in his arms.

The mansion or villa or whatever you call it offered a view of the sea and the rising sun giving a magnificent panorama right at the start of the day.

Seeing that she was gonna sleep à little while longer, he decided to be the first to wake up. 

Standing up, he put on his underwear as he was currently naked and casually wrapped his body in a robe in the closet. He should have technically taken a shower since they had sex that night and directly went to sleep, but him being quite of a lazy ass in the morning, he simply opted to wash the dirt away with a splash of ki. 

He looked at the shining sun for a second before his attention was drawn toward another part of the island. Various sounds of explosions echoed from there.


With a sway of his body, he disappeared in a flash and instantly appeared behind Rayleigh who was observing Luffy fighting an enormous Ape.

"Focus on your senses! Don't try to see with your eyes, feel the intentions of your enemy!"

"Waaah…! I don't get it, It's too hard, old man!" Luffy by a hair strand the attacks of the Gorilla and ran for his life through the forest comically.

Seeing this, Edam wore a forced smile but was still a bit amused as he spoke. "Well, we're a long way huh…"

"Hmm?" Rayleigh looked over his shoulders, he had already noticed his arrival since the latter didn't bother to hide his presence.

Looking back at Luffy with his arms crossed, he said casually. "Well, he's got a good survival instinct…"

"As it should be…" Edam replied back quietly. Garp literally threw them in a forest at a very tender age to fend off for themselves. So yeah, their abilities to survive were very top-notch!

"Oh, what about yesterday night's event?" Rayleigh inquired curiously. The newspaper hadn't arrived yet, well, not like he had money to pay too, so…

"Hmm? Oh right… nearly forgot…" Edam smacked his forehead. 'Should I go check now…?'

"Black, come out…" Edam spoke softly and waited. It didn't take too long, two seconds at most for something to occur in response. 


The sky above the island abruptly darkened as dark clouds began to spiral downward as if a tempest was about to break out. 

But instead of that, Black Goku's dark-clothed figure emerged with the sound of thunder striking down following his descent looking very much like an end game's boss.

"Well, you do know how to make an entrance, don't you?" Edam forced a smile.

"Master…" Arriving down, Black swiftly and immediately kneeled on one knee.

"Master huh… Hmm… Your mind seemed to have cleared up quite a bit during this night huh…" He noticed that the latter was now uttering some words, although a bit timidly, proving that his soul was mending properly.

Wasn't he worried about something going wrong?

Not really, the last time, he had literally pulverized to pieces Black's soul. As an example, it was like a painting that started badly and became ugly. In a fit of anger, the painter threw a bucket full of white paint, dyeing it white. But because it's white, it is still somewhat possible to see the ancient and ugly painting through it.

"So… how did yesterday go?" 

Black then took off his mask, revealing his facial features and his emotionless face and empty eyes as he spoke in a soft and lifeless voice.

"As per the instructions, the beings known as celestial dragons that deserved to die have been eradicated…"

"Very well, good job…" Edam clapped his hand once in approval but then stopped in his tracks and tilted his head slightly. "Wait, only those that deserve? What about any potential enemies?" 

With the same emotionless voice, Black replied. "...Yes, there weren't any enemies there…"

"Huh? Are you sure about that?" Edam asked with a twitching and confused expression. 

"...Yes, after investigation, the beings known as celestial dragons don't see you as an enemy…"

After those words, realization finally struck Edam as he smacked his head again.

Ah, my bad…

"Okay, okay, I get it, sorry, it's my fault…" Edam smiled wryly.

It seems like he gave the wrong orders yesterday. He did ask him to kill any persons who see him as an enemy. But with his disgust of the celestial dragons he might have slipped up on his orders and actually just ordered Black to only kill the celestial dragons forgetting about the others.

And with the celestial dragons' way of life and arrogance which knew no bounds, it was actually probable that nearly none of them cared about him. They were beings that enjoyed and hated what was in front of them and were not ones to care about the future which was for them something guaranteed to be great and going according to their will.

Or at least, that was until yesterday…

Now the rules of the game had changed, the game master was up against an invincible virus that while normally passive was extremely violent and unstable when messed with.

"Very well, I will give you another task…" After pondering, Edam said with a profound look.

"..." Black Goku lowered his face and listened up.

"I want you to now go back there to free, save, and find a shelter for all the slaves there, can you that, it shouldn't be too difficult for you right?"


"Good, just go find an island, if there are pirates, kick them out and bring the people you saved there… in other words, help them…" Edam especially pronounced the last words. 

"...As you wish…" Black replied in his same lifeless voice.

Standing up, Black then put his mask on his face as his eyes glowed a pink light before he silently blinked away in an instant.

Marie Geoise, who was recovering from yesterday night's massacre, had a new surprise that morning.